Silkn Reviews !

Is it your testimony “CandyMandy” that you used the Silk’n ONE TIME and had zero regrowth on your facial hair?

Candy, do you have any specifics on your treatments? You have to understand that it looks suspicious when your only post on a forum is promoting a product and without any specifics on your treatments. How many, how long has it been since the last one, what did you experience in between, your skin type, settings, hair type, etc.


It sounds more like a Spamimony than a testimony.

If it worked that well then there would be no need for either
laser clinics or electrolysis practitioners.

Being it was the first and probably only post it smells fishy!


I highly doubt it Candy. I’m male with dark coarse facial hair. I did a test spot on my cheek, firing the Silk’n 3 times in a row, every few days for almost a month, I had zero shedding! And no I’m not some special exception to laser, when I go in the same spot for a professional treatment I get full shedding. If you’re female then even a professional laser is usually not going to work on your face…

I posted a message in the Electrolysis Referral sub-forum for a referral in the SF Bay Area.

I’m retired and can travel anywhere w/in the greater SF Bay Area (Sacramento to San Jose) to get treatments, as long as the treatments are only once a week to once a month. I found a reference to an electrologist in Sacramento (Lisa Stephens, CPE) that I am considering following up on, but only after I get rid of the black hair on my face first. If Silk’n doesn’t work doing that, I’ll get laser treatments to get that done and then I’ll find any electrologist to take care of the white hairs.


PS: I now see your point about suspicious 1x posters praising Silk’n.

You can also do your own research on a site like and by using the electrolysis forum sticky post with links on finding an electrologist. You should be looking for someone using thermolysis method (fastest) if possible and a newer modern computerized epilator like Apilus.

You’d have to go in for longer treatments and often (1-2 weeks) at first to clear the hair you want gone fast. Then you just got in when the new hair appears (every 2-3 weeks, then slows down to once a month or so).

This isn’t about DIY laser, but we were talking about the OneTouch a few posts ago. I used it again on my foot last night and timed myself, I was able to do 15 hairs in 10 minutes, so 1.5 hairs per minute to give you an idea of how fast you can go with it. Maybe this is common knowledge but I stopped using it because I found it was a pain to get at the root of the hair, there were always other hairs in the way that I’d have to move and so on. The hairs are all curly so they kept overlapping each other. When I was doing my Tria experiment, I shaved my foot to do it. The hair has grown back, but only a few mm above the surface so it was WAY easier to do the One Touch. So just a tip if anyone does it, use clippers or something and shave the hair so it’s still long but maybe half the original length. Makes it much much easier. Not tons of hair on the top of my foot but I did it for maybe 20-25 minutes or so and removed half. My leg was completely asleep and couldn’t take anymore though so i’ll do more today!

It must be hard to do your own foot! I can only imagine the awkward position you’d have to be in, in order to get a good view. I don’t think I could see follicles all the way down on my foot without some serious magnification and contortions. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello to all!

I have read almost all the post regarding these home laser systems.
This is my story.

I am 23 male. I have quite hairy chest and abdomen, but I am not really bother with that. What bother me is hair started to grow on my back. I really hate it.
Now I am trying to look for my options. I must highlight what I am looking for.

I am not necessarily look for permanent hair removal, more like something what I can manage and for me that is like being 2 months w/o shaving or waxing. Also I am not necessarily look that all my hair must go, more I am looking to reduce it to some level.

What I am looking for is something that could help me to be happy for 2 month time without embracement of taking my shirt off.

I don’t have any experience in these devices, apart what I have read. Silkn looks to me like maybe possible solution. It would be great if I could use something which will make me not perfectly smooth, but at least without immediate visual effect of my hairy back.

I am asking anybody willing to help me. Could Silkn provide me solution (less painful way of waxing - I was doing it on my chest - it was very painful, hopefully longer effect, and WITHOUT problems of undergrowth hair - I really hate that one). I am not prefer to go to prof service.
How much bulbs would I need if I am just treating my back area (let say for 1 year).

I am posting also two pictures of my hairy back. Thx to all who help me.

If you filled in your location, we might be able to give you some names of people in your area who can help you.

This would be an easy job for someone like Arlene, Dee, The Gior family, or myself.

While I usually tell people that back work comes in with a +/-12 hour first clearance I think yours would be +/-6, and then you could settle in with once every 6 to 8 week reclearances, and be done in about 12 months. After all, you are only looking to remove the hair that would be dark and visible from a conversational distance away. Am I correct?

Yeah, you are totally right. I just want to be able to go let say in public swimingpool without catching the strange looks from people.

Well, I am not in US, I am living in London. I have found prof here (they are using GentleLASE).

12 horse ?! That really sounds very long. I saw on websites they are clamming they are doing back in 2-3 horse. Could it be ?

Thank you very much for you help. How much would you charge for one treatment like this, just to have some reference.

I was quoting Electrolysis treatment times.
Electrolysis is a more sure treatment, it just doesn’t fit in with the quick and dirty instant gratification desires of the current culture.

What I have discussed would cost between 300 and 600 US dollars in the states. I don’t know the possibilities in your area, as we are only just starting to have an impact on how work is done there.

When it comes to light based systems, the best you can hope for is reduction, but the upper back is prone to stimulation, so it is not a good bet for Light Based treatments.

O right.

Is electrolysis treatment more painful than Laser?
I wouldn’t be too unhappy if I could reach reduction by 70-80% with 5-6 treatments. Do you think it is realistic in my case ?

Sensation in electrolysis is dependent on many variables. Some combinations would make it less painful than Light Based Systems, other combinaitions would make it more painful. Either way, it is for sure more reliable.

You could expect about a +/-20% reduction from each full clearance.

James: You estimate 6 hours just for the first clearance alone, but you quote as low as $300 for the whoooole project. Does that mean you charge less than $50 an hour? I’ll be honest with you, for a deal like that, I may just schedule a trip to see you, haha!

my estimate was just for the one clearance, as he stated he just wanted to reduce it some. That price was based on a range of average charges across the country. It was not an estimate of what one would pay if I were doing the work. It might be more, it might be less, per clearance based on how fast we can clear the area.

As for you coming in to see me, you never know what kind of “friends and family discount” you might get unless you come on down. :wink:

I have been using Silkn for 1 year . I first triad tria. it has a very small applicaiton area, so I continued with Silk’n. it has been 6 sessions

simply it shifts effect of shaving to waxing. it makes shaving results more long lasting .

negative sides:

1- very expensive. for each lamp costs like 50 euros. it means every session for whole body costs 50 euros.

2- after 6 sessions I am not still sure if i will get permenant results

positive sides

1-it is very easy to use

2-it is fast to use.

3-it makes skin hairless and like it is waxed after using it

shaving results has long term result. after just shaving hair return after one 1 week. with silkn it returns in 1-2 months

there is a hope that with good and regular application .it can supply permanant results. nothing can stands for this pain and burnings after many sessions.

Hair removal is a big thing today. I know people are looking for the right device for hair removal but please don’t make expensive mistake. the only device that is already well known all over the world is the Silk’n. you can find the best deals at silk’n international
for more help send me a message at any time.