Silkn Reviews !

Fashionfan1 of email address has been banned for spammy Silk’N posts with no creadible consumer input. One need only click on the poster’s name, and then click “view Posts” to see just how spammy this poster was. But at least no spammy links to scammy pages were attempted to be slipped in.

I can’t believe the amount of feedback on this forum regarding the SIlkn and all hair removal methods - great site. I wanted to share some thought around the Silkn. A few friends, some male and female, have started a to document some of our experiences using various methods of hair removal. One of the girls did professional laser treaments, others are using temporary methods such as body groomers and I am testing out the Silkn, note I am male. I have been using for six months and so far the results have surprised me. Like many people I was skeptical but in early 2009 I decided to order one and give it a try. Worst-case, I was out a $800 - best case it worked.

I have doing a full technical cost analysis to compare to regular laser hair treatments. Now my girlfriend who has done the regular treatments at a doctor’s office had quicker and better results, but considering the cost as well as the convenience, I am happy with the silkn. So far I have seen around 80% reduction on my armpits and around 60% reduction in the pubic region. How i gauge this is obviously visually but I noticed the time between shaving these areas is getting longer. I would have to shave my armpits at least every 2nd day to stay smooth and my pubic region every other day and now I can go a 2-weeks between shavings in the armpits and a 1.5 weeks shaving the pubic region. I use the point in the shaving process where it gets annoying and you just have to do it - the Silkn is definitely extending that time.

Based on what I have seen, professional treatments are faster and the results are better. I have heard that even with professional treatments they are not permanent and the hair can still grow back. I don’t think the Silkn is permanent, but seems to be minimizing.

You can read the full analysis of my experience using the Silkn at,

We will contribute more to this forum on some of our experiences, there are a small group of us that all venture into our own hair removal ways.

Oh god not another boast of the Silk’n. That’s great it’s working for you, but you’re forgetting the key factor, you haven’t stopped using it! The Silk’n is basically just like waxing, it is NOT permanent. Not going to get into it all since we’ve explained this many times on here but it’s no where near powerful enough to be permanent. That’s great that it is working for you though, but you have to realize it’s just temporarily disabling the hair, it’s not permanent. You can’t judge how well it works until you stop using it for at minimum 6 months. I guarantee the hair will all come back so just be ready for that.

Hi edokid,

you are probably right about the regrowth, but even my friend who has had professional laser treatments has needed to go back for touchups. For Silkn I have definitely seen a reduction, but agree with you it is likely not permanent. After 1 full-year of usage, I will be stopping the usage for 6-months to see how fast the results I have seen go away. By the start of 2011 I will be able to post - what happens after 6-months of not using the silkn after 1-year of using it. Will be interesting to see the results and likely you may be right about your guarantee that the hair will come back - time will tell and I will post the results of it.

From my understanding the only real hair removal procedure is electrolysis - unfortunately none of the friends I know who use various hair removal procedures do electrolysis as a method.

Laser is only not permanent if it’s done by someone who doesn’t have experience or if it’s on the wrong hair type since has has to be dark and coarse for it to work. Touchups are normal, but keep in mind hair treated with a laser is gone forever, any hair that comes back is new hair growing. This could be due to hormones for example but it’s not that same hair coming back.

I owned the Silk’n for around 6 months and did treatments every 2 weeks. I’m male, light skin and dark hair. I did it on my underarms, and had absolutely no results. Did it on pubic area as well, really same thing. The only place I had any results were the tops of my hands, there the hair was gone and didn’t come back. After using it 6 months though every 2 weeks with no results aside from my hands, I decided to sell it and just do professional treatments. About a month later the hair was all back on my hands.

Electrolysis is the only guaranteed 100% removal as it can remove all hair types, from gray, blonde, fine, dark etc, it has no limitations like laser does. From what I’ve seen most clinics aren’t very experienced in laser, or they say they do laser hair removal but it’s actually IPL for example.

(Btw it’s cool to see another guy as into hair removal as I am and not just using it for the regular areas like chest!)

Silk’n won’t give you permanent results. Stop treatments for 6+ months and you’ll be able to judge permenency better.

Professional treatments give permanent results as long as the settings used were high enough to disable the follicle permanently. Touchups are not needed in that case. Touchups after permanent results are only for NEW hair that your body may develop.

LAgirl - this is the plan. We will use until June of this year and then and do a post in January 2011 as to the results after 6-months. Will make sure to post on your forum. We are doing lots of research on places to get laser hair removal done in Canada, so might be asking your readers for recommendations -

great site and forum btw, some great conversations going here and an incredible amount of information - kudos.

I just found this site and have been lurking here a little while. I’ve seen the skeptical – “it’s not permanent” comments about Silk’n – and thought I’d just put my 2 cents in about Silk’n.

