Manish ma. I have a MPG Gentronics that I would sell. Visit me if and when when you come to NYC. I do not want to get involved in packaging, transportation and insurance fees.
Which Apilus machine do you guys suggest for DIY? There is two options that I might consider to buy, APILUS Senior and APILUS Senior II. Is there a big difference between these two machines in terms of efficiency and the magnitude of pain I might experience? Also, is $1000 ok for a APILUS SENIOR or do I need to save my money to buy APILUS SENIOR II because I have a tight budget so,I need to get something that gives better results and less pain(The pain I experienced during my electrolysis session was unbearable with other electrolysis machines, but Apilus II was one exception. That’s why, I am considering owning one those great machines) Sorry in advance for any grammar mistakes cause I am not a native speaker. Thanks
While the Senior and Senior II are close in the comfort they deliver, the Senior II will have the ability to be even more comfortable, and can be upgraded to have all the functionality of an SX-500 if you send it back to the company for upgrades.
If you are on a tight budget, the Senior One would be just fine. And Yes, $1,000 for a Senior One is well within the normal range.
James thank you for the information, that really helps a lot.
[color:#CC0000]A Silhouet-Tone ST-100 still at $100 !! with 21 hours left. Closes at 6pm 11/27 on eBay
Silhouet-Tone ST-100 on eBay 21 hrs left at $100 dollars!
Put down yer’ One-Touch and git to biddin’ son![/color]
[font:Century Gothic][color:#CC6600]5 hours to go, still at $100 measley U.S. Dollars![/color][/font]
I saw that machine too. The picture was so small I would not trust it. It was impossible to determine the condition of the exterior which is a good indicator of how the unit has been treated. I recently sold a computerized MNG epilator on ebay and will mostly likely have a Gentronics MC-160A (less needle arm) for sale soon. My results are so good with thermolysis I no longer offer blend treatments. I typically complete an average case in no more than six months. Like others have stated on this forum, efficacy is not dependent on machine or modality, but the skill of the practitioner.
[color:#3333FF]If one was unsure, they could easily ask the seller for additional photos. They stated “In Excellent working condition.” Anything less would result in a refund or bad feedback. They even had the manual. It sold for $157 dollars. A steal by any standard. This could have easily been an improvement for a One-Touch user, or potential DIYer. A decent, accurate machine is a necessity in anyone’s book.[/color]
For those looking for a cheap thermolysis only unit.
The missing pedal can be ordered from the Berkowits School in NYC, or Texas Electrolysis Supply
Berkowits 2200 thermolysis only unit.
Thanks for all the good info.
just so you know I asked the seller:
Is the machine in good working condition?
If I got a foot pedal is the machine ready to go?
She replied:
Helllo, I do not know if it is working or not. I suspect it would be best for someone who knows how to fix. This model is no longer made. It would be better for someone who already has a unit and needs parts. Sincerely, Linda
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 10:44 PM
What are your thoughts on the Uniprobe Lite for $425 from Texas Electrolysis?
Uniprobe lite is a blend machine, not a bad price for everything it can do. if you’re looking to save $$ you can probably find a more professional one cheaper on the 'bay. If it were up to me, i wouldn’t buy it only because it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles that come with a genuine electrolysis machine. But if you’re looking to just do hair removal this is a good machine to start with.
I would agree with the above statements.
As for the Berkowits machine, the manufacturer would give it the once over for about $70 to $100 with the cord and Texas Electrolysis would as well. It would not cost much to have that machine as good as new.
But since it is a thermolysis only unit, we recommend someone who has experience buy it, as you can’t build your way up to a good insertion with thermolysis, you need galvanic to help you through the first day learning stuff.
Wanting to try a little DIY myself. I was looking at the Uniprobe but according to the Texas E site it is listed as a therm machine, I did not see a way to switch between galv/therm. I am thinking that I want a blend machine. More so galv than therm. I want something “economical” from *bay…any suggestions? I am watching for a clareblend I am thinking.?
I have my eye on an instantron SS-99 epilator. Looks to be in good condition and the starting bid is only 499$, buy it now is 999$ (ouch). The unit is thermolysis only though…
Unless your budget is over 1000$ (I see two Apilus’s right now) hang tight, theres always a good deal. I got my blend epilator for 100$.
[color:#006600]I saw that too!
It looks like a mini Elite. It’s a newer one. I used to think eBay was the best place to get a used machine, not anymore, they’re more plentiful in various canadian sites, and for much lower prices.
But good luck! $1000? Hmmm… I don’t know about that.[/color]
Ah, the memories… I used to have this one. the Shop-a-holic in me wants to buy it now just for the nostalgia. this would be a good set up to start fresh, and grow with your abilities. It even has the air compressor “skin desensitizing” feature.
[color:#3333FF]Yeah, personally I think the ST Servo-Blend could run circles around both of them. It was the B-17 of it’s era. Talk about nostalgia, I just love that machine. [/color]
While checking in on something for a HairTell Member, I was given some bad news. My friends at Texas Electrolysis Supply are cutting back on electrolysis machine repair for the older (some would say ancient) machines.
While it has been stated here many times how old electrolysis machines don’t tend to break, and that even a broken one can be fixed easily by a trained professional for a relatively low price (sometimes for less than the shipping charges), we are no longer able to confidently make that statement.
While replacing circuit boards, and some chips still remains possible, the blanket statement that any machine will be fixed at Texas Electrolysis Supply, is now said to be at a sunset.
Most of these machines are 30 years old and then some. Problem was people would send in a machine with what they thought was one thing wrong, and when the unit was inspected, it was found to have lots of brittle wires, and what nots, and the owner would balk at the final repair price. Of course, those people could not see that there was no choice but to fix everything, or nothing. If you fix only the thing that it was sent in for, and not the rest, it breaks again soon after its return, or while in transit on the way back, and the person swears the repair was not done properly. Worse yet, the unit could short out, and maybe start a fire.
Friends, let us have a moment of silence and mourning.
From where the sun now stands, we must now say that one needs to be careful when purchasing non-supported brands like, Proteus, Berkowits, Sudonna, and now, add Gentronics to this growing list.
While I believe I can say that Instantron continues to repair its own past products, I don’t know how, say, Silhouet-Tone would handle a service request for a 30 year old machine. (I know Apilus might offer a trade in allowance towards a newer machine LOL) While I may need to check in on the current state with them, last I spoke to them, The Unified Fischer/Hinkel company was still supporting all previous units, and I would expect that Clarablend would do the same. I just don’t have confirmation of that this week.
That’s all for now my lovelies.
[b][color:#CC0000]Hey! All you thinking about DIY, think about this little precious beauty:
A Silhouet-Tone ST-100 for a mere $180 dollars Buy It Now! Whoa! Bidding starts at a measley penny, that’s right one cent.
Go with the B-I-N, don’t even bid on it, once a bid is put down, the B-I-N might disappear, and this could easlity get up to $500. Only a four day window. I mean, I’d buy it myself, seriously, but I don’t use my back up machine as it is.
eBay - Silhouet-Tone ST-100 for buy it now of $180, four day listing, brand new list
This is an excellent, excellent buy.[/color][/b]
Do you know
How do test a Fischer se-2?
How much $ can repairs run?
The seller says it turns on but cant be sure it does not need repairs. any advise?