Legitimate electrolysis machines on eBay part 2

Probably not, since it only does thermolysis, not galvanic or blend. Too bad, it is a great price right now.

James, that is interesting. Are most electrolysis machines built by hand? I remember reading Instantron machines are built by one person by hand. Maybe that is why they last so long; I always figured they rolled off some sort of assembly line.

Sad to see the Aavexx machine selling for more than the Berkowitz machine :sick:

A Fischer Compu-Blend, starting at $500!


And an older (?) Silhouet-tone I missed, ends in 15 minutes!


And a Gentronics MNG unit for $500


<sniff> I am getting all misty eyed.
My first electrolysis treatment was done on a Fischer Compu-Blend.

They are about as comfortable as machines of that era can get.

As the electrolysis industry is a rather small cottage industry, even the big manufacturers like Clarablend, Fischer/Hinkel, Dectro, Instantron, Silhouhet Tone, et al have a very few people working to put the machines together.

Aavox, Vector, and a few others are rolled of assembly lines and are hurredly mass produced, with unskilled labor connecting wire A to slot B. It doesn’t matter if they solder doesn’t last long, as the item is expected to be in the trash in a month or in the junk drawer, or a corner of the attic in no time.

A Proteus (?) machine. Thermolysis only, their negative feedback would make me leery.

An Apilus Senior II! I wish I could afford this, my electrologist only has a Jr. :smiley:

A Fischer Compu-Blend, lots of these on eBay lately

and another

A Silhouet-Tone VMC, starts at $2000

Not a pro machine, but I think HairTell readers might get a kick out of THIS :smiley:

Another thermolysis-only Proteus appears
Looks rather old for $500

How about the One Touch electrolysis kit? I know it is quite cheap. Is it effective?
What is the best, most effect machine an amateur can buy on E-BAY for DIY?

People have mixed feelings about the One Touch, though it is the only device marketed as a home electrolysis device that can actually work. None of the other cheap “home kits” (Aaverex, Vector, etc., selling for $100+) you find on eBay work.

The One Touch can be had for cheap however (I have seen it for $15 with shipping) and it actually can work. It is a good way for someone to get their feet wet with electrolysis I suppose, and if you feel confident with it you can upgrade to a pro machine. However, the unit does not last long, the treatment options are very limited, it requires batteries, and the probe it uses is huge compared to normal electrolysis probes. Replacement probes are expensive and difficult to find.

If you are absolutely sure you know you want to try DIY electro, just buy a pro machine that is capable of all three modalities and go from there.

Yet another Kree Imperial Deluxe, lots of those lately on eBay

Not a pro machine but another fun one, a home electrolysis device that is more than 40 years old. The lady on the manual makes it look easy and almost enjoyable :wink:

One for our UK viewers, a Sterex blend epilator

An Apilus Jr. Plus I stumbled across, in Scottsdale AZ

Now here is a rare, err, gem. I think :grin:

Is this one of those scam (professional) electric tweezer systems that came out in the 70s? (It has a copyright date of 1976 on the back, and even alleged FCC approval.) I have to say, it looks like a well-built unit. It even has an odometer on the back, that is something I have never seen before.


Oh, it sure looks like a scammy thing that is not even worth one penny, unless there is some copper in the “innerd’s”.

You are correct, The RFD model 101a was a Radio Frequency Device (get it? RFD? Not Rural Free Delivery as in Mayberry, whoa, now my age is showing :D) it was an “Electric Tweezer” that purported to “send RF energy down through the hair and destroy the follicle while you needed only to grasp the hair and hold on to it until it fell out”, and as such, is only fit to be modified to hold a probeholder that accepts electrolysis needles/probes and therefore actually provide permanent hair removal. As we have discussed elsewhere, hair does not conduct heat very well, and certainly doesn’t conduct radio frequency down the shaft and dispence it to the structures below the skin. Since it is made based on professional units, getting a pro probeholder with a cord that fits this attatchment would be as easy as calling Texas Electrolysis Supply 1-800-626-6025 or sending a picture of the unit and probe holder connector to Texas Electrolysis Supply 16627 Sea Lark Rd Houston, TX 77062

Actually, at the price this system is going for, it would be better than some of the home unit garbage people buy for similar prices, but since it is actually a radio frequency unit, when it was converted with the new probeholder & cord, it would be a thermolysis unit, instead of a galvanic and you know we would rather have galvanic or blend units in the hands of the unskilled, so they can minimize the lasting effects of their mistakes.

If you asked nicely enough, the people at TES would take this machine and add a galvanic current, and an extra foot pedal, and one could have a nice blend machine for pennies on the dollar.

It looks like the BNC connector Instantron uses for their probeholders (though I can’t tell if the little bumps on the side that secure the connection are there.) I have never seen a phono plug for the footswitch before though. The power cord also needs to be replaced according to the seller.

I don’t have a background in industrial design or anything, but I swear there is something about those Vector and Aaverex devices that subtly says “cheaply made”. This one struck me as different, and makes me wonder if they actually believed this thing worked as claimed when they built it.

And on the other end of the spectrum, another Apilus unit makes an appearance on eBay, the Senior II.

Another Proteus machine makes an appearance on eBay


Our friend from Mayberry, RFD is back :smiley:

As we have already discussed, this machine was made by someone who thought it would work for professional level work, witness that it has lasted this long. While the cord is listed as in need of replacement, from the pictures, I would say that the unit probably fell of a table, or was lifted up and moved past the cord’s slack point and the cord was pulled out of the moorings. As long as the solder points are not broken, one needs only push the plug back into place, and maybe add a little glue into the hole to add extra security from the cord being pulled out again if it is every yanked again.

Of course, all that would be attended to while the machine were being converted to a blend unit by Texas Electrolysis supply, if one were interested. $20 for this machine, is a way better bargain than those flimsy things sold for many times more money.

Radio Frequency Device 101a RFD Model 101a

There is no way this used machine (the Proteous)is worth $800. :confused:

Once they pay Ebay listing fees for zero bids a few times, they will relist it at $1 first bid, or $100 first bid and finally sell it.

Again, this is a good machine to have Texas Electrolysis Supply ad galvanic current to and have a blend machine for less (that is once they are willing to sell it for a reasonable price)

The One Touch can be had for cheap however (I have seen it for $15 with shipping) and it actually can work. It is a good way for someone to get their feet wet with electrolysis I suppose, and if you feel confident with it you can upgrade to a pro machine. However, the unit does not last long, the treatment options are very limited, it requires batteries, and the probe it uses is huge compared to normal electrolysis probes. Replacement probes are expensive and difficult to find.

If you are absolutely sure you know you want to try DIY electro, just buy a pro machine that is capable of all three modalities and go from there.

A great DIYer setup, including a Bono book, some Ballet needles and a Softblend (blend) epilator

And an old Kree 1001 thermo only unit, in amazing shape! And only a switch and two sliders on the front, doesn’t get simpler than that.