I have removed ALL of the hair on my body below my neck w/Laser and Silk’n. I had 6 laser treatments on my arms, underarms and nipples and 4 out of 6 treatments on my full legs w/laser administered at a NeoSkin (now defunct) location in San Francisco over 2 years ago. The leg treatments were terminated prematurely because of NeoSkin’s bankruptcy. Sorry, I don’t remember what machine was used. The settings were low to medium because I got burn/rash reactions to higher settings. I’m male, my skin type is IV and my hair color is black.

The Laser treatments removed about 80-90% of the hair on my underarms, arms, nipples and legs and I needed further treatment to get rid of the rest of the hair. I heard about Silk’n and decided to buy it to “touch” up the areas that were already treated by Laser and to treat other areas never treated w/Laser. I didn’t know if Silk’n would really “work” or not, but thought it was worth a try in order to save some money.

Well, I’ve been using Silk’n for over 2 years since my Laser treatments and, believe it or not, virtually ALL of my hair is now gone from my legs, arms, nipples and legs. If I see any more hair in these areas, it is only a few sparsely placed VERY fine hairs which are only noticeable on very close inspection with a magnifying glass. I usually don’t even bother re-treating the fine hairs and just shave them when I’m in the shower, which really isn’t necessary, but I like the idea of being totally smooth and do it anyway.

Now, I guess you’d be be “technically” correct if you said that Silk’n still really isn’t permanent, because I’m still getting these fine hairs, but practically speaking Silk’n has worked because virtually all of the hair is gone w/o any regrowth and any hairs that regrow are basically unnoticeable. I expect that after continual re-treatment even the fine hairs would finally disappear as well, but, like I said, I don’t think that is really necessary. So, I’m happy!

BTW, I usually used setting 3 out of 5 on all body areas weekly until I saw that the hair was not regrowing and then treated the area(s) again when I saw any noticeable regrowth. I initially tried using settings 4-5 and got skin burn/discoloration that went away over time w/o any permanent damage. I still got some skin burn/discoloration on my upper chest, upper arms and legs at setting 3, but it also went away in time w/o any permanent damage.

FYI, I’ve also used Silk’n over the past year to remove ALL of my pubic, penile, scrotal and perineum hair. I only used Sik’n on these body parts (no Laser or other treatment was applied to them) and (believe it or not) ALL of the hair there is GONE, has not regrown and I have not had to retreat these areas over the past 6 months. So, FWIW, Silk’n hair removal in these areas has been permanent for me!

I also just started using Silk’n to treat my neck and face about a month ago. I do not have a very thick beard but I’m just tired of shaving so I thought I’d give it a try. As far as I can tell, it’s working there too. My facial and neck hair is regrowing more slowly and I’ve notice some areas clearing and becoming softer to the touch. My face does not look “patchy” because I do not have that much facial hair to begin with and the hair does not regrow fast enough to create a shadow.

Unfortunately, I have a lot of white hair mixed in with the black hair on my face & neck. Neither Silk’n (nor Laser) will be able to get rid of the white hair and I probably will have to resort to electrolysis to get rid of that. The only reason I found this site was because I was doing a search to find information about electrolysis. I’ve already found out about “One Touch” here and may try that (or professional electrolysis) after I get rid of the black hair on my face & neck with Silk’n.


This just sounds like another marketing post. Either way, Silk’n is not permanent even if you say you’ve stopped for 6 months. There’s nothing in the Silk’n that could even treat hair well enough to be permanent. I used it on my pubic area and underarms when I had it, and after 3 months of using it every 2 weeks (sometimes few times a week) I had zero shedding at all. I also tried it on my face with zero results and have yet to hear anyone on here actually get results from Silk’n aside from those that work for the company. If it did work for you then that’s great but I’m very skeptical.

Do you have photos of this success? Also, whatever was left after your professional treatments I assume was fine to begin with?

I have no financial interest in Silk’n, have never worked for Silk’n and do not sell Silk’n or any of it’s products.

It’s worked for me and that’s all that matters to me. Wouldn’t say it worked if it didn’t. Not sure why it hasn’t worked for you, but just want others, who have an open mind about the product, to be willing to give it a try if other methods do not work for them.


I really do not need to prove my success to you or anyone else.

I’m just reporting my personal experience in order to offset the apparent “it doesn’t work” bias against Silk’n that I saw as a new user on this Forum. As I said above, I would not claim Silk’n worked for me, if it didn’t. The Laser treatments only eliminated 80-90% of the hair treated. I used Silk’n to complete the process for my underarms, arms, legs & nipples. I used Silk’n alone to treat my pubic, penile, scrotal and perineal hair. Except for the small amount of sparsely spread and very fine hair mentioned previously, I appear entirely hairless.

