If you going to make such accusatory statements, then back it up with verifiable evidence so one can take you seriously. I see this as blah, blah, blah rhetoric that anyone can make up or embellish upon. Prove without a doubt what you accuse others of or be treated the same way.
fair comment dfahey.
you know as well as it is difficult to prove many things ‘without a doubt’ but i will either clarify any assertion i make as an opinion or back it up with evidence, and i challenge anyone else to do the same.
let’s break what i said down:
‘i can assure you that academia, or any other human institution that is so stalwartly populated with some of the most massive intellectual egos on the planet, is as full of bias as the professional medical community’
shouldn’t have said ‘i can assure you’, since this merely my personal opinion, but i am speaking as someone who is an academic working in an academic environmnent.
‘furthermore, in the modern academic climate, academic researchers are often receiving direct funding from for-profit corporations (yes, it’s true!)’
i was hoping to find a study breaking down the funding sources of academia-based research, but i hope you’ll be satisfied with a few links corroborating the above:
A document about the decline of unfettered research in academia
If you have a nature subscription you can read this very useful article described by this abstract
“anyone who got a PhD in science or engineering 40 years ago will tell you the same story, universities are more beholden to corporate interests than ever before!”
ok, i’ll admit, that’s a pretty broad generalization, but i’ve been told this very thing by at least a dozen science/engineering PhDs nearing the end of their careers. your experience in asking such an individual may vary, but i encourage anyone to do so.
thanks for checking me dfahey – more comments like yours keep us all honest.
I’ll have to peruse this later when I have time. I have link in mind for you as well. I’ll follow up later.
Okay people…listen up!
After wanting to try one of these at home laser hair removal machines, i finally bought one (Silk’n). I have been using the silk’n for a little more then a month now and have been through 3 session where i have used it on my chest, abdomen, front of my neck and forearms. After 3 session i would say that 90-95% of the hair on my forarms has been zapped away…but for how long is the real question…2nd place goes to my neck , where i would say i have about a 70% reduction. 3rd place goes to my abdomen, where i have had patches of no hair regrowth for about a 55-50% reduction. And last but not least my chest gets 4th. I have had some patches of no hair regrowth, but i will say overall the hair grow back less dense for about at 35% hair reduction.
To sum up my results so far, i will make it quite easy for you to all understand. The Silk’n laser has worked best on finer hairs on my body. the hair on my arms is brown/very light black and is fairly fine. On my neck, the hair comes alittle more course, but still isnt that thick. As for my stomach and chest, the hair gets courser respectivly.
To recap my feelings on my journey so far, i would have to say VERY pleased after 3 results on my forarms and neck, but for my stomach and chest, not so much. However, there is still hope becuase i have only done three treatments. If anyone has had any results and or pointers on the use of the Silk’n please do post, becuase i am eager to learn.
Hi, I’m new to the forum and I thought I would add a review of the silkn. I am a transitioning MTF. I would describe my body hair as a light to medium hairy. I purchased the silkn a few months ago. An issue I had with the machine is that it makes you use a low setting for the first few applications, wasting the life of your first bulb. The lower settings were pretty ineffective on my hair as I had only a slight delay in regrowth (maybe a day or two). I upped the setting to the maximum and had better results. I can see how after many uses this could reduce the amount of body hair, however I’m not sure how cost effective it is. The unit that is placed on the skin is small and does a little square (maybe 1.5 inches). It takes many applications to get complete coverage of the legs. I found replacement bulbs on Ebay for around 65$. Thats about 15$cheaper than most sights.It doesn’t hurt at all and it is very easy to use.
Bottom Line:
Modest Results (maybe a 15% reduction in hair) after 8 applications
I’m not sure if the results are permanent yet
The benefits are that you can do it in the privacy of your own home, relatively pain-free. and very easy to use.
If there are any new developments, I’ll make another post.
There is a way to override the low setting when you first start using it so you don’t waste your bulb. I don’t have my manual with me, but it tells in there how to do it.
I did the same thing though. I didn’t read the manual completly to know this until after the fact, so i sort of feel like I wasted my first bulb too.
Has anyone tried the silkn for 8-10 treatments, then didn’t do anything for few months and noticed how much hair grows back?
