Legitimate electrolysis machines on eBay part 2

Instantron Blendtone on ebay

What a little gem. Makes me think of a simpler time. The Instantron Blendtone. Maybe it’ll find a good home, maybe get taken away to the Texas Electrology Supply Orphanage. I just hope it gets a good meal and a clean warm bed. It is stout little happy machines like this that can put a $50,000 laser machine to shame in terms of effective PERMANENT hair removal. With it’s little cute knobs, it’s happy blinking eyes, and it’s smiling ampere level guage, it wags its needle at the sight of a customer that wants to take it home. All of you kicking around the idea of DIY or Co-DIY …definitely bid on it.


Here’s another newer model by Instantron.
e-bay: SS-99 Electrolysis Machine
Item number: 260229193216

Here is another Instantron, an Elite Spectrum
High opening price and the seller only has 3 feedbacks though.

I have been watching eBay for a machine for a while, and have just started looking into buying a used or refurbished machine from a supplier or manufacturer. At the risk of asking a dumb question, is it possible to find a good DIYer machine from a supplier for $400-600? Or is eBay (or classifieds like craigslist) the only place to find a suitable machine at that price range? :frowning:

Another dumb question if I may. I was considering asking my electrologist if she had an old machine or if she knew someone who had a machine for sale; I have read previous posts where pros here have sold their old machines to DIYers. However, I was worried she might be somehow offended, or get angry at me and give me a lecture for thinking about doing some of my own electro. Would it be considered a breach of professional etiquette to ask her questions like that about DIY electro? I don’t want to offend her, she is doing a fantastic job and I do not intend to replace her. I just have so much unwanted hair I could never afford to have her do my whole body.

You may be able to get a refurbished machine from Texas Electrolysis Supply in that price range. Other than that, your best bet is Ebay, and what ever info on other available machines gets posted here in this thread.

I found this one on craigslist after a lot of searching, probably have to be local to Phoenix to pick it up though. Too far away and too expensive for me, but figured maybe someone might find it useful. A “like-new” Gentronics mc160d-c.


That’s a fair price, but if it’s without a multiple needle rack and the air desensitizer, I would think $800-$900 would be a better price. It’s a nice product and would be easy for you to understand, but may be more than you need.

Call Texas ELectrolysis as James recommended and see if they have a nice Clareblend, with knobs, for the price range you want.

I have the Gentronic’s MC-160D-C and I’m willing to sell it with the multi-needle rack and air desensitizer, so I know the price range having asked several people that know what they are talking about.

If you can get a good Ultra Clareblend for $400-$600, then that might be better than the MC-160D-C which is computerized and does microflash thermolysis, blend and straight up galvanic, unless you really want the microflash component.


A nice Instantron Elite Spectrum

Start with galvainic, work your way up to blend, and if you dare, try thermolysis once you get good at those.

Hurry up! This seller has stated a $300.00 USD Buy It Now price!


Nice Instantron with galvanic, thermolysis and blend.

Here is another cheap one! An Instantron Blendtone.
Hairtell readers know that the missing parts are available from Texas Electrolysis Supply, as well as any repair it may need.
You should be able to get a red and black bananna clip cord at Radio Shack, and test the unit with a flashlight bulb with the red on the side of the bulb and the black on the black bottom of the bulb. If that lights, you should not need to invest the $80 to have Texas Electrolysis refurbish it. You will need to buy from them a new probe/needle holder cord, however.
At any rate, it does galvanic, blend, and thermolysis.


I am glad James mentioned testing a used unit. I was just wondering how I could tell if a unit worked up to spec or not (without having the requisite electronics skills to open the machine and test everything, maybe this would be a good thread on its own?) Is there a way to tell if the RF end works up to spec as well? Given the age of the machines listed I figured I might have to send the to texas electro for calibrating/refurbishing/etc.

Also, I assume of the Instantron machines the Elite is one step up from the Blendtone, and is the same or easier for a DIYer to use?

