So I’m really glad I found this site, because I can vent…
So, I am 21 years old, turning 22 soon…and I’ve been dealing with unwanted hair since I was 14.
The worst part?
This is something I NEVER would have had to deal with if I wasn’t SO STUPID.
I never really had excessive hair growing up, but I THOUGHT I did. I thought I developed my father’s hairy gene. But the truth was, I didn’t. The hair on my body was JUST FINE…but I didn’t know any better, and just started shaving and waxing areas that didn’t need to be shaved or waxed in the first place.
It all started with my thighs, one day, when shaving my legs, I decided to shave my thighs too. The hair came back darker, not coarse, but darker. It took me YEARS to finally accept that it was okay, and that other girls shaved their thighs too.
Then I WAXED my stomach. I honestly have no idea why I waxed it. I had really light, fine, belly hair. Nothing was wrong with it. But then I waxed it…the hairs grew back darker, and MORE hairs grew. And I have a couple THICK COARSE ONES…I have stopped messing with it since then.
Then one day, when looking at my naked self in the mirror after a shower, I saw that inbetween my legs, in the back, there were blonde, light, curly hairs. I examined things closer with a pocket mirror and threw one leg up, and saw it was bottom(butt) hair. Being the dumb kid that I was, I shaved it. And it grew back darker, fine, but darker…
It took me a LONG time to accept the bottom half of my body. But I finally did.
But then recently this year…I saw that my armpit hair was growing UP my arms, and DOWN…hair on the sides of my breasts. And I know the reason why. Because this one day, I decided to shave without looking because I was in a rush, and I didn’t pay attention to where the hairs were, I just winged it.
When I noticed what happened as they grew back, they weren’t even THAT bad. They were alright. But then I MADE THE STUPID DECISION TO PLUCK THE HAIRS THAT GREW UP MY ARM, AND THE ONE GROWING DOWN THE SIDES OF MY BREAST. AND THEY GOT WORSE (black and coarse) AND GREW IN NUMBERS. So I immediately stopped.
And then my nose hair, ugh the one thing that upsets me most of all. Because I made the stupid decision to trim my nose hairs, WHEN THEY NEVER EVEN NEEDED TRIMMING, I guess I accidently had the trimmer touch the bottom of my nostrils, and now I have black hairs growing from there. And they do stick out a little. And its hard to trim the bottom of the nostrils.
I’m just so angry with myself because I LITERALLY had no reason to shave or wax or trim these areas. I wasn’t hairy. But now I am. And I hate it. I wish I could go back in time and change everything.
My mother never taught me about shaving or waxing or anything like that, it was all stuff I learned on my own, why? Because I never asked her for help. I thought I was old enough to know how to do these kinda things. And now I wish I asked her for help.
You know, even though I made all these shaving/waxing/plucking mistakes, I was OKAY as long as they were on my body.
But now I have this stupid nose hair problem and it’s just really giving me bad self esteem.
And I just.
As stupid as it sounds, I wanna die. And I’m completely disappointed in myself for wanting to die over something like this. But that’s how I feel.