You do remember that we advise home users to start with galvanic, work up to blend, and only try to perform thermolysis after one has managed to do good work in these other modes. Thermolysis is most dependent on your abilities to do perfect insertions and select good treatment energies that complement your insertion technique. You know, all the things that a newbie home user will be worst at, and have no one to help get them on the right track quickly.
I am not saying you could not make it work with this machine, but it is not my first choice for someone who has zero experience. I would almost want you to get a one touch with this to start practicing with… ALMOST!
Just an FYI, Texas Electrolysis Supply (1-800-626-6025) offers the service of adding galvanic and blend to this machine for a nominal fee. Buying this unit, and having the addition put on would make this a much more valuable machine, and you would still be paying much less than buying a new anything.