Men shaving legs?

I am a 16 year old male and have started shaving my legs but my grandma doesn’t think that i should she says its girlish but i feel comfortable with my legs shaved. I am already wearing shorts in P.E. and haven’t been made fun of. i think that other guys should try shaving their legs as it will help them feel better about themselves.

I wouldn’t be surprised your gandma thinks its “girly” for men to shave. She was around when women started to shave, much less men. I thinks its great you are comfortable shaving your legs in high school, where there could be a lot of social pressure. However, I think guys your age and in their 20’s are pretty comfortable with men shaving compared to us older folk, much less your grandmother. Also, most people may think you just don’t have leg hair, lots of guys have little or no leg hair, especially at 16, so they don’t necessarily assume you shave it. I’m sure it looks nice, and if you are more comfortable with smooth legs, go for it. Plus, everyone will jsut get used to you looking that way, and no one will ever mention it. I’d be surprised if other guys don’t’ shave also, especially if they feel overly hairy or something. The worst thing is if you want to shave, but feel too embarrased to do it, so just live with a look you don’t like. I did that for many years before any guys shaved, until I finally just did it anyway. I felt so happy once I shaved them, its amazingfor such a little thing, really.

Hi! I just recently started to trim my leg hair. I too don’t like my legs hairy. I’ve got my leg hair trimmed very short, so that only the light colored hair is left. It’s pretty amazing how much better my legs look almost hairless. I’ve also trimmed down my pit hair too, and the hair around my stomach is trimmed way short. I look almost totally hairless. My wife says she thinks it’s great. I do get looked at in public, cause my legs are really white at this point, no tan. I work outside, so they’ll be tan soon enough. I might shave my legs, I don’t know for sure yet, cause trimming the darker hairs off, and leaving the lighter hairs seems to be enough. You could say, I look like kid again. I’m happy not being a hairy legged guy, and I won’t let it grow out ever again, not even in winter.

ITs great your wife likes it. Mine hates my legs shaved, but I’m getting a divorce anyway. My problem with trimming the hair short isn’t the look, its the feel. I found the feel of the short leg hairs to be very unpleasant, as they are stiff and sharp, so it feels very stubbly. I love shaved, because it is so nice and smooth. Looks wise, Either is great. But, when you shave completely, your legs get a nice shine to them, because you can see the skin, as opposed to even the short hairs. Try it, you can let it go back, and in a few weeks it will look like it does now, if you don’t like it. The first time I shaved my legs smooth, the feel of it was so sensual, I loved it.

Hi Tyler

I think it’s great that you have the courage to shave your legs at your age. You are probably a confident guy which is why people at school don’t make fun of the fact. Keep your confidence up, and as Veinlover says, don’t worry about your grandma’s opinion to much. Older people don’t accept modern trends easily. I regret not shaving my legs sooner, particularly at your age, because mine were very hairy then for some reason, and I was too embarressed to wear shorts. I spent years in jeans as a result, even in summer, and that was very uncomfortable. Also don’t worry about looking “girlish”, that is only a myth. Men and women have different muscle structures and removing hair from your legs doesn’t turn you into a girl, but will show your muscle structure off to it’s best effect. I have shaved my legs for several years already and to the best of my knowlege I have not undergone a sex change as a result.


Tyler makes a good point, at least if you have muscular legs. I have either run and/or lifted weights for over 30 years, and as a result have fairly muscular legs, and huge calves. The ONLY women who have legs like mine would be pro bodybuilders, and the issue there is confusing their legs with men, not the otherway around. I do not worry about someone looking at my smooth legs and thinking I’m a girl; and if they do, then I don’t really want their opinion anyhow. I think smooth muscular legs on men and women are beautiful, and do not think that in any way makes me gay. Plus, if your leg veins are visible that makes your legs appear even more muscled, and those show better without hair. Finally, touching smooth legs, again muscular is nicer, feels way better than running your hands over hair, especially if your hair is thick. Even women who initially don’t feel comfortable with men shaving their legs, come to love how they feel, as long as you keep them smooth. Stubble isn’t attractive to touch, which is why I don’t think trimming the leg hair short is a good solution, as they feel very stubbly from the short hairs, which are stiffer than long hairs.

Hi tuvok

I also started by trimming my leg hairs short like you describe, but after only a few weeks I realised that shaving looked almost the same unless people were within a few feet of me. Also shaving your legs tends to be a lot quicker and easier than trimming. After trimming or shaving your legs they will look white for a while - that is normal as hair tends to darken the appearence of your skin. If you do outdoor work and wear shorts you will aquire a natural tan very quickly without the hair. I wear shorts most of the time and it only took a few weeks before my legs were naturally tanned. I have not noticed anybody looking at me in public (at least not for the last few years) as the smooth tanned look is my normal appearence. If I can reccomend something it is to try shaving smooth - it does give you a young athletic look as well which is always nice.


