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I know a lot of folks viewing this thread are keeping their eyes out for a good machine. And as ebay listings can be difficult to get information from, I wanted to point this out in case anyone was thinking of bidding on this machine.
This Boutry unit appeared earlier with better pictures here:
Went unsold, then reappeared here:
Just note that the second listing doesn’t really show the extensive damage to the machine’s keypad, read-outs, and structure that’s seen in the first listing, and it is the same machine. To get this type of heavy damage, this machine was used for I don’t know what. But this kind of damage to the housing and control pad could lead to a machine not functioning accurately, and perhaps, causing unexpected voltage surges due to bad connections. Also, the pedal and all attachments are missing. This type of pedal hookup doesn’t look familiar, and Boutry ( may or may not still produce a replacement.
I kicked around the idea of buying it in the first listing, at even $57.00, I was wondering if it was worth it. Now, relisted at $185.00, this unit may be too damaged and incomplete to justify the price.
Finally some good machines on ebay:
A Silhouet Tone SB-8 (Servo-Blend Model #8) . An Excellent buy even at $700. It’ll probably get a late bid in the $550 range.
An Apilus Junior starting at $1,000. Which a beginner would balk at, but shouldn’t, because it is money wisely spent.
And an Instantron SS-99 that is a great unit.
There is also a digital Gentronics unit. But, starting at $1,800, not a realistic entry level machine for most.
To all you people asking about machines, watch these. They’re all good, solid units. My order of preference? The Apilus, The Sil-tone, the Instantron, then the Gentronics.
It would be better for a beginner to have a gentronics unit than to have a thermolysis only Instantron machine like the “Tronco-4 SS-99”, but if one were comparing an Instantron machine that did all modes, then the average person might find the Instantron easier to figure out how to use.
Hey James,
…with that comment actually, I was thinking only of the price. I was thinking at $1,800, a beginner may very likely not take to DIY electro, and it would be cash lost. …my preference is only for the current prices. If all were the same price, it would be The Junior, the Gentronics, the SB-8, then the SS-99 (or 66-SS depending upon if the new operator knew which way to set it on the table).
Oh, yeah, the Tronco-4 SS-99 is often the least expensive machine available, and since its owners usually have no idea of the age of the unit (or even its purpose) they often sell it for cheap. Best off, one would never spend more than $100 to have it totally reconditioned. Usually, all one needs to do is replace the probe-holder, and maybe a footswitch.
This Berkowits 2300 unit has appeared, to someone that doesn’t think $599 is a little steep for a thermolysis only (doesn’t do DC galvanic electro or blend for that matter) it may be something to consider. It basically does the same thing as the Instantron SS-99 that is priced a lot lower. This machine will have a much longer learning curve to ever use effectively. It does have air for pain reduction. That’s a big plus if you ask me. But people have said that the air functions go unused because of the excess noise they emit, especially on the lower tier units.
If you live around Southern California, this Clareblend Ultrablend has appeared for $310. These are good, basic units, an ideal beginner machine. After possibly upgrading to a better machine once the basics are learned, this machine will resell at what you paid for it. These Clareblends routinely go for $250 - $500, are easy to service, and take generic/universal attachment hookups.
I don’t live in So Cal, but could a complete beginner with no electrolysis experience learn how to figure one of these out? Does it offer galvanic electrolysis. This looks very similar to a unit one of my current electrolysists use, in fact, it might be the exact same model. Sorry for all the newb questions
Yes, any machine that can do blend can do both galvanic alone, or thermolysis alone. In order to figure it out, you would do well to buy The Blend Method: Real World Electrology by Michael Bono, available for order over the phone at Texas Electrolysis Supply.
Where’s the pic?
Deal, I’ll have to keep my eyes posted for one of these around my area, and order that book ASAP.
I would say that is why he said it must be a joke, there is NO INFO! Not a pic, not a model number, not a manufacturer name, NOTHING… and they want how much sight unseen? :whistle: :crazy:
Chuck, if you contacted the seller, there is a chance that they would mail it. They are probably worried about it being received damaged. If you addressed those concerns, and told them you would pay extra to have it packed box-within-a-box they may reconsider. Maybe not with this particular machine, but another that may come up in the future. I shopped for a machine for months, I got a good idea of how often what comes up, and what to look for in a seller. You should do the same if you are really set on trying DIY.
And note, even if the machine did arrive with something knocked out of whack, it could be easily fixable -still worth it.
Something sounds very fishy about that Ebay listing. I sent an email asking if the unit could be picked up by family members which happen to live in California, and the seller seems to have agreed. When I called the spa, I was given the number for the Manager but still have not heard any response. Something just does not sound right. Why someone refuses to ship is beyond me, when just taking it 0.6 miles to a UPS location, and they will double package it for shipment is beyond me.
Instantron SS-69 On bid. Four more days. It’s a RF (thermolysis)only machine, but if it goes low, would be a good buy. The beginner will have a rough start, and possibly a rougher middle, but if they can get the process down of using a therm only machine , this could be a great deal.
Wow! This machine is cheap! Does it have the power level to get he job done? I’d imagine all electrolysis machines could be used to pump up the power level. I don’t really know the specifics of why machines are better than each other? I’d really like to get one of those clareblend machines, those sound like they are really good. I have no idea how to make a great insertion yet, but I am definitely willing to read and learn how to do so. I just don’t want to do damage or scar myself with going straight to thermolysis.
A Clareblend Ultrablend would be a better epilator for you IF YOU INSIST ON doing this yourself. It would be better because you can just start out doing straight, but slow, galvanic.This would give you are large window of time so you could watch your skin reaction at the surface and make adjustments if you see untoward side effects. Galvanic only is a good place to start for a newbie and the Clareblend is a very sturdy piece of equipment which can function as a galvanic only epilator. Later, you can up the speed because it is a blend epilator, and it can offer thermolysis only as well.
Good news, I guess it can be shipped now. It was relisted…
I think I’m going to try to buy it. $310 dollars, can’t beat that. It doesn’t look like it has a footpedal? I sent an email to the buyer to ask if it comes with one as I don’t see it in the pictures. I looked on the clareblend website and it looks like they are $2500 for a new one…jeez.
Is there anything different between these two products? They look exactly the same, I know obviously one is older, but from the pictures it doesn’t look in bad condition. I figure if I can’t figure it out I can always sell it back in EBAY to somebody. The only thing I’m weary of is there is no feedback for the seller.