Legitimate electrolysis machines on eBay part 3

The second best unit out there.

I logged hundreds of hours on this baby when it was the top of the heap in the hair removal arms race.


For those who can handle an thermolysis/diathermy only unit, Hinkle’s electrolysis text, Electrolysis, Thermolysis and The Blend, and the venerable Intantron Tronco 4 SS-69 is offered here at a decent (make that steal) of a price here:


You probably want to buy a replacement probe holder.

Wow, that second one IS a good deal. The accessories alone are worth more than the current price, before you even include the machine in the deal!

Here is a nice pro unit by Silhouet-Tone


I agree. This is what my electrologist used for me before I became an electrologist. This Sil-Tone is one step under the Sil-Tone VMC.

A Berkowits thermolysis machine (as seen in a recent documentary on CNN :slight_smile: )

For the UK members of the forum:
A Sterex blend machine

compare that to te price of the new devices… http://www.beautyexpress.co.uk/product-Sterex-SX-B-Blend-Epilator-PW268.htm

and this overview:
(i remember something near 1200 EUR + UST in Germany)

Actually the first one seems to be a very old device which i consider worth a lot less than announced.

If we are on warnings: an old cosmomed device: http://www.cosmomed.de/CMS/index.php?article_id=118&clang=0"
Originally a reengineered Sequentium machine, legalized a posteriori. This one has been my first box, too weak to treat coarse deep hair, at least for me as a beginner (but it seems worthwhile to give it a 2nd chance now that i am more experienced). At least about 10 years old (mine is 12 or 13). Possibly interesting as a flash machine for fine hair. IMHO also far too expensive.

This one (a modern sx-b from the search list above) seems to be more interesting: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Sterex-SX-B-3-1-Epilator-/190404794673?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Health_HairRemoval_RL&hash=item2c55029931#ht_500wt_896

Now this is an odd little unit. The seller claims it is a thermolysis only unit, and there is no plug on the front for a ground, but the meter is in DC mA. It looks like a galvanic only unit (I have never seen a galvanic only unit before.)

If it is a galvanic only unit, it would be a great little beginner machine.


there is this note at the bottom of the listing:

“Q: Hi is this a galvanic model ?
A: Hi, I have checked with the missus to make sure and sorry but it is not galvanic. This model is short wave.”

does anyone know what that means please?

It means that “The Vickster” is correct. It is a Thermolysis/Diathermy/Short Wave unit only. It is no better, than the unit you already have dear Bluebottle.

I’m looking at a Sofblend T-80 but I couldn’t find much info on it and it looks like the company who makes it is no longer in business. I just wanted to get your thoughts on this unit.


thank you James

I have seen these before, and they are a decent home use prospect, as they do all 3 types of electrolysis hair removal. It is a toy compared to a Platinum, of course, but good enough for a first year person.

You are welcome. Now if I can only find you a student, or another Home User to pair you up with.
Come On Sommerset UK readers. Post BlueBottle some help here. Where are the schools close to her, are there any home users near her in the UK?

thank you James[/quote]

Interesting. So they put the wrong meter on the front. Strange.

James, while we are at it, can we find a home user to team up with down my way? I am finally starting to run out of body hair I can reach :wink:

i am still new and dont know how to post a website correctly but i am trying
this post for an apilus senior II,i think it is a good offer

i did post it correcty :slight_smile:

This person must really do his/her homework. The typical Ebay sales range for this item is $800 - $1500
Any accessories it may be missing can be ordered from Texas Electrolysis Supply, and any service it may need can also be had inexpensively. Of course, these units don’t usually need any service. They are pretty hardy. In years of travel my SX-500 never even lost its calibration. The TSA Gorillas and baggage handling gremlins DID manage to break the printer thermal unit from its moorings, but it never stopped working.

I want to start my DIY electrolysis journey and I’m interested in buying a unit.

I am planning on using for mainly my chin which i know sounds like overkill to buy a machine but my mother and sister are also interested using it as well over time.

I will definitely do my reading (my moms an RN and we don’t joke around with stuff like this) but I dont want to be come an expert in every model but would prefer to learn the ins and outs of what ever specific machine I get.

I see there is currently a Apilus Senior II on ebay for 800 which seems to be a great price for that unit which your forum says is a good beginner basic model. But I don’t want to get it from there as they have no idea if it works and have a zero return policy.

So if any of ya’ll hear about a machine coming onto the market that is in the 800 - 1000 range and can vouch for its condition, I’m in the market.

Thank you!

clc204: Since you’re serious about this and have interested family members, just a head’s up that even professionals will not treat their own face typically. It is really hard to get good insertions. So since your family is interested, have them do your chin for you, and you can do their work for them in exchange, okay?

Good luck hunting for your machine. :slight_smile:

If my SM-500 broke and I was in the market for a new machine, I would grab this in a minute. It is a bit of a gamble buying it on eBay, but odds are the machine works fine (as James said they really are built tough!)