Hi Veinlover

Muscular legs are emphasized by shaving, very true. I must admit that before I took up cycling my legs were quite slim. Even so I think shaving off the hair would have looked better. As I mentioned above I was embarressed to wear shorts because my legs were very hairy and it was quite dark compared to my blonde hair.

In a way similar to Tyler, my late father seemed to hold that it was unmanly to shave your legs, which put me off for a long time. Having said that he also admitted it suited me after a few months in which to get used to it. I think guys, irrespective of age, need to realise that shaving is not “girlish” or unbecoming of being a man.

I also grew up in a different age as I was an '80’s teen and then any boy in SA who shaved his legs would have been thought gay. Luckily this is way different today. It’s always a personal choice of course, but I do think guys who shave their legs look “cleaner cut” than very hairy guys.

I started to get strong leg and body hair around 13. If I had trimmed then, I could have had a lot more comfort wearing shorts to school etc, but I let it go, hence the embarresment I mentioned. I would certainly encourage any young guy with the same issue to shave or trim the hair if it is a problem or feels uncomfortable.


Stuart your situation is quite different from mine, in that you grew up in a different generation. When I was 13, men wouldn’t have dreamed of shaving their legs, except some cyclists and bodybuilders. And, it was never mentioned anywhere. Women had only been shaving their legs for 50 years, tops, and that was done in secret. Americans would have been horrified at a commercial showing a woman shaving her underarms or even legs back then. There were no women’s shave products, they used men’s. Also, I was not nearly as hairy as what you describe. However, I remember noticeing some of the very hairy guys, and felt badly for them, as at that age, it is not very attractive, I don’t think, to be covered in dark, thick fur. Girls did not seem particularly attracted to that look, either, they seemed to prefer the guys with thin, blonde hair on their arms and legs.

One more thing that I think is an important consideration in men shaving more bodyhair is technology. Razors today are vastly superior to 30 years ago, when the first cartridges came out, Before that, you put a double edged razor in a heavy metal holder, and you never knew what to expect. I cannot imagine shaving my legs with that junk from baack then, even the first cartridges were pretty bad, though a big improvement. No triple blades, no lube strips, no cool handles. Even shave cream wasn’t very good then. So, you can thank Gilette for your nice smooth legs.

So, now that we are in a new world, where guys can shave without too much social stigma, I think it gives you a terrific sense of control over how you look. I still think at the Junior High School level, in the USA at least, that there are lots of sex role stereotypes of what is “girlish”, and that probably includes leg shaving, but I’m sure if you did it no one would say much. My son, who is 13, is always making comments that convey clear sex role stereo types, but I don’t know how seriously anyone takes it. I think if I asked him if boys in his school shaved their legs he’d look at me like I was crazy. However, if you start to shave them as the hair darkens, no one will ever know, they will just assume you don’t have leg hair. Of course, if you are hairy all over , that won’t fly. I think at just that age of 13 or so, there is a lot more investment in separating the characteristics of boys and girls than by the time they are 16. My son even once said I have “girl feet”, because they are very narrow (They’d be awful big on a girl, though).

Hi Veinlover

Yes your are right, I can just imagine men shaving their legs 30 years or so ago. What a scene! I was held back even in the '80’s by misconcieved perceptions. I hope your son won’t be held back the way I was.

There is nothing wrong with a guy shaving his legs. It is quite normal to want to look better, and I hope kids will feel more comfortable than when we were raised by our parents.

Mine did a good job I think, but issues like shaving were not even discussed in the '80’s. Particularly boys, where it was expected to have a lot of body hair as soon as possible.

I was both lucky and unlucky in that respect. I now wish that I was one of those guys with fine blonde hair on my legs. As that can never be however, I will continue my pursuit of it much later in life.


I don’t think we are yet at a day when there is a first leg shave ritual like there is for girls. I don’t plan to have a discussion about leg shaving with my son, however, if he wants to shave them, of course he is welcome to, and I would tell him they look nice, and that no one will care. He can see that mine are shaved, and know that I would be supportive. His mother is another issue, as she is of the generation of women that expect men to be hairy. Evidently she hasn’t watched a movie or TV show, or looked at a magazine in 20 years. However, my son has no problem taking her on, and of course I would support him. Since he dives, he can always say that is the reason, and to an extent it is, as they need to dry their legs betweeen dives, and that is much easier with out hair. At this point, he has less hair than my girls did at his age, so there is no need to shave any how. Plus, he is very dark skinned, and hair looks better against dark skin than light, which I am. I think at his age, kids are too pulled by the social pressures of their peers to do much that isn’t the norm. When he is maybe 16, I would expect him to out grow that , and be able to shave if he wants to. Unless, of course, all his buddies decide to shave, in which case he would, whether he cared to or not. The US is not like SOuth Africa, however, and leg shaving for men is still somewhat unusual. Also, warm climates like Florida and California, with their outdoors lifestyle, more men shave.

