Men shaving legs?

I personally don’t see the point in men shaving legs. As a woman, I like men to be fairly natural, including hair on legs, the chest and abdomen. It’s sexy. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Hi Akram

This has been addressesed before in various threads. Some you will find in an old thread that I started regarding “Longer term leg hair removal”. As a general summery from what I have read this is not regarded as a problem for most women. Many have commented on the shapley nature of mens legs and believe we should all shave them. Some women have personally commented that my legs look much more sexy shaved than with hair.

I believe this can be a “turn on” for many women. Obviously there are some women that prefer a hairey look on a mans legs, but they are not in the majority from what I read here. I would not worry too much about this issue as I feel women are much more accepting of these changes than men and more progressive in cosmetic aspects.



Again this is a case of apples and oranges.

Some women prefer hair and some might not. Those who do like hair would be be turned off by the clean shaven look.
On the other hand you attract the ones who like the clean shaven look, who you would not have attracted with the hairy look.

In the end it is about being yourself, and doing what feels right for you regardless of how others might feel about it. Just don’t worry what others might think. You have to live your life for yourself.


Hi Akram / Alicia

Correctly stated. We must live without inhibition regarding our looks. It’s very important to understand that we can’t please everybody all the time. Easy to say and hard to do! Don’t be too concerned about smooth shaved legs. Many guys have naturarally smooth legs and they are not concerned and neither is anybody else. If you shave you shave and your reasons are your own. Relax and enjoy!


Happy New Year everyone!

Stuart, your comments are so true and as Alicia once mentioned, women often respect “strong and independent men” and it takes courage to do what you want and look the way you want. Unfortunately, a lot of men feel they must have approval from women first in order to do this and we get really hung up on societal norms.

It’s great that men’s leg shaving is so widely accepted in SA. You mentioned that SA has more “serious” problems to worry about then men shaving legs but also said that “tradition” is important in SA as well as other African countries.

I wonder whether the generally hot climate in SA and other African countries also plays a key role too and why men’s body shaving is still not really mainstream in the US, despite a lot of really hot places such as Florida and California.

BTW, which forum has the “long term hair removal” thread which you mentioned to Akram and when was the last time it was active?

Hi Smoothlover

You will find the thread under “non prescripsion topical prepartions” entitled “longer term leg hair removal”. It is quite long but goes into some detail about my own experiances and that of of some of my friends about hair removal for men’s legs and body. Many contributors to this forum added their comments to this and it is a good read.


I found the topic you were talking about, and I posted in it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Based on what I’ve read, I should expect most girls to like my shaved legs? That’s a definite win, in my opinion. Now, all I need is a girl! >_>

Hi Akram

That won’t be a problem I am sure.


Hi Akram:

If you want girls to like you, or better still the right girl to like you, just be yourself.

By being yourself, you show confidence and are showing the best of yourself. Women like someone who is confident
about who they are and what they like. Find a girl who meshes with you personality and intelligence level too.
Don’t just go by superficial looks, but what kind of person they are.

You shouldn’t have to change for them, and they should not have to change for you.


I don’t have chest hair, mine is smooth. It’s only my arms and legs that have more hair on them than I like. I even trim down my underarm hair too. The only areas I shave are my face, and arms. Like I said before, my trimmer does a great job taking the darker hairs on my legs, and trimming them short. Since the lighter hairs are shorter, they don’t get trimmed, and it looks like all I have are light blond hairs on my legs. They look perfect to me, and since I’m not shaving my legs, no one can tease me about that. Now I’m not hairy at all, my arms, legs, and even underarms are exactly how I want them. My chest never got hairy, so that’s one part of my body I don’t have to trim. It only takes me about 15-20 minutes to trim my leg hairs, and I only need to do it once a week.

Josh; I’m glad to learn that you trim your underarm hair; but you must try waxing it all off if you want the best feel .I am sure that after you try waxing for ahile,you will want to get that hair permanently removed to end the hassle. In talking with professional waxers,I’m told by some they are now waxing as many mens underarms and genital areas as women. It looks like the trend for men is to go smooth.

