I Need advice.

Josefa, the point that you made about hair transplant sounds very unnatural for eyebrows but for sideburns it actually sound kind of good,because the hair will then grow the same length of my hair scalp therefore it can easily be pushed back instead of falling into my face which was the reason I had it removed by electrolysis!

can you explain more about heat with an infrared lamp? is that any lamp or do I need to purchase a special one? and do I need to continue using it forever? Thanks.

If you want to look natural, the problem is that this segment that you need should have a hair type similar to that Latina women have on their forehead. It is a hair type that does not reach very long, has a short anagen and telogen long period. Just the opposite of that is in the head.
Moreover, the area would look with a transplant is similar to having the dolls head. They would cluster of hairs.

One possible solution would be to use a solution of Minoxidil. But if you apply this substance, you run the risk of stimulating the hairs surrounding areas. Unfortunately I have seen this effect too often.

Any infrared bulb must manage is because only heat. Anyway I do not think you get much result with it.

Before taking any action, make sure there intact follicles in the area. Try taking a picture very closely and we checked.

josefa, so what do you think I should do? if all of the above you mentioned won’t give me results I’m looking for.

Josefa, if people use Rogaine do you mean that hairs start growing in areas near where it was applied because the solution dripped onto those areas accidentally, or that Rogaine stimulates nearby hairs no matter what?

Roma I was looking at my sideburns and mine are only different from yours in that they are a little longer. I also have a bare part next to my ear and I think it was always like that and it looks fine, if that is the part that worries you.

Candela, minoxidil and diazoxide open potassium channels in cell membranes leading to hyperpolarization. The opening of potassium channels may be the main mechanism of action hypertrichosis. Adjacent areas should not get the substance accidentally to be stimulated.

(I do not know what it was Rogaine. I’ve found that contains minoxidil)

Roma will send you a private message.

Oh, sorry! I remember reading about laser treatments there, but I didn’t realise that you had electrolysis over the whole abdomen area. Your hair pattern sounds the same as mine. I’m just worried about it looking completely bald and odd directly below my stomach. How long a treatment session did you have for the area?

I had a lot of areas done with electrolysis over a period of about 3 years (stomach, eyebrows, upper lip, areolas, chestbone, a little on bikini and underarm stragglers after laser). I had 1-hour or so treatments. It’s hard to answer your question because I constantly was finishing and adding new areas. At any one treatment of 1 hour, I usually treated at least 2-3 areas. My last treatment was about 1.5 years ago now.

It will look natural. As you go, the electrologist will be able to blend things and treat the most visible hairs first. Of course, after a while, you’ll think the finer hairs are too dark and need to go too because you’re not comparing them to darker hairs around them anymore. Electrolysis is addictive :slight_smile: