I think you’re referring to the SE-4 or SE-5 that recently have gone up for sale on eBay, both of which are good deals even with the buy it now option. James would know more about the cost of repairs than i would, the only real way to test is to try it on yourself. Theres also several experiments hatched to cook an egg and turn on a light bulb, but IMO the only real way to be sure its calibrated and in good working order is knowing what electrolysis really feels like when it’s correctly done.
[color:#666600] Silhouet-Tone ST-100 Sold on eBay $180 dollars
Someone nabbed it. With only 19 page views on the counter. Hopefully someone here. If not, most likely Dr. Heimlich from TES.
See, that machine can run circles around these older Fischer and ClareIII’s, Sterex’s, and SS-99’s listed. Someone got an excellent, excellent learner machine.
As for the possibly broken Fischer, move on. They may not even fix it. They may just want to replace the whole mainboard. They may not even answer the phone.
Until you, yourself, have a hard quote, in your hand, avoid it. Take it off your list of possibles and keep looking.[/color]
[color:#3366FF] Ebay An Apilus Junior 1st generation
An Apilus Junior, looks like first generation, not the Junior Plus. But it’s at $207 with five days left. Could be a good buy.[/color]
this is a super cheap steal for a DIY home user. Everything you need, nothing fancy, but even includes an auto sensor.
This is the Digital Electrolysis Machine Model US 100, ULTRA SOFT By Depilamax/now known as Silhouet-Tone
I’m still looking for a Gentronics Multiple needle machine. Any one out there have one for sale?
I’ve got one. MC160a (older generation) shoot me a pm if you’re interested. I also have the multiple needle rack.
One of the best 3 modality manual analogue machines out there.
Hinkel UC-2 with air compressor
We don’t recommend home users to start with thermolysis. If, however, you have had some experience working with galvanic, and blend, and have worked your way up to being able to handle thermolysis, here is a steal of a deal on a machine. You can get the missing part from the Berkowits School in NYC, or from Texas Electrolysis Supply. The missing part is $50 or less, and a check up on the machine would be about $80
Hi all. I have been reading these forums for a while now and I purchased the books that you recommended by Richards and a few others. I have had electrolysis done on parts of my face and my wife and I have a lot of waxing done. We would like to purchase a machine to do hair removal on ourselves as the cost of laser for the areas we want done is just too prohibitive.
The lady who did my face has been doing it for 22 years and she is willing to sell me her machine. (She is upgrading)
She has a Gentronics MC160 with all the multiple needle attachments and it works perfectly. She is also willing to show me the ropes to get me started. Anyway, she wants $1200 for her machine, but it seems high. I have seen them on ebay for as little as $300, but wanted your opinions.
Also, do you have anymore links to used machines? Or is anyone on these forums selling one that would work for u? I am willing to put in the time and effort to learn, but also want a machine that will do thermolysis and probably blend as well. Thanks!
Also, there is this machine on ebay right now.
Since new Gentronics MC160’s are no longer available, and this one is working, she can get that price and more from an active professional who knows this machine, and wants a back-up, or additional machine in the same practice. (You usually want additional work stations to have the same machines, so you can provide the same service experience at each work station.) as you can see, her price is less than the buy it now price in this listing. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Gentronics-Epilator-Professional-Electrolysis-Equipment-/130875945049?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e78d07059
The UC-3 you linked to would do well for a someone who wanted to take our advice to start with galvanic, work up to blend, and maybe, if you dare, try thermolysis once you are doing good work with blend. I want to tell you, if I were working on myself, I would use blend for self insertions, as thermolysis is just too unforgiving of misplacement of the probe. We suggest using thermolysis only in a situation where you have a buddy and you are trading work on each other, or you are doing work on someone else, once you get good with galvanic and blend.
Any updates on whats on sale guys? I’m checking ebay but I really don’t know how to judge which product is good enough. I just want something which is slightly better than one touch and has a pedal so that both my hands are free during hair removal.
there is not an electrolysis machine on Ebay at this moment that is a real professional model for less than $900
Ahh that’s too high. Less than 500 would work out.
Thanks James!
Are there any not so professional models which are better than the one touch?
The problem is that if you get something like an Aavex, or Global electrolysis supply scam machine, the electronics are so chintzy that I would not trust them to deliver current safely and effectively for long.
Be of good cheer, pro models are always on ebay for $500 and less, you just have to keep your eye on the listings.
If you can negotiate with this seller and buy an electrical plug converter, you can maybe get this for $500 delivered. http://www.ebay.com/itm/CARLTON-BLEND-ELECTROLYSIS-EPILATOR-BEAUTY-MACHINE-CC337-/230970131783?pt=UK_Health_HairRemoval_RL&hash=item35c6e48547
Just talk to the seller and see what you might be able to work out.
Sorry, had to post this… what a deal!!
Electrolysis hair removal equipment
Prime example of a GOOD deal on eBay! i’ve seen this machine go for over $900, to any potential DIY’er this is the type of auction you need. I actually monitored this auction, no bid snipe at the end needed. If a hairtell user won this please let me know, i’d like to shake your hand!!!
*The auction link will probably expire within 3 months, Silhouet Tone - Servo Blend for $410.00 USD.
Is this good guys?
Bid as hard as you can, this would be excellent for you and in your price range.
Alright, i gotta know zaphairzap did you win the auction?
Edit: If a bid war is your thing here’s a thermolysis (no blend or galvanic) machine going for currently $152.00, there’s a reserve on it and something tells me the seller might be wanting a little more than the machine is actually worth.
One of the reasons we did not post that here is because as a thermolysis only machine, it is not recommended by HairTell for home users, as one would not be able to start with galvanic, and work up to blend, and then thermolysis, if one felt proficient enough to use that modality.