UK Electrologist Referral >>> ATTN UK READERS

Concerned, it seems to me like you have completely by-passed other options. I get the impression that you have never had electrolysis??

It’s not that easy for UK practitioners. BIAE training is way, way behind America.

It’s not about improving. I have mentioned many times how good my electrologist is; she’s twice as fast as typical with blend with minimal skin reaction. She just does not have access to machines like the UK or training because the BIAE is still stuck in the past. I have had other BIAE trained electrologists try to tell me that the BIAE has ‘outlawed’ flash. What they don’t realise is that that is the old UK definition of flash and that with new technology, things have changed.

Personally, I think it’s much more worthwhile to get electrologists in the UK on the forward path. So many more people can get decent treatment and it can continue for many years to come.

James knows he is most welcome to Spain. What he does not know is that my center of Electrolysis (and one of my 3 Apilus) is available for any seminar or service he wishes to provide.

The floors are not marble. The paintings are not masterpieces. The doorman of the building is not very nice.
But the atmosphere is very pleasant and the cleanliness and hygiene are worthy of an operating room.

Its 112 m2 are located in the center of a city landmark, visited by millions of tourists a year. With an enviable climate that makes many of those tourists choose this city to live the last years of their lives (particularly the English).

The only drawback is that I personally think monopolize the presence of James if he decides to come (at least the first 3 0 4 days) :wink:

I really don’t see a downside to a vacation in Spain from the foggy and rainy UK :slight_smile:

stoppit&tidyup - I think we may have a slight difference of opinion here. Admittedly I do not know a lot about electrolysis and have only had 1 session however I am not in the business of hair removal myself. The way I reason is, and I think I reason like the average person, I am not really interested in why the UK lacks behind in hair removal. From reading up on the subject (and speaking to James) I have learnt that with up to date technology and high standards the process is more efficient and has less temporary effects on the skin. Now, if I have come to this conclusion and don’t really now much about the process, I can only assume that UK practitioners also know this. The real reason why we do not have these machines in the UK is because no-one in the UK has them so business carries on and the proprietors have no reason to invest because there are no other options. It is true that some practitioners would like them and can do excellent work but the reality is that business is just fine without because we do not alternative options (or very limited options). As with most things it just comes down to profit.

Now, whilst it would be really nice (and by the way I admire the way you think) to revolutionise the UK hair removal industry this will not happen. You will show them the benefits (which they know), they will do the costings, and then see no need to invest because it will only decrease their profits in the short term. Without meaning to sound blunt I want to be treated by James because I am of the opinion that he is an expert. It is no different to phoning a taxi company and if they offer you a very good car such as a BMW, but then tell you that you could get a Ferrari, you would choose the Ferrari (unless you have something against Italian motors :))

I imaging that for James it has to be worthwhile coming to the UK , both in terms of him enjoying demonstrating his skill but also financially because unless I’m mistaken he is not a charity organisation. If James wants to come here and hold seminars etc that’s fine, but ultimately I think that the biggest benefit would be for James to do the work on us so we can at least know what good work is. Then we can make an educated decision as to whether or not the UK and US are at the same level in terms of skill because at the moment I can’t make that call.

I have spent time reading this website and have noticed there are other people in the UK who would also like the opportunity to be worked on by James hence the reason why I started this topic.

If in a few months James thinks that this is working well he may decide to branch out in the UK, train people, pick the best staff and give them the best tools, although this may just be wishful thinking, and if this is the case I would gladly assist and facilitate it.

The bottom line is that I want to be treated by James or someone on par with him. If people in the UK are on the same page I will arrange this and I WILL make it happen and if everyone pitches in then everyone can enjoy the same benefit provided James is happy with the arrangement.

If this is not the case, and we are simply taking about different things please let me know now because we are not going to be able to move this forward.

Can’t we just invite James to the UK on the basis of holding seminars to train people? Because he is a expert and no one has his skill here e.g. we are advertising a course or event called “how to repeat blah amount of hairs per minute” as a catchy title and obviously no one in the UK can do that which is why we are inviting someone from overseas.

James can charge for seminar attendance. I doubt anyone does them for free. I know at least 3 electrologists that would gladly pay to attend. Get the BIAE involved and you could advertise to all the registered users to attend. I think you are greatly mistaken as to why the UK doesn’t offer the same level of electrolysis; it’s because many electrologists just do not know about it.

It seems to me like you are just interested in getting James here for your own treatment and would like people to join up to make it affordable for you. Which is fair enough as they would benefit as well. But unless the costs are kept in line with what I can achieve with the same amount of money with my current electrologist, I wouldn’t be able to participate.

I’m not denying James’ expertise. I will be in Boston in November for work and plan to take a trip to Buffalo. But I also have a very good electrologist here in the UK. When my sister started electrolysis, given the level of her facial hair, we thought “Gosh, she’s never going to make progress” - that’s when I contacted James because it would be much more beneficial for her to have one or two clearances from him. Until we could see him, we decided we would carry on with our electrologist and now a few months on, she’s made really good progress. So even though we’d still very much like to be treated by someone with faster, more kind equipment, for at least 1 full clearance, there urgency we felt earlier is no longer there.

Therefore, I think that if for some reason you cannot make this work in terms of getting James here on a regular basis to treat a number of clients, there are still other very worthwhile things that can be done in terms of educating UK electrologists.

Yes I think they could pay for his workshop and it would be very beneficial for the electrologists here and perhaps they would even buy the newer machines. But it does have to work out as stoppit mentioned, otherwise it’d be easier to just go to Spain. James could come there instead. : )

Yes, my number one priority would be for James to come here so that I could be treated by him. I do not mean to sound selfish however the reality is, if I did not have strong views either way, I would not have been prepared to put the effort in to try to get James to visit us. I wasn’t trying to mislead anyone and thought others could benefit in the same way.

