I Need advice.

I had this area done. I removed the most noticeable hairs first and then kind judged based on what looked natural. I didn’t get every single little hair removed and it looks nice and natural now. Just a little tiny fuzz that you can only see in certain light. And very little of that.

The neck is like torture to me because of feeling ticklish, worse than work on the most painful areas even. You can’t move, you can’t scratch, you can’t laugh. Horrible! And just my luck I have a lot of hair there.

LAgirl, how many hours and how much money do you think you spent on your stomach total?

Roma I just looked at your pictures. WOW!!! That is truly amazing. Thank you for sharing images which do a much better job than words at describing what good treatment can do. You look great! I am so jealous. I am going to have to scroll thru this thread to find out who your electrologist is and see if I would consider traveling to see her or him.

Thanks Caligirl! you can PM me, I will give you her contact info.

That was with laser wasn’t it?

I have really long, thick, wiry hair on my trail like underarm or pubic hair so reduction in that area wouldn’t work. It would need to be totally cleared. I also have a trial going up above the navel with the hair type (slightly more noticeable than peace fuzz) being the same as the rest of my abs it’s slightly longer. I’m worried about how the total clearance would be blended in with the rest of the abdomen mostly. Anyway, going for a consult in July/August, fingers crossed.

No, I had my abdomen done with electrolysis. I know the difference :slight_smile: I only had 3 treatments with laser on this area a very long time ago and stopped because it didn’t do much as the hair was too fine.

I didn’t get it “reduced”. I got about 95% removed with electrolysis. The hair I had spread out to the sides of my stomach, getting finer as it went out. But it was all over the stomach. I had about 2 years worth of electrolysis on this area. It was my biggest project and I’m very happy with the outcome. What’s left are just some peach fuzz and very little of it. You probably wouldn’t notice it looking at my stomach. It’s only noticeable in very bright light when I’m not tanned at all.

Okey so I’m really happy with my results, my skin is almost hair less, however I think my left side, the side burn area is not looking natural. I definitely went to high and now it’s not growing back! I had two clearance there and I thought by doing that the hair will come back a little thinner but now it’s not growing back at all! Is there any way I can get some of the hair back? what are my options??Thanks.

Last year my electrologist took too much off the sideburn area and it looked unnatural, but now a year later the area has enough hair to look natural.

Candela how much did she take off and how many times did you have it cleared??I’m afraid mine wont grow back because I had it cleared twice and thinned out before… and its been almost a year sine then…

Roma, since you’re still relatively young, I would expect some new hair to grow in just with age.

hopefully it will grow back in the right places and not on my cheeks or chin!!By the way will hair transplant work for the sideburns treated with electrolysis??

She took off all but a short area next to my ear. The area looks fine to me now. I think I only got it that short once, but she worked all over my face for 2-3 months. When was the last time your electrologist cleared it too short?

Can you post some pics?

last time my electrologist worked on it was end of last summer. I really just want it too look natural and not so high .

The area in the black is completely bald, no hair at all, I have to constantly make sure I have a little hair from my hair line to cover that area !! like the picture above, I’m pretty sure the hair is gone forever its been a while since my last treatment, and no hair back.

In your picture is not bad. Perhaps the line a little high, but I would not take such a drastic measure such as hair transplantation. This is not worth it. Concide ideal line with the upper level of the tragus. And you almost made it.

We now need to convince Penelope Cruz, to follow your example. :wink:

I’m sorry. You can try waiting until it’s been a year to see if more hair grows back, and if not you can try Rogaine. People recommended that to me for my eyebrows. I haven’t tried it yet, but I heard it works well.

The pic you posted looks good though, if that’s how it looks now.

sofia, do you think it will grow back?

candela thats how it is right now! I just feel like it needs to be alittle lower. yeah I’ll wait a year and then try Rogaine.

Roma, I do not know if the question is addressed to me. Sofia’s name confuses me. Is the name of the queen consort of my country. In fact the only thing that I have of queen is coinciding with my surname.

Just in case, I’ll give my opinion. I think in the area that marks the square, all hair follicles had developed hair thick. Therefore, I doubt that the effect is reversible. If the area was lower, the chances of developing new hairs rise. I do not obsess too much. Honestly it looks good and you can always leave a lock of hair loose.


For Hispanic speakers:

Roma, no sé si la pregunta va dirigida a mí. El nombre Sofía me confunde. Es el nombre de la reina consorte de mi país. A decir verdad la única cosa que yo tengo de reina es que coincide con mi apellido.

Por si acaso, te daré mi opinión. Pienso que en la zona que marcas con el cuadrado, todos los folículos habían desarrollado pelo grueso. Por lo tanto, yo dudo de que el efecto sea reversible. Si la zona fuera más baja, las posibilidades de desarrollar nuevos pelos aumentarían. Yo no me obsesionaría demasiado. Sinceramente se ve muy bien y siempre puedes dejar un mechón de cabellos suelto.

Josefa! I’m sorry I totally messed up your name! I meant to say or type Josefa! sorry again!
I’m trying not to obsessed over it but I just want to have a normal side burn! lol…I just wish I hadn’t gone to far up , I had two clearance there and I wanted the hair to come back thinner and a little less dense! Either way I’m upset that sideburn doesn’t look normal and I constantly have to hide it or make sure I have a little hair from my hairline covering it! Do you think massaging the area or anything else will promote a little hair growth on this area?

Do not worry Roma. I would love to carry the name Sofia and to honor the implicit meaning “Wisdom.” A that would be fantastic?
Anyway, I must resign under the name of my grandmother.

For the growth of hair below the current line, in effect, if any intact follicles are producing hair peach, these follicles can be modified by biostimulation in the area. Studies have shown that repeated localized lesions induce a change in the follicles. The problem is how to produce these injuries so that your skin is only fair. And when the follicles are fattened without permanent sequelae.

Massage stimulates the blood circulation, producing an extra contribution to the area. But would take very little time.

Apply heat with an infrared lamp also stimulate blood circulation. But it should be applied daily for several months. The problem is that heat up a wider range and could encourage other follicles of unwanted areas.

We must think of another solution. What I am sure of is that the transplant is not a solution. In fact, this procedure on the eyebrows is a disaster. Because it is used as the donor’s own head hair. When this is to cut hair grows constantly and the look is unnatural.