I do not have any interest in posting any pics of myself – hairless or not – here or anywhere else on the Net. However, if you (or any other skeptics) are ever in the SF Bay Area, I’d be happy to meet you to allow you to personally inspect the body parts in question – for strictly “scientific” purposes, of course! :cool:


Look here’s the deal. A lot of people on here have tried the Silk’n and none, myself included, have got any results from it. Then every once in awhile, someone comes on here who just happened to join the site that day and their very first post is about how the Silk’n is so great and how they never shave and are totally hair free. So you can see why we’re all skeptical on here over it’s results. I’ll admit your post sounds most genuine as most are just people saying “I love the Silk’n I used it a 2 years ago and I’ve never had to shave since!”

The main issue with your statement as well is that you say you’ve done permanent laser sessions which removed 80-90% of the hair. By that point, only very fine hair should be left, which professional laser can’t see. This is when most people switch to electrolysis. So the fact that the Silk’n which is 100x weaker than a professional laser, could zap those remaining hairs permanently, it’s just not plausible. If you had said you use it every month or so to maintain, then it would be more likely.

Again as I said if it works for you then great. Here’s my problem though. I’m male, skin type 3, with normal guy hair. I used the Silk’n on my underarms, and pubic area. Being male, skin type 3, and those regions which obviously are dark and coarse, I should be the perfect candidate for laser in those regions, yet I had 0 results and no shedding. So regardless of whether the Silk’n did happen to work for you, the fact that it did nothing on me the ideal candidate, shows me that it would have an even worse effect on a woman for example who’s hair is even finer than a guys.

Now as for the One Touch, that does work but it’s very annoying to use and almost too time consuming to be even worth it. It’s painful, and takes at least a minute per hair to treat, since you have to get the probe in properly, then leave it in 15-30 seconds before the hair slides out, then remove the hair and move on. Even on the smallest areas which seem like no big deal, do that on 10 hairs and see how much patience you have!

I didn’t join this Forum to praise the benefits of Silk’n.

I’ve had my say and you can take it for what it’s worth to you – which is obviously nothing. I just wanted to report my experience with the product which obviously has been much different than yours (and apparently that of others). Any further discussion would be moot, given our difference experiences.

I actually joined to get info on electrolysis to deal with the white hairs on my face and neck. I didn’t know about One Touch until I read about it on this Forum. So, it was worth joining just for that.

I have a great deal of patience – one of the other body modification practices (other than hair removal) that I’ve been engaged in is foreskin restoration (FR). If you know anything about that, you’ll know that it requires extreme patience and dedication to achieve any results. I’ve been engaged in FR for YEARS and have achieved partial coverage (when I had none before), but still have a long ways to go to achieve complete coverage.

Spending a minute or 2 removing a hair at a time with One Touch (or any other electrolysis device) will be a piece of cake, in comparison. :wink:

Swingshift: OneTouch shouldn’t be used on the face. It’s way too finicky and there is only minimal control over the flow of current. It doesn’t have a way to moderate the voltage based on moisture and conductivity of the tissue the way most higher-level machines do. It is also more likely to leave red marks or scars than a higher quality machine, especially on a face. I’ve probably used the OneTouch machine more than anyone you’ll ever find, and I think that if you’re patient you can do it, but only for body work.

I am also surprised that your results with Silk’n conflict with what is scientifically known about hair removal and this product, but maybe you are just very lucky and I don’t think you are lying :slight_smile: Nobody here is trying to call you a liar, we value your honest feedback. But you can’t blame us for wanting proof. We’re just curious (and always eager to find new methods that actually work). That doesn’t mean you OWE us proof, but we’ll remain skeptical without it. No big deal. Just the way scientific inquiry works, right? :slight_smile:

Swingshiftworker, if you want information on Foreskin Restoration, I know someone who did it and got a perfect result. (well, at least he did, after having a botched procedure by one well known doctor, and having it redone by another less well known one.) Maybe he could save you some time.

I agree with Kitty. DYI electrolysis shouldn’t be done on the face. Even professional electrologists don’t do their own faces. It’s too hard to do proper insertions without potential permanent side effects.

So, given your and Kitty’s response, do you have any recommendations for a well-qualified electrolysis professional who does facial hair removal in the SF Bay Area?

Joanie from Hayward used to post here. I don’t know any others, but there have been a number of posts from others getting treatments in the area. Try running a search on the forum for various cities in the area. It would help to know where in the Bay as well if you’re not willing to commute absolutely anywhere.

Hey …I had the same experince with silk’n i had some unwanted facial hair n it worked it went away the machine wasnt mine but my friend’s who bought it …i dont have the money so for my face it actually really worked i cant talk about other body parts because i havent tried but thats the deal