Hi Josh

It seems you have found the right look for your legs. Luckily you can achieve the look of only having light blonde hairs - that is not easy. I tried for years to achieve that, but never could and finally shaving smooth was my only option.

Not that this was a compromise I must say, because I would never go back to having hairy legs. Everything about smoothly shaved legs suits me and adds comfort to my life. It is a pity some people feel the need to tease so you have difficulty in shaving smooth.

Strangley enough when I trimmed my leg hairs people seemed to notice a lot. When I made the decision to shave smooth nobody even looked twice - it must just suit my appearence I expect. I must add that when I travel to the US people do notice for some reason I can’t explain. Also many less men shave their legs in the US than here so I suppose that may explain things.

Florida is my usual destination and lots of bodybuilders shave there, which you will find on the beaches usually. I never get strange looks on the beach with shaved legs, only in town sometimes. I find this confusing as I am tall tanned and quite athletic so it would seem natural to have a shaved appearence in my opinion. I can relate to your position as a result in the theme park.

Curiously when I get back home to SA no one even notices my smooth legs. How SA ended up being proactive in this way is a bit of a mystery to me that I can only put down to sport. I still see nothing wrong with a man shaving his legs compared to the physique of some guys my age with huge pot bellies.


I don’t have chest hair, mine is smooth. It’s only my arms and legs that have more hair on them than I like. I even trim down my underarm hair too. The only areas I shave are my face, and arms. Like I said before, my trimmer does a great job taking the darker hairs on my legs, and trimming them short. Since the lighter hairs are shorter, they don’t get trimmed, and it looks like all I have are light blond hairs on my legs. They look perfect to me, and since I’m not shaving my legs, no one can tease me about that. Now I’m not hairy at all, my arms, legs, and even underarms are exactly how I want them. My chest never got hairy, so that’s one part of my body I don’t have to trim. It only takes me about 15-20 minutes to trim my leg hairs, and I only need to do it once a week.

So nobody teases you for shaving your arms? I would think that shaving the arms would raise the same teasing issue that shaving legs would.



I would also think that. Strangely men here with hairless arms seem well accepted. Nobody comments. Usually legs attract more attention when shaved with men. Normally women notice legs first as I suppose there is some attraction in that regard.

Why arms are not subjected to the same scrutiny is also one of the great mystries of hair removal. Josh maybe you just bumped into the wrong bunch of guys after shaving. One session of teasing is not going to put you out too much to try again. Maybe give it another go?


I think hair removal for men is still not as accepted in the U.S. - although I think it has come a long way. Articles I’ve read have said it’s more accepted now - however, some think it could just be a fad. I think removing back hair is definitely accepted (and is more a sign of cleanliness). The chest is something that movies and TV have probably made more acceptable.

My personal opinion is that the arms and chest matching tends to look a bit better. As far as legs go, I’ve never tried it - and it would seem to be more for someone athletic. What does look odd to me is when a man may have smooth legs and hair on the upper body - maybe unless they are a bike rider.

I can’t imagine having to shave the legs. Waxing or laser (if one can afford) seems like the way to go because the area remains smooth for a longer period of time - but I doubt many men are going for leg waxes.

Hi Hairfree

The notion that hair removal is a fad is I think a little premature in modern society. The ritual of hair removal began thousands of years ago amonge men and women and spanned vast empires including the Roman, Germanic and even the Brittannic empires. We are only trying it out again a few thousand years later, but it is not new to human history.

There is no record that I have yet been able to find why this practice ended. It is a puzzeling question, but maybe we all got lazy - that is not new! I think hair removal is very important in our society today, particulary in men and is highlighted by sports and injuries that can be easily sorted out without hair in the way.

Cycling has brought this to the forfront again, but so many other physical activities warrent hair removal that I am surprised more men don’t do this, particularly on the legs. Comfort also plays a large role. Why have hairy legs, chests etc in hot climates? Try sleeping in a hot humid climate with very heavy leg and body hair - not at all pleasent without aircon.

