Legitimate electrolysis machines on eBay part 3

Hi Starling,

I’m not familiar with the Carlton. The SX-T looks very nice but it can only do thermolysis. The SX-B is an older model but it can do galvanic, blend and thermolysis, which might be more helpful to you. The buy-it-now price is high for an older model though. Perhaps you could make an offer for, I don’t know… 200?

By the way, there is also a newer SX-B model available for sale. (Includes a magnifying lamp.) I wouldn’t go too crazy with the bidding though, similar items have sold for 235-350 lately.

Thanks notadelphin, the SX-B model looks good. Have you used an electrolysis machine before? It would be great to have advice from anyone who has and how they went about it. I’ve had some electrolysis done professionally and I put cream on first which numbed the area because I was worried about the pain, I heard it really hurts. The cream is EMLA 30g and you can ask for a prescription from your doctor. Or I could buy it for £10 from the electrolysis lady.

Hey guys, first off I wanted to say thank you for the Forum. I learned basically everything I know about epilators and electrolysis from trolling these forums in the past few days.

I recently happened across a Fischer SE-4 epilator at a thrift store and picked it up. I am an electrical engineer and was fascinated by the device and purchased it having no idea what it was. Thanks to this forum I’ve got the jist of what it is now.

That all being said, I am really not too interested in the use of it (being a male in his twenties with a relatively small amount of hair). So with that, I tossed it on ebay. Just wanted to let you guys know. Like I said, I know very little about this thing so any tips or information would be good to know. I put a “best offer” on there because I really don’t know what its worth so if you’re interested, feel free to offer what you think its actually worth.

I also picked up a Electro-Blend UC-1 epilator that I will toss on eBay once this one is gone. It doesn’t have as many accessories but it has a few still.

Thanks again for the help. There is a surprisingly small amount of info about these two devices on the internet (except on here)!

Ebay - Fischer SE-4 Epilator

What type of end is on the cord of a clareblend foot switch? It looks like typical RCA but Im not certain. I just bought the for parts Clareblend on E bay for 50 dollars.

Hi All!

This is my first post but I have been lurking on these forums for quite some time. Can anyone help me find a machine capable of doing blend in the US for a reasonable price? I am not looking to start up a business, rather practice on myself and my sister (and have her practice on me). I found a Sterex SX-B on eBay UK that is new going for about $650 US dollars. I’m not sure if that is a good deal or not? And can anyone tell me what it is like trying to get one of these in from another country? Is it hard to get it through customs?

Thanks in advance!


If You are in the continental US, there is absolutely zero reason to buy a sterex from the UK. People over there go through crazy hassle trying to get our machines from over here! Some people have even been known to recruit people in the US to take delivery of units, have their electrical systems modified for the destination country’s current, and ship it on to them, all in an effort to have the best equipment not available in their country.

You should be looking for a nice Apilus, Claireblend, Fischer, Hinkel, Instantron, or Silhouet-Tone, that is right here in the USA.

A quick look on Ebay right now finds these bargains:

Can anyone tell me if there is a way to replace a missing electrode on a machine if i have an electrician service it? And about how much that would cost? I am looking at this listing:

Everything pictured is what you need to do work. The part they are saying is missing sounds like the Phorisis roller, which you won’t miss at all. If you want one, it will cost you about $30 to $50 brand new, and you can have the machine looked over for about $75 plus shipping at Texas Electrolysis.

I would say, however, that most likely, it is in perfect working condition. These things just don’t break that easy.

Thanks James!!! All your help is much appreciated from a newbie like me. :slight_smile: I will keep you posted on what I get (I have a few I plan to bid on). In the meantime, do you know of any being sold that are complete and come with all ‘accessories’? Thanks!

Wow … nice to see this old-timer. This was the machine that I designed with Art Hinkel. I drew the front panel and had Merv Larson (old-time champion surfer) shape the “box” out of a block of surfboard foam (glassed it, and made from molds). We had to line the inner box with metal to “ground” the HF. It’s the first machine with a “unit computer” on board. We used to call this the “bread box.” Ugly little monster, really.

PLEASE phone up the Hinkel Company. If my memory is correct, part of this machine (the HF side) is still “tube technology,” not fully integrated circuits (as all Hinkel units are today, and all modern units).

If this is a TUBE machine, you will be 100% out of luck if the tube (the 6L6) goes out, because they do not make them any more. Good luck! Mike

Went online and looks like you CAN get a 6L6 vacuum tube.
maybe this will work?

I’ve got a UC-1 like the last listed auction. I know nothing about epilators and am too scared to try it out. Lol. Is there anyway to test that tube? Thanks!

I lost the auction anyway. :frowning:

You would be doing yourself a favor by contacting Texas electrolysis supply and see about sending it in and have it checked out professionally. There’s more to that machine than just a tube. Otherwise contact your local ham radio group. Tube testers are ancient pieces of equipment but those folks are your best bet to find someone to test it for you.

The 6L6 was a very common final stage amplifier tube commonly used in high end audio amplifiers and guitar amplifiers like Marshall. As vacuum tubes go extinct, the 6L6 and the 12AU7, another common tube, will probably be the last to dissappear.

I won the auction – more than I was hoping to spend, but the style of this one was just so cool. Hopefully you can get the Clareblend, maybe for less!

Or maybe svenhook is interested in selling?

If I didn’t get this or the Clareblend that ends tomorrow, I was considering saving up for a new Hinkel classic.

Now I begin the process of figuring out how to use the thing…

I am, in fact. Like I said earlier in this post, I found these at goodwill and was curious so I snagged them. As a male in my 20s I dont think I have much of a use for them and am just looking to sell them now. Internet searches about the devices pointed me here which is where I’ve gotten all the info I know about these things.

I went ahead and threw the UC-1 up on ebay. It is here:

AR Hinkel UC-1 Epilator

Also trying to get rid of me Fischer SE-4. Sold once but never received payment so its back up:

Fischer SE-4 Epilator

Thanks for all the help! If there is anything I should know about these things, I’d love to hear about it!

I’m about to move and want to get these things out of the apartment so I switched them both to auctions. Hope someone is interested!

AR Hinkel UC-1

Fischer SE-4

I am looking for a multiple needle epilator, I have used Gentronics in the past. Any other suggestions?

If you want another Gentronics, we have a few people around here who have one for sale.

I will sell my Gentronics Digital to you, but you are in Israel! That may be complicated.