This is a quote from the 1st thread I posted:
“Also please note that I do not want to profit from this. My motive is to be treated by the best, and to make this financially viable would like the assistance of others in the UK in the same situation.”

If I am the only one here who sees the benefit in this, I will make other arrangements privately with James however I initially wanted to discuss it on the open forum in case others wanted to participate but did not want to initiate and organise it.

With regards your comment about “many electrologists just do not know about it” I don’t take this in a positive way. If I know about it after a month of reading up, surely someone who does this for a living should. If I went to a doctor, and he gave me a course of medication that cured my condition that worked, but was unaware of a better medication that cured my condition quicker with less side effects that existed but due to lack of knowledge he didn’t know about it… I would be very annoyed to say the least.

Don’t get me wrong, I think your ideas are great and the long term benefits are also great and I wish you the very best of luck (and also to your sister) however for me, I just want to be treated by someone who is knowledgeable enough and doesn’t require their clients to do all their home work for them.

In any case, I will keep you posted on this forum just in case something comes up that would be of interest to you.

If anyone is still interested in commissioning the legendary James for work rather than seminars, please let me know.

Seminars could help reduce the cost. : ) Say if they were organised at times where no one was getting treatment, it could help all of us. That’s how I see it. I’m still interested just as long as it’s in my budget as I don’t have much money but if it works out a good price I’m for it.

I’m sure he wouldn’t mind that!

What I’m hearing is, the first goal is to get down to business and get treatment from James.

The second goal is long term. As I suggested above, get a [u]SEMINAR[/u} going with James as it really should center around bringing information to any UK electrologists that are interested in “bringing it up” from the stale white bread stuff that has always been taught in the past about how to do electrolysis. Times have changed because there is better technology. James could do treatments and teach while he is there. He can be the electrologist you hire to do your work and he can TEACH the electrologists, who live near you, that want to expand and soar beyond what they are doing now. Planning for the short term as well as the long term is a smart strategy. It is very hard to travel for most people. You need local coverage because electrolysis is a series of sessions. United Kingdom electrologists have it within their power to listen and to take a look at approaching electrolysis care in a different way, whether it be on their own effort or through their association organizing hands on training.

Lastly, I think this thread is really neat! You would think that professionals would 'bring it up" themselves and the consumer could just walk in, lay down, and get that hair off asap, with good tolerance and good skin reaction, but group think takes over and that is not good for the consumer. Businesses succeed when they get feedback from the consumer and there is competition. I am jazzed that this thread is consumer-driven. Good things happen when the consumer in the market place demands a better product or service. It happens here in America and hopefully it can happen in the great UK!


You could all also pitch in and buy that good electrologist at Parkside Beauty an Apilus machine. A used one wouldn’t be that expensive. That would also be cheaper. Though I would still choose to vacation in Spain every 6 weeks instead :wink:

Like an Apilus Platininum or Pure or Silhouet Tone VMC (hint, hint). There are other brands and others may list the ones they like. I have experienced the ones mentioned, so those are the brands and Models I like a lot.

hi concerned, i want to confirm my interest. i have been looking at this site for years because of the knowledge and advice of the many posters and stories similar to my own. i joined mainly to reply to you. it is my dream to be treated by james or someone of similar skill. i admire you for trying to make this a reality :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t use the word aggressive, but Josefa treats in a way in which you get maximum numbers of hairs treated in that time with good effect in order to get a good value for the amount of money spent for that treatment time.

Josefa charged about £50 an hour (converted from euros) and my electrologist charges £55 if I buy a 9 hour package. Now I’d want to know how many hairs can be treated by both so I can see whether a trip to Spain would really be worth it or not (it would be though, I know that).

I’m hoping to go Spain.

The last night I had a dream. I dreamed I was working side by side with James W. Walker. Is this a sign? Maybe. It was a beautiful dream.

I received a visit from our friend HZI (Switzerland). He will work himself. I know that everything will be fine, because I have been inserted and he is very clever. Soon he will be free of all unwanted hairs. He is currently enjoying the sea with my son and his friends.

Good trip back home “HZI”. It was a pleasure to meet you.


My dear Jossy:

I have yet to make good on my promise to our mutual friends Fran & Fran to visit and return the favor of mutually exchanged hospitality. I am sure that I will still have a few hairs for you to take off my chinny, chin, chin should I get the chance to walk the beaches with you all.

I don’t know that I will ever work in Spain, but I sure want to work towards visiting my friends in your part of the world.

And we could all go there and be treated by you both! Cheaper all the way round.

Yes Peace, James in the arm and I on another. Over 80% of arm hairs eliminated in a single morning. The same would be on the legs below the knee.
He on one side of the back of a man and I on another one day would be enough to make the first clearance.

To you, my dear James, you just have to put yourself. We can take care of everything else here. You’d have a nice office to work. I could have a comfortable bed pleglable to settle. You’d have a good kitchen (very clean) for when you do not want to go to lunch. There is a bathroom with a huge tub to relax when you’re tired. Air conditioning in all rooms. Anyway, James, everything, everything you deserve. There’s even an Internet connection!
To all those who want to be treated by James. Only pay cost them a plane ticket from Buffalo to Malaga.
And to all UK electrologist who want to receive training from James. This is a great opportunity. I can not do more. If it may be before October 2010, this is when the season begins hard work.

Good luck to everyone.

Ah, I forgot. James, you know I have some spare needle holder, but just in case, bring one of yours.

And do not forget your swimsuit!!!

depilacionelectr - that is an extremely kind offer !!! THANKS.

We should soooo go to Spain!