Silkn Reviews !

Are you going to Candela’s website? Are you searhing for GentleLASE, GentleYAG, or GentleMax by typing in your zip code? There should be a bunch of places listed, especially if you’re close to a metropolitan area like Columbus. You’d only need to go for treatments once every 2-3 months.

If the hair you’re looking to treat is very coarse and dense, then GentleYAG would work even if you’re a bit tanned. Of course, the less tan, the higher the settings they can set, so it’s advantageous to avoid the sun as you mention.

If you think your case can be handled by electrolysis, definitely consider at least seeing Dee for a consultation since you’re that close.

Btw, our locations are stated under our names. :slight_smile:


I missed a whole lot of this discussion on page 2 somehow and will not respond to Freedom’s comments.

Being that my 10 hour day ended at 8pm tonight, I just saw the above discussion. By the way, not one of my clients that I saw today were from hairtell. I have very few hairtell posters on my book and if you must know, 98% of my clients come from the Columbus metro area, 1,754,337 strong. There are about 20 electrologists that serve this city and I assume that they are as busy as I am, so, I’m not on this website to fish for business. Don’t need to.

I will tell you TommyW that if you would like me to take a look at your problem, I’d be happy to do that. I do have two laser specialists that I could refer you to here in Columbus that have GentleLASE lasers. I can give you their contact information and you could go directly to them and bypass me altogether and get a laser consultation. Whatever you desire, I’m happy to assist. My advice is FREE and I give it on my own FREE time of my own FREE will! Hard to believe, eh??


Come on Dee, let’s not start talking about co-operation and the brotherhood of man idea. The culture has decreed that selfishness must be cultivated in order to divide and conquer the masses.

The very idea that this site was founded on the idea that people could pay it forward and help others, and be helped as well, with no one “getting over” on anyone is, for some, an alien concept.

At the same time, this is the reason we are so vigilant about both misinformation, and promotion of poor solutions. It doesn’t matter if the source is misguided, or malicious, the result of others taking that road are still bad.

Allow me to add my conditional apology to TommyW and Freedom. If you are both somthing other than the Silk’n Street Team, and have been offended by our efforts to protect the credibility of this site, we apologize for the way in which this has been done in your cases. It must be stated however, that for all the reasons given, the Silk’n just doesn’t stack up against other solutions. It doesn’t win on permanence. It doesn’t win on price. It doesn’t win on amount of time devoted to getting the results. If a person is well informed about these things, and still decides that it is the solution most favored by him, or her, then at least that person came to that decision through an informed choice.

I appreciate everyone taking the time lend their advise. I read all of them last week, but have just now had to chance to reply. My apologies…

LAGirl: Your are correct, there are some locations in Ohio. I think I neglected to select a procedure on their website after entering my zip code the first time. I am going to see if Dee can give me a consultation and see whether she thinks having laser would be a more practical choice for me because of the amount of hair I have or not.

Dee: I would like you to give me your opinion sometime soon. However, I have been zapping myself for a few months now so there is really no way for you to tell presently. It has been about 3 ½ weeks since I last used my device. So I am not sure when to except regrowth. Which by the way brings me to mention something I noticed just last night. I know it is well documented for hair that has been lasered to grow back in lighter and finer, but this seems to be a huge understatement in my case right now. The only ones that have come back so far are so light and fine that I have to turn a certain way so that the light hits them for me to be able to see them in the mirror. But anyway…that’s another story.

Guys, i am seriously worried. For some reason the other night I used Silk’n on my arms. I am a male and wanted slight reduction. I am very white with black hair. I am now worried i will be left with little hair and patchy spots. It has been one week since i used it on the highest setting. The hair appears to be growing out to shed. I am very embaressed that people will know what i have done. Is there any chance it will not shed, and how long does course armhair take to grow.

Don’t worry, there are plenty of hairs waiting to cycle in underneath your skin over the next several months since this is your first pass over.

Even if they shed, you have plenty more hair that will come out in the next phase of growth. Give it a month.

If there are patchy spots, I would just shave them until all of it come back in evenly.

Lasers can go through STEEL if it is the right color. If your laser is not just a blinking light you should be able to test it on a piece of an old blanket. Wool is hair so find a piece that is navy blue or black and shine a light on it to see what happens. Perhaps this is a case of outright FRAUD.

I have read all the posts on this thread and am somewhat bewildered of the comments which have been made.

Firstly SILKN does claim permanent hair reduction!, so why are people saying here it will not work and that there is a snowballs chance in hell it will?

I called up Silkn and asked them a couple of questions, if people could probe at what I have to say all the better as I am thinking of purchasing SILKN for myself and dont like burning money.

SILKN uses HPL- home pulsed light, it has varied wave lengths I think several.

The guy from Silkn was telling me that in a salon you may have to go 8-10 times to get permanent hair reduction, he says with this unit you may need between 8-12 times for the same result, as it is weaker, but i’m a male as well and my skin colour is a fitzpatrick high 3-4 , with black thick course hair.

The guy at Silkn told me hair has different cycles and body parts have different amounts of hair active within there cycles, like for example arms have only 15% active in one hair cycle while legs have like 40%.

So why if I get all the hair cycles over 2 years, and lets say for each hair cycle I sap first, i get 50 % of the hairs for say my arms which is really 7.5%, after 10 cycles I should really have zapped 75% right? meaning I dont have much hair left, except in the case of new hair forming from testoterone.

You get 750 shots per bulb, each shot is 3 x 2cm= 6cm Squared, which is not too bad considering the cost of a bulb $80, compared to the cost of a Alexandrite laser which is like $40 every 5 minutes.

