stoppit&tidyup - I think we may have a slight difference of opinion here. Admittedly I do not know a lot about electrolysis and have only had 1 session however I am not in the business of hair removal myself. The way I reason is, and I think I reason like the average person, I am not really interested in why the UK lacks behind in hair removal. From reading up on the subject (and speaking to James) I have learnt that with up to date technology and high standards the process is more efficient and has less temporary effects on the skin. Now, if I have come to this conclusion and don’t really now much about the process, I can only assume that UK practitioners also know this. The real reason why we do not have these machines in the UK is because no-one in the UK has them so business carries on and the proprietors have no reason to invest because there are no other options. It is true that some practitioners would like them and can do excellent work but the reality is that business is just fine without because we do not alternative options (or very limited options). As with most things it just comes down to profit.
Now, whilst it would be really nice (and by the way I admire the way you think) to revolutionise the UK hair removal industry this will not happen. You will show them the benefits (which they know), they will do the costings, and then see no need to invest because it will only decrease their profits in the short term. Without meaning to sound blunt I want to be treated by James because I am of the opinion that he is an expert. It is no different to phoning a taxi company and if they offer you a very good car such as a BMW, but then tell you that you could get a Ferrari, you would choose the Ferrari (unless you have something against Italian motors :))
I imaging that for James it has to be worthwhile coming to the UK , both in terms of him enjoying demonstrating his skill but also financially because unless I’m mistaken he is not a charity organisation. If James wants to come here and hold seminars etc that’s fine, but ultimately I think that the biggest benefit would be for James to do the work on us so we can at least know what good work is. Then we can make an educated decision as to whether or not the UK and US are at the same level in terms of skill because at the moment I can’t make that call.
I have spent time reading this website and have noticed there are other people in the UK who would also like the opportunity to be worked on by James hence the reason why I started this topic.
If in a few months James thinks that this is working well he may decide to branch out in the UK, train people, pick the best staff and give them the best tools, although this may just be wishful thinking, and if this is the case I would gladly assist and facilitate it.
The bottom line is that I want to be treated by James or someone on par with him. If people in the UK are on the same page I will arrange this and I WILL make it happen and if everyone pitches in then everyone can enjoy the same benefit provided James is happy with the arrangement.
If this is not the case, and we are simply taking about different things please let me know now because we are not going to be able to move this forward.