If it is reduction…and eventually you come to the level where you have to treat your body every few months for the cost of 1 bulb…then that is not bad. If you get your body waxed, it costs more than the price of the bulb and lasts about a month. What do you guys think?
Once a distributor of an IPL machine which didn’t work told me, it doesn’t give any permanent results BUT the hair doesn’t grow back for like 2 months so you can promote the machine as being cheaper than waxing.
That is BS, you pay for the real thing, lying to make money is wrong and same with those home machines.
odi…I agree but I need “something” I can do that is affordable. I live in MS and the laser treatment prices here are outrages! to do my face ( I am a girl so we are talking peach fuzz and some hair on the chin) it will cost $400 per session and about 6 sessions (aaaa!!!) i can’t afford that. My friend in CA can get it done so cheep. She got her under arms done for 200 total…it was like $50 per session.
Light-based systems will not work for peach fuzz, so you have no need to fret over having to pay $400 per session. You need electrolysis.
Laila, Dee is correct. Laser and IPL only works on dark coarse hair. It’s not an option for your face, professional or home machine. But to answer your question, no one has done that many treatments and waited long enough to judge permanency because this machine hasn’t been available for that long yet. But I should advise you that even professional IPL machines often don’t produce permanent results because IPLs are not great for hair removal. This home product is not powerful enough to give any permanent reduction on any hair.
The price you mention is outrageous anyway. If you do some research when you decide to get your coarse hair removed, you’ll find much better prices. There are tons of clinics in your state.
I personally recommend the Silkn. I bought it a few months back and it’s much cheaper than going to a doctor to get hair removed. It’s also much less painful and it really works. I was results within weeks, which I certainly didn’t expect. I’d recommend it to anyone over going to the doctor or using the Tria which a friend of mine bought and didn’t have nearly the same results as I did.
So you signed up for this site just to post a review on the Silk’n? I’ve owned the Silk’n and while I had some results in very small areas like on my hands, it wasn’t within weeks it was within a few months, and it had zero effect on my under arms or other areas where the hair is dark coarse and theoretically perfect for the treatment. I used it on my legs, abdomen, bikini line, underarms, tops of my hands, and also in one spot on my cheek as a test. After 3 months I had absolutely zero results anywhere except on the tops of my hands where the hair did stop coming back for about a month after I stopped using it, in which time it all grew back.
For the price of it I wouldn’t recommend it over going to the doctor, since you can get a lot of professional treatments for the price of the unit, especially if you’re doing an area like underarms. Not to mention you still have to buy the disposable lamp cartridges for it. Even if you do two or three professional sessions somewhere for the same price as the unit, you’ll still get far better results than the Silk’n will provide you.
fashionfan - your name should have been “silk’n employee”
has anyone tried the new silk’n sensepil and can offer a review on it? how does it compare to the tria?
Can you explain what the sensepil part is about? Haven’t seen it written like that before. Have you searched the posts here on hairtell about the Silk’n and the Tria? I would do so because there is a lot of information about these products. Basically, they are both too weak and you would be better off looking for a real LASER with a skilled technician.
Sensepil is the same as the original Tria it just is smaller and more compact for travel and what not but it’s 100% the same otherwise. Neither it not the original or tria give permanent hair removal.
Thank you Edokid, For some reason i thought that the silk’n sensepil is actually a new technology but i’ll try searching through the other threads to see if I can find more info. I’m a little scared (and shy) to go to place to get it professionally done so I thought one of these at home systems would be a better choice…
Your money is better spent with a real LASER and a laser specialist that knows what they are doing. They do so many areas, including the full bikini, that is it really no big deal to them. Try to think like they are thinking - do the treatment well, get paid for their services, get you on your way and take care of the next client…
I agree, don’t be shy to go. Honestly, they don’t care, it’s all they do every single day. I did my abdomen first but to test out a different laser I did my underarms since it was cheap. I’m male so thought it was a big weird wanting to do that area and wasn’t sure what they would think, but they totally don’t care. Then just yesterday at work I was talking to another guy and he didn’t know I did laser and was all into it and first thing he said was “I’d want to do my underarms first!” so it’s really not a big deal, don’t waste money on Silk’n.