Silkn doesnt seem too cheap but compared to true laser therapy which may not get you the desired results , it seems a bargain and a risk i would be willing to take.

There clinical trials on there website are only up to 6 months, I would like to see a trial over 2 years.

Am I missing something?

No, you summed it up pretty well. The biggest problem is reaching areas that you can’t reach on your own. It is a gamble you’ll just have to take with your money. Think of yourself as a pioneer of sorts. Explore this device and serve others by reporting back here. That’s all we can hope for at he present time.

You’re missing the fact that this gadget is not powerful enough to cause permanent removal, no matter what they claim. Even professional lasers can’t cause permanent removal UNLESS proper HIGH settings are used. This machine’s settings do not go anywhere near high enough to damage the hair permanently. Plus, it’s an IPL, not a true laser. Even professional IPLs are not recommended. At least Tria is a diode, which is a true laser. However, with its 600ms pulse (vs 5-10ms in professional machines), it’s not likely to achieve any permanent results, only temporary hopefully long-lasting results.

I don’t think Silk’N purports permanency, rather they offer this product to stun the hair follicle so it “sleeps” a little longer so one can have a hair free period longer than if they shaved or waxed. Or, maybe am I thinking of the Tria? I would think they are one in the same.

From what I understand, they both claim “permanent reduction” which is the same thing professional lasers are allowed to claim.

lagirl: I called the clinic where I had my 6 laser treatments before out of curiousity to see what type of laser they used. And they told me that they use Alexandrite lasers. Do you think I will see that much better results with Gentlease?

Alexandrite is a TYPE of laser. It’s not the name of the model, which you should ask about. For example, GentleLASE IS an alexandrite. So in order to really help here, we’d need to know settings they used, i.e. joules and spot size.

From Medical News Today:

Silk’n™ Personal Light-Based Hair Removal Device Cleared By FDA
26 Mar 2008

Home Skinovations Ltd. announced that the Silk’n™ device was cleared by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for home-based removal of unwanted hair under the direction of a physician. Silk’n™, powered by the innovative and proprietary Home Pulsed Light™ technology (HPL™), is clinically tested and physician approved for safe, quick, and effective removal of hair by patients in the convenience of their home. Silk’n™ will be available exclusively through physicians.

The efficacy and safety of Silk’n™ was tested in a multi-center clinical study involving 4 medical centers in North America and Israel over the last 12 months. A total of 150 patients self treated with Silk’n™ in physicians’ offices as part of the study, and the initial hair count as well as the post-treatment hair count of these patients was monitored by the investigating physicians.

An average reduction of 50% in the hair count was monitored [color:#FF0000]three months post three bi-weekly treatment sessions.[/color] No adverse effects were noted in the course of the study, and the users of Silk’n™ recorded an extremely high level of satisfaction with the device and their results.

Home Skinovations will be launching Silk’n™ into the US market in Booth 339 at the 2008 American Society of Laser Medicine & Surgery (ASLMS) annual meeting to be held in Kissimmee, Florida from April 2nd to 6th. A clinical study on Silk’n™ conducted by Dr. Tina Alster titled “The Effect of a Novel Low-Energy, Pulsed Light Device for Home-Use Hair Removal” will be presented as part of the ASLMS scientific program on April 6th at 10:40 a.m.

Dr. Tina Alster, who is an internationally acclaimed dermatological laser specialist, is quoted as saying: “In the clinical studies I conducted with Silk’n™, I was impressed with the device’s efficacy, safety and ease of use. I look forward to offering Silk’n™ as an essential component of my hair removal practice.”

Additionally Dr. Jerome Garden who also participated in clinical studies with Silk’n™ has said: “In studies at my practice, patients were able to safely, easily, and effectively treat themselves with Silk’n™. In follow-up surveys, patients reported satisfaction from the use of Silk’n™.”

“Silk’n™ is poised to significantly alter the manner in which physicians and home-based patients treat and manage hair removal results,” noted Thomas Goslau, Vice President of Marketing & Sales for Home Skinovations. He further stated that, “as a physician-directed device, Silk’n™ will enable physicians to maintain and even maximize their share of one of the most highly requested aesthetic procedures in the US today, all the while offering their patients the convenience and comfort of carrying out hair removal treatments in the comfort of their own homes.”

Home Skinovations is a private company founded in Israel in June, 2006, with a mission to develop, manufacture and sell the safest and most effective home-use aesthetic devices. The company was founded by a skilled team of scientists, engineers and industry executives with a successful track record for introducing innovative light-based and laser products to the global aesthetic devices market. The company’s patent pending core Home Pulsed Light™ technology (HPL™) brings nearly two decades of advancements in light and laser technology together in a pulsed-light system designed exclusively for safe and effective aesthetic treatments by doctors’ patients at home. Besides offering a superior solution for long-term removal of unwanted hair, the company’s HPL™ technology can treat a variety of other aesthetic applications such as Acne and Skin Rejuvenation.


Article URL:

Main News Category: Dermatology

Also Appears In: Regulatory Affairs / Drug Approvals,

I wonder how much these doctors got paid to do these studies. Where is the clinical research by unbiased universities?

lagirl you speak as if universities exist outside of the scope of human endeavor. i can assure you that academia, or any other human institution that is so stalwartly populated with some of the most massive intellectual egos on the planet, is as full of bias as the professional medical community.

furthermore, in the modern academic climate, academic researchers are often receiving direct funding from for-profit corporations (yes, it’s true!)

anyone who got a PhD in science or engineering 40 years ago will tell you the same story, universities are more beholden to corporate interests than ever before!