There must have been a reason men removed body hair all those years ago. War, sport and comfort must have been factors that we overlook today - but we can learn from this again I believe.


It does seem to be a common practice for cyclists to shave their legs but not their arms. I wonder why? The same benefits would apply to the arms as to the legs.



Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it is a fad. It may well not be. I have seen the discussion of people in ancient times removing body hair.

Living in the U.S., I think people in California are more liberal as are people in a warm climate like Florida. But I think for the most part, the conservative parts of the U.S. are not accepting of it - at least for men.

I think the most puzzling thing is that some areas now (back is definitely not an issue) and chest (much more accepted) people are probably more able to deal with.

Other areas of the body, seem to come up in discussion. I have also posed the question of consistentcy. I think one person mentioned his legs and under arms. Another mentioned his arms. It would seem odd to me to shave legs and under arms and leave the arms and chest alone.

I guess that’s how I got into this discussion. It seems as if leg shaving would be more for athletic reasons than aesthetic reasons(by the way, I personally don’t see an issue with it), although I have not done it.

Also, do you just do the lower legs and full legs? Thighs, etc… Arms are pretty easy (upper and lower), chest and back as well…

I think as time goes on it will become more accepted. The number of salons and spas catering to men is growing at a rapid rate…

Hi Hairfree

I agree it’s not a fad, but is is new to use in this time and age. I imagine many parents are horribly shocked when their sons shave hair of their bodies the first time. Imagine a father seeing his 15 or 16 year old son with smoothly shaved legs - that will get anyone going I am sure. My problem with hair started at about that age as well. My arms were always OK and light blonde like the hair on my head.

For some strange reason the hair on my chest and legs grew dark and coarse and looked very out of place with my general complextion. I shave my legs thigh high to avoid any unusual dark and unsightly hiars showing if I wear shorts. I find this more comfortable than partiale shaving and it takes the same time.


Yes you would think having smooth arms would attract more attention, but no one has ever commented on them. I have been shaving my arms for over 10 years, so I guess it’s just normal looking for me now. However, when I shaved my legs last May, boy did I get the looks, and teasing. I kept up shaving my legs for 2 months, then in July it got to be too much, when a couple of guys said look at the little girl with smooth legs. I was up on a ladder cleaning some lights, when some other young guys walked by and said, look at those smooth legs, the dude must be gay. That was the last time I shaved my legs, I let the hair grow back, and by the beginning of August my legs were hairy again. When my legs became hairy again, I did’nt get anymore teasing. I did’nt like the hairiness of my legs, so I decided to buy some expensive trimmers, with quite a few attachments. I tried a few of the attachments in a small area of my leg, and till I found one that trimmed off the longer dark hairs. I then used them on both my legs, and after I was done, my legs looked great. You can’t even see the darker hairs, cause the lighter blond hairs outnumber the dark ones now. This trimmer somehow pulls the longer dark hairs, so it clips them shorter. I’ve noticed that I can also go longer between trimmings, as time goes on. I don’t know if I’m killing the roots of the darker hairs or what, but they seem to be getting thinner. Now I have more blond hairs, and I truely can’t believe the way my legs look now. The trimmers are made by Norelco, and I bought them at Wal-Mart, but I suppose you can get them in other stores as well. They’re not cheap, I paid like $50 for them, but since I’ve been using them, which I’d say was from late August till now, I could not be happier with my legs. You can see that I have hair on my legs, but it’s not nearly as thick as it was before I started using my trimmers. You could say they look kind of like a boy’s legs around the age of 12 or 13. I remember right before my legs got hairy, when I was 14, they kind of got a little thicker hairs, blond though. Then by 15, the blond hairs were outnumbered by the darker hairs. Now I’m back to the look of my 13-14 year old days. Not the build of those days, just the appearence. My legs still look like the adult male, but are’nt hairy anymore. That’s it, sorry for this long explianation. I’m HAPPY!!! Looking forward to summer, so I can be in shorts again!!!