Hi Veinlover

I am landing in Miami in 2 weeks or so in spring I will get a chance too see if the guys shave more than last time. Despite the (very) warm weather it surprised me that men there had more body / leg hair than here. We are lucky here that it is. In my opinion, shaving is more normal, but Florida guys surprise me. It is very hot there and as I have been there 5 times I do know. Most guys still go hairy with their legs, despite watersports and the like, which is an almost automatic leg shave for our coastal guys.


I have pretty hairy legs too, and I got tired of them. This past February I took some trimmers and trimmed all the long hair off. WOW, what a difference it made. My legs a nearly hairless. I left mainly the lighter colored hair on them. The light hair was too fine for the trimmer to get to, but the longer darker hairs, it took them right off. Now my legs look like they did when I was 12. I’m totally happy now, and I don’t care what other guys might say. Why are straight guys, staring at other guy’s legs? I’m very str8, and married with kids. I just could’nt stand having hairy legs. I don’t know if I’ll shave them or not. What do you guys think? Should I go all the way, or just keep em like they are now?

GO ALL THE WAY. It doesn’t look that different, but it feels ever so much better, you won’t believe it. Also, I think it looks better, as right now you have want amounts to stubble on them, if you shave them clean, they will look nice and shiny. They may look lighter in colour, but its summer, right? I trimmed them for a long time, and have beeen much, much happier since I started to shave them. I think its quicker, too, as you don’t have to worry about keeping it even. I can shave them in the shower in a few minutes, tops, I have no idea what women are compaining about when they moan and groan about having to shave their legs, and some women only have much hair on their lower leg and don’t bother to shave the top part. I love the smooth feel, and especially love how they feel under cool sheets at night. Plus, your wife willl prefer them smooth, as right now they will feel scratchy to her. Plus, it is very sensual to be touched on shaved legs, probably why women like it so much.

Try, it can always grow back. It may take you a bit to get used to it, but you will never not shave them again.

Hi tuvock

I believe veinlover is right as I have said before. I trimmed for quite a long time before committing to shaving. The shaving was actually part of me becoming an active cyclist, but it soon showed other benefits. You say your legs look like when you were 12. Trust me they don’t really. Mens leg structure is different from a young boy.

Shaving shows this off well and you will find to your credit. Hair removal on a mans legs imparts an athletic look, and while it also looks younger, you will not look immature for your age. I have good muscle definition, but depite my height and weight my bone structure still leaves me with fairly slim legs. Despite this both other guys and women have remarked on my legs being my strongest looking feature (with a bit of admiration).

I think you should try smooth shaving for at least a short while, like a month or 2. There may be some itching until the skin is well adapted, but it’s not that bad and some preperations (maybe Tendskin)will ease this. Appearing in public need not be difficult, if you don’t fidget around or look at your legs too much. Just wear shorts and walk around like it’s always been so and nobody will even stare or pass any comments, except maybe a compliment.


Stuarts points are well stated. Just because you shave your legs, does not change their shape, definition and muscularity. Your legs will not look like those of a little boy, or those of a woman just because you have removed their hair. They will look like a man’s legs, but smooth. Men vary in how much hair they have, and no one thinks men with sparse leg hair look like a women or a little boy. Why, then, would a man with shaved legs look like a woman? Further, neither a boy nor a women, unless the woman was a very serious bodybuilder, would have legs with, for example my level of muscularity. The shape of a woman’s calves is different, even women bodybuilders have different shaped calf muscles, and tend to have smaller calves, and shorter legs, than men. Women are prone to putting fat on their upper legs, where men are not, so men’s legs tend to be thinner, as well as more muscular, and better defined. Of course there are exceptions, and women are actually capable of putting almost as much muscle on their quads as men, its their biology, but most don’t do it. And even then, most young boys, and women, are considerably shorter than men, again limiting how likely one is to be confiused for the other.

In sum, shaving your legs shows them off, it shows their muscle, their definition, their vascularity. Muscle normally is associated with grown men, not boys or women. Plus, your legs will feel wonderful. In that sense, perhaps, it is more like touching a woman’s skin, but it is so much more sensual to feel someone touch your legs when they are smooth, it is skin onn skin, not skin on hair. Especially if your hair is thick, then you feel very little when they are touched, and the person touching you feels only fur. They can’t even feel the muscle and shape of your leg.

Try it, it will for certain grow back if you wish. I think Stuart’s suggestion to give it a month or two is a good one, your skin will get used to shaving, and you will grow to love it. I would be shocked it once you shave them you ever go back to having them hairy. I never have, not long term.

