Legitimate electrolysis machines on eBay part 3

What a bargain ! I tried one of these recently, and am thinking of getting one as an emergency spare…when I sell my multi needle galvanics. Remember Dee, when you predicted this!!1

Oh, yes indeed, Christine. I still have my digital Gentronic epilator with rack and multi-probe rack and am waiting for the perfect time to sell it to a client husband/wife, partner/partner, mother/daughter, mother/son, friend/friend??? team for DIY body work. I came close last month to finding the perfect couple to entrust this set up to, but wasn’t the right time for them. My backup is my Silhouet Tone VMC, but the Apilus Platinum has been so dependable, there has been little need to unpack it. I think ALL epilators are very trouble-free in general.

Oh dear, I own 3 and have given 2 others to a friend. I once had a 3 practitioner clinic. How long have you been planning to sell yours for?

Ummmmmm… since 2007. I could be more aggressive, but … I have actually forgotten about it after I lovingly packed it away years ago. I did have a few people interested, but they where trying to get it for nothing. My asking price was already under priced.

Ah, yes I know it well :grin: A certain taller, older lady we both know said if that wasn’t a divine sign pointing me to electrology she didn’t know what was.

If I hadn’t been fortunate to find my SM-500, I might have had to settle for a machine like this

(And it doesn’t even have the “radiation” output that Mr. Bono mentions in his book.)

I bought that bad boy :crazy:

It is history, after all :wink:

Whoa!! That is certainly a vintage piece. Amazing to see a case constructed of plywood and covered in fabric, with a metal chassis inside containing vacuum tubes, no less! That it survived in such amazingly good condition is a testament to how much respect electrologists show their equipment.

You got a helluva good price for a bit of electrolysis history!

I’m looking to buy a Senior 2 or an SM-500, or anything comparable. Please help!

If you want a fair price, then ebay is the way to go, although sometimes Craigslist can list them as well. Right now, the only thing in that performance range is the Silhouet Tone VMC that’s on ebay now for $1,200. (They dropped the price). That’s a machine that’s comparable to the Senior 2. I always kind of thought an SM-500 was more comparable to a Senior 1. The machines look identical, I’m not sure what the SM-500 can do, that the Senior 1 can’t.

How I got my machines? I just had a readymade ebay search (custom search they call it?) and I just searched everyday in the early afternoon, eventually the deals come around.

Hold out for a good machine. These people that buy the older Instantrons for $500, or the older Clareblends or Fischers or Hinkels are settling for less. It really is worth it to buy a good computerized machine. But like you said, that’s what your looking for. Good luck.

And remember a fact that I kind of noticed: Buying an electrolysis machine from a electrologist, you’re going to pay more. Alot more. As opposed to someone selling it for somebody, or used it to DIY themselves, non-electrologists always ask less for the same machine. Just what I noticed.

Hope it helped

Would you be interested in this if it is still available?

For Sale Apilus SX-500

APILUS SX-500 Epilator. Excellent condition, has not had heavy use. Included in sale is 5 boxes of Pro-Tec insulated probes. $1,650 shipping included.

I can give you a number if you are interested.

yes i would.

I sent you a private message!

An Apilus Junior for $1,300

…I think the Silhouet Tone 128 for #600 was a better deal. Maybe they’ll relist it.

Here is a bit of an odd one. A “LAM Probe” thermolysis only machine, is this an early model Dectro machine? It uses the same case as the SM-500 and a very similar (but smaller) LCD display.

Considering newer, non-Platinum Apilus machines have sold for less,I don’t know where they get the idea it is worth $2000.

Dr. Lam’s, Lam probe was made by Dectro and is now made by Instantron. Dectro also was the first company to copy my “Telangitron.” Actually, the salesman that was working for me went to Dectro and had his own unit made called the “VascuTouch.” Dectro later made their own “vascular unit,” as did Clareblend (who originally manufactured my Telangitron). At the time, we were selling the Telangitron to physicians for $2,500. The “new” “VeinWave,” that is yet another clone, sells for $28,000 … and yes, it is basically an electrolysis machine. (Average US charge for the procedure is $200 for 15 minutes.) BTW, if you are an electrologist, you already have the right equipment.

Go figure?

This is great. To have Mr. Bono post to the board this first person account of the history is priceless. Maybe hum drum to you Mr. Bono, but to us gems of electrolysis history. Andrea really has to be proud, her bulletin board has the authentic real deal.

Thanks for the history nugget.

The thermolysis-only Instantron SS-69, eBay’s most popular epilator, appears once again. $100 to start, including a copy of the Hinkel book.

Here’s a decent machine. Not really computerized, and in my opinion, kind of lacking in the computerized features that makes one faster, nonetheless a good, tried and true workhorse.


A Hinkel UC-2

They do mention burnt out lights so I’m not sure what’s up with that though. I get a feeling this machine will go cheap.


“burnt out lights” would be a loose connection to the indicator. The machine could still work without these being operable. Either way, it would be an easy fix if sent to Texas Electrolysis Supply, or any other reputable service location.

Is this a good deal?
