Legitimate electrolysis machines on eBay part 3

Ya… with 6 days left on the auction, I’m with you SeanaTG, this machine is gonna reach prob $1,000 or more… the seller was smart to put it as an auction item, he/she did have it at a buy price of $1,999.00 so I’m thinking they know how to play the ‘ebay game’ with such a high ‘buy it now’ price, they pretty much pushed the ‘buyers’ into a auction war (especially at the end, the last minute or so is going to be INSANITY!)they are gonna make some $$ on this auction.

Ebay is a pissing match with money instead of piss. It’s a sellers market, not a buyers one. I’ve had way better luck with kijiji, and for some strange reason, find twice as many in quebec than I do in ontario. A current search of Ontario Kijiji for " Apiilus" brings up a single machine there’s a dozen listings for quebec, two juniors for $799 and $750 :
This Senior for 1500:

This Senior with a chair and loop for $800
If someone from here doesnt buy it at that price, I’d be REALLY disapointed!!! All told that’s less than I paid for my SM500 and loop and memory card for it, and 10 kms away not 200*

And a buttload of Sx-500’s for 2700 and up . I’d say 95 % of the vendors are willing to ship anywhere if you pay for shipping and pay with some guaranteed form of payment like money order.

There might be a few deals to be had there if you look. Also sometimes just searching “Electrolysis” will come up with more than a few opportunities. The machine I bought, even without the memory card still costs me less than $600 ( $700 if you count the bus ticket I bought to go get it) to have up and running, and no one bought it because there was no description to speak of. Someone who knew what they were looking at in the picture, got a deal, namely me.

I also found thi senior for $1200 here in Gatineau:

Dang, it seems like Canada is the place to be for used machines. I recently got my money back after a failed Ebay attempt at buying a Silhouet-Tone Sequentium VMC. Seller never shipped or replied to any of my messages…
I saw that Apilus Junior on Ebay I’ll try and take a stab at it but idk it seems like it is going to take a long time for me to get started. I already have a pack of F3 gold Ballet needles that I’m not sure what to do with. I tried practicing insertions but without a machine to look forward to what is the point…

Dang! That VMC would have been awesome. What was the asking price?

I’ve also seen this one for a while listed in Renfrew Ontario. IT doesnt list the model of Fisher machine, and it looks older , do ask questons I guess. I’ve seen similar machines go for alot more on e-bay than $400.


That looks like maybe a glass bead sterilizer next to it? Anyone know how safe those are? Are they effective at sterilization? Renfrew is only about a 40 minute drive from here.

I know right! I was thinking the same thing thinking I got an awesome deal. VMC went for 875… I’m guessing that is why the seller did not sell it to me after all even though I won the auction. I offered more money and pay whatever shipping costs but no response. The Ebay people even tried calling her and they said someone answered and hung up on them : /

So I’m guessing kijiji is like the craigslist of Canada I’m assuming. Having absolutely zero finds on craigslist…

So I spoke to Eric the technician at Apilus this morning and ordered out the memory card. He’s going to throw in a manual, which will be helpful to have and said he wasnt going to charge the 8$ normally it costs. Hopefully Seana should be totally operational by monday. Time for some more insertion practise this weekend!
I have to say that Eric in Montreal ofice has been exceptionally helpful. He offered to help me if I run into any problem initializing the machine. Thing to note if anyone is buying a used apilus, make sure the memory card is included! They are darned expensive, $301 including tax and shipping. Always test before you buy if at all possible, this is one thing I have learned several times over the last while.

yes Kijiji is like craigslist, but more postings. It’s run by…ready for this…ebay but is just free personal want ads and doesnt give any of the buyer protection ebay does. They run in the states too I think.They seem to call it ebayclassifieds there:

I dont recognize this electrolysis machine and it’s a dark picture so I cant see the label. It looks high end though and for $400 someone may be interested seems to be a Micropil 500:

That apilus Junior has crept up at the rate of about $100 a day, and is currently sitting at $314. Still one heck of a deal. I still think in the last minutes it’s going to go over $1000, but I’m wondering if that would happen if someone big it up to say 6-700 at this point Looks like it’s two or three bidders at this point having it out.

Hello everybody, I’m new here. Big thanks to people who keep this thread alive, it’s been a great help. As of right now I’m highest bidder for that Apilus. As I understand from what I read here, it isn’t worth it go higher than 500$?

yes it is. Those tend to go for 800-1200 even on kijiji.As stated earlier I’d be really surprised if you get it for less than $1000 or if the bidding doesnt go up to at least that in the last few minutes. But what the heck, give it a try and see what happens. YOU WOULD BE EXCEPTIONALLY LUCKY to get it for your current bid.


Just for comparison’s sake:

James W. Walker VII,
I would love to know what you would be willing to sell your VMC for.

James W Walker VII,
Oops! Just realized I was on a very old page when you said you had a spare VMC.

Shrike, I see you are still the high bidder, but with 13 hours to go, it’s creeped up and is at $520 now. Lets see if I was right tonight…


I hope you were wrong, obviously :). We’ll see soon anyhow.

If I was, then you could look at either of the apilus juniors I gave links to in quebec, for 750 and 799. Those are both bargains.

IMPORTANT!! I’m not sure if the junior has the memory card feaature, but make sure you get the master security code AND the card. I can tell you from experience those are $250 + shipping and tax from Apilus, I just bought one, and the machine wont do anything without them

EDIT: 2 1/2 hours to go, that’s a steal of a deal if you get it for that much.


In a little under an hour, it looks like Shrike is getting a bargain.

That was entertaining, still popped up $100 in the last 10 seconds. Someone still got a VERY good deal to get that for 630.Sorry Shrike.