Anyone interested in an old Kree Imperial Deluxe? :slight_smile:

A working Kree Imperial Deluxe… just proves our point that old electrolysis machines don’t usually die, they just stop being used. I used to say that they lasted as long as radios, but I had to re-think that… they last longer than most radios, televisions, Ipods, and mp3 players. My last one was on for the better part of a decade, rarely ever turned off, due to a quirk in the system that allowed my forgetfulness to risk not being able to do a treatment if I had not powered it down properly. I decided it was better to have it always on like a computer, than to have a client arrive just to find we could do no work. How long would the average brand new television last if one left it on day and night from day one? it wouldn’t be 9 years, I will tell you that!

The blendtone is just stereo knobs, while the Elite has a digital readout. The elite is just a little more complex than the blendtone when it comes to understanding working it, as the digital allows the maker to multi-taks with the switches. The blendtone had only stereo knobs and they always work the same function.

I should have also stated the obvious, Instantron is still in business, and those in the heartland or east coast may find lower shipping costs to Instantron’s home base than to Texas Electrolysis Supply. Skip and the boys would be happy to refurbish your units, and they might even get a kick out of seeing their babies again. They can tell you who built each one just by looking at them.

Another Fischer SE-5, the same model went for $600 on eBay last time (I don’t know if that one had air or not). $1900 to start and the seller didn’t even spell “Fischer” right :slight_smile:

Or, buy the same Fischer machine for $100 less to start and get a small start-up equipment set.

Hi, I’m new to the forum.

In the past, I’ve had good results with electrolysis on my face. I switched to laser for face and body with mixed results. My legs and lower arms have been 95% clear for over 5 years. Unfortunately, overzealous technicians touched vellus hair on my upper arms, and more recently face, which stimulated hair growth. Thankfully, the face didn’t come back as bad as the upper arms. I will continue to try to get off the arm hair with laser treatments, but I am done touching my face with one. Recently I did a couple of professional electrolysis treatments to correct my face. I’m interested in doing it myself and some other areas. Economically and schedule wise, it works better for me. I also like the idea of being able to treat a few hairs that might appear.

I plan to buy all the books and practice, practice, practice. If for some reason I can’t master the skill, I figured I can always resell the machine. I saw that UniProbe sells a new machine for 399.00, is this any good? I believe it is only thermolysis, which I know is not ideal for a beginner. I’ve been on ebay and there is a Clareblend Ultrablend model #8701. The bid is at 300.00. Is this machine worth the deal? I really wanted something computerized because automatic features makes it seem easier and I am a bit worried about using foot pedals. I’m realistic though and know that they range in the thousands. Too much for a novice like me.

TIA. You guys are amazing.


Trust me, the Clarablend is the better buy for you.

Don’t be afraid about the foot pedals. If things get to hot, you will naturally take your foot off the pedal :grin:

Any pro machine that does blend would be the one to get. Blend machines can do galvanic alone, thermolysis alone, or blend. The only thing that makes one more desireable than another is the extras like microflash, and auto sensor, and computerized pre-sets.

We were just discussing the Silhouet-Tone VMC in another thread… and here is another one, looks like it is new! Starts at $2,200.


And a Berkowits Thermolysis-only machine. Any relation to the Berkowits school of electrology? :slight_smile: Going cheap right now.


I own the VMC and it is the best thing I have purchased for my business. I love many things about this epilator, but have also invested in the Apilus Platinum. It will be fun to compare the two epilators as I get deeper into learning about the Platinum. I am now and will continue to keep detailed records of which features I like best on these two great machines and will share my thoughts and my client reactions soon.

The VMC is powerful and it really doesn’t belong in the hands of someone that has very little electrolysis knowledge base. That goes double for the Apilus Platinum. I know these epilators are out of your price range, but feel the need to say this.

You really should consider the Ultra Clareblend to begin with and then work your way up. I would advise you to enroll in an electrolysis program, if you possibly can work that out. I bet you would be a great electrologist.

Oh, I forgot to say that all the accessories are present, including the video and the satillite. I don’t see the instruction manuel though. I love the big screen on the VMC.

This is a good bottom price and real steal of a deal for any electrologist that wants to update.

Yes, the Berkowits Electrolysis Machines were produced by the folks at the Berkowits School of Electrolysis… specifically Barry Herman. He hand built and serviced each and every one of them all by himself.

Is there anyone who could recommend this Berkowits machine for a beginner?