Avito, okay, NOW you’re getting “over the top!”
There is nothing in this last series of photos (2-hours after treatment) that looks out-of-the ordinary for post-electrolysis treatment on your gigantic hairs!
Yes, you did have overtreatment, but it appears all of this has resolved nicely. Yes, your zapper was too aggressive at first … but all is well. You have great big fat man-sized beard hairs! Your electrologist is trying to remove them permanently and this requires her to do more than tweeze.
For my colleagues that will “jump me” … YES! I understand there was overtreatment, but now this is starting to get …
Look, if you want NO side-effects, there are dozens of electrologists that WILL deliver perfect skin immediately after treatment (and sell you all kinds of expensive products); just get ready for 10 - 20 years of no results.
Your skin is BEING BURNED by electrolysis … that’s what electrolysis is: a controlled BURN. You are going to get lumps and bumps, and this latest “flaky skin” is natural. It’s the skin’s clever attempt to reduce the resident bacteria that lives in and on your epidermis. Of course you want to battle this flaky skin by using a moisturizer?
One can fight nature, but one often ends up screwing things up (mostly).
I have learned that there is absolutely no way in hell I can stop clients from trying to over-control their treatments (treatments that went perfectly). Despite my council, they put on all sorts of creams and potions to “help the healing,” or stop the normal healing process, (Vitamin E was something else.) And then the midnight phone calls to discuss a tiny red bump that “I have never had before.”
I have given extreme in-depth talks to clients about some manifestation, they listen and then they say, “Okay, so what can I put on my skin?” I give up!
You never had these manifestations before, because you skin was not being burned to full depth (to the subdermis) with an electric needle! BURNED! BURNED! BURNED!
Your electrologist needs to have a good serious FRANK & FACTUAL talk with you and get this all under control. You are now doing the “maybe this, but maybe that” stuff!
Sometimes a client needs a coach, not a priest. Although some priests can be kick ass too! Maybe a nice tough NUN! Yep, a NUN!
As they say in the South: “It’s time to clean your plow!” (But I do love you. I really do!)