I’m not saying this to boast, but I get comments all the time on my legs. I’m a 52 year old man who has run and 4 miles a day for most of his life, other than when I was a boy and for the last 5 years, when my knees said “enough”. I also have lifted weights on and off during my life, and quite seriously for the last 3 years. Both when my legs were lean and defined, and now, when they are quite muscular, and I’ve always had amazing calves, I get comments all the time, or looks, or whistles. I love it. How good does that feel? And, never are the comments like " your legs look nice shaved". Its always , “your legs are beautiful” etc… But, they look so nice, not just because I workout, but because I shave them. The difference is huge. Never once has anyone ever directly commented on the fact I shave my legs. I think you should do as you wish, and if you are comfortable, everyone else will be too. Life is too short to not be comfortable with your body.

Hi Veinlover

I am landing in Miami in 2 weeks or so in spring I will get a chance too see if the guys shave more than last time. Despite the (very) warm weather it surprised me that men there had more body / leg hair than here. We are lucky here that it is. In my opinion, shaving is more normal, but Florida guys surprise me. It is very hot there and as I have been there 5 times I do know. Most guys still go hairy with their legs, despite watersports and the like, which is an almost automatic leg shave for our coastal guys.


Stuart: Where are you from? For some reason, I think South Africa, but that could be my imagination. I know in SA many men shave their legs, I don’t know why it is so common there, but it is. There are tons of bodybuilders in Florida, and they all shave their bodies, so on the beach you will see lots of shaved legs. But, I’m sure there also are lots of hairy guys as well, and lots of people you see there are from elsewhere. California, also, has lots of guys with shaved legs, due to the number of cyclists and bodybuilders. Finally, places like Aspen, with lots of guys riding bikes in the mountains, have tons of guys with smooth, and let me say, absolutely gorgeous, legs.

I might just try shaving my legs, and see what it feels like. You’re right about the prickly feeling, but I apply a lotion to my legs, and that kind of makes them softer. I also shave my arms, cause I can’t stand the hairiness, it’s gross. I’ve got friends who have really hairy arms and legs. They say shaving is for women, but I disagree, cause I’ve got really muscular legs, and arms. All the hair just hides the muscles I think. My chest does’nt have much hair, but I keep it smooth, by plucking out the few hairs that do try to grow. Does this all make me sound wierd? I mean, I want to look like those guys in the fashion magazines, they’re all hairless, so what’s wrong with that? My buddies think all those guys are gay. Those guys I said, get more looks from the women, than the hairy ape guys do. I’m in my 30’s, and I still want to look good when I go out. I’m married, but I still like it when another women says I look hot, and I believe it’s because I’m not all full of hair. Thanks for the advice!

ive been trimming my leg hair for a while and ive just started shaving them completely, but ive just started with my thighs first as i was a bit worried about ingrowns (i get them alot). now i have quite alot of razor bumps / ingrowns at the tops of my thighs. im using tend skin solution on them and have some jalen hair minimizing lotion which im applying 2ce a day, but im still getting them. does anyone know any other ways of getting rid of them? will the skin eventually get used to being shaved and will they eventually stop appearing? if so how long will that take?

Tuvock: I shave my arms too, I also am fairly muscular andd also love the look of veins on muscle, and they both show better with smooth, hair free skin. Furthermore, my skin is light, and my hair dark, and I personally don’t think that is a very attractive combination. I also shave my underarms, as I think the hair there is totally disgusting, and I actually think armpits are very sexy if they are smooth, especially if your arms and lats are well defined.

You seem fairly defensive about the fact you like to shave your body hair, and I have gone through that phase, and would encourage you to just do what feels and looks good to you, and notto worry about what your buddies think. There are all sorts of stupid social stigmas attached to body hair, both its presence and its absence, depending on who you are. I also wouldn’t shave because I thought women prefer it, because some do, and some don’t, though I don’t think most women are attracted to super hairy men, some like men with a light coating of hair. I would hope your wife likes you smooth, or at least has gotten used to it. If you feel more attractive to other women smooth, and feel better about yourself physically, then that is what you should do, but then don’t worry about how others feel. The truth is, men who make fun of you might be jealous, and just too insecure to do it themselves. Or, they may still believe in the “Gaston” model of male beauty, with “every inch covered in hair”. If you are secure in being shaved, you will look your best, as you will feel your best. Otherwise, you are kind of ruining those good feelings for yourself, by creating so much anxiety.

Good luck.

Thanks Veinlover, I really do like not having all the hair on my body. So far I’ve only had a few comments about my legs, but nothing to really get upset about. Yes I guess I’m trying to defend the fact that I do want to shave my legs, and get that smooth look. It’s so close to that now, I mean I’ve got them trimmed so close to smooth, I should just shave them. It takes me almost an hour to get them just the right way. Peach fuzz is all that’s left, so I need to take that away too. Thanks for all your advice.