I Need advice.

Gladly Candela

“can you please explain how you can tell that many follicles have not needed to be treated, and can be potentially stimulated?”

The electrologist has selected those who had visible hair follicles. The rest of the follicles remain intact, so are likely to develop in the future a more mature hair. In women, face, neck, chest, breasts and lumbar region, has a major bearing on hormones that produce an increase in the size of the hair. While in man, face and neck reaches the maximum thickness at the age of 25 years. In women, the increase in these areas occurs throughout life. The man’s beard does not increase after this age because all follicles have developed terminals hairs.

“And where is the infraorbicular area?”
In the area below the eye, both men and women, are the hair follicles develop so later. Therefore, many men believe that such stimulation has been produced by shaving. When time is really what has caused this transformation.

“And by what age do women usually stop developing hair on the areolas and chest?”

The woman’s areolas, producing new hairs to old age. It is important that they are treated before reaching a considerable thickness. It is easier to remove them before they start to stand out from the other hairs, because the thicker more damage will be required for disposal.

“I had thought that pubic hair also expands in area over time?”

Yes, pubic hairs grow in a fan that is emerging with the passage of time, up to the bikini area. But usually, at age 25, the range and not more open. Women who are genetically not very hairy, take longer to develop all the hair in the bikini area. Are those that have hair only on the lower legs and some on the back of your thighs.

Thank you, that’s really helpful information.

We don’t remove any of the peach fuzz because they are extremely hard to see and I’m not bothered by them at all. I have more of these blonde hair on my cheeks and neck than I do on my upper lips. upper lip area has a lot of hair but all of them are dark, Should I ask her to remove all the hair? even the peach fuzz, so I don’t develop more hair down the line?? Is it even possible to do this??? for now I’m happy with the results , but I do fear the future of these hair turning in to dark coarse hair.

No Roma, is absurd and unnecessary to treat hair peach. We have over 30,000 follicles on the face. Indiscriminate treatment of follicles that will probably never experience changes is to lose your money and your time. Your electrologist will be there when you need it. She or he is doing a sensational job. Follow their instructions.

I’m stopping treatments on my face by the end of this year, I have other areas that need to be treated! My guess is that I will develop hair later but probably not thick hair. I don’t mind bleaching them later as I had done before starting electrolysis. I do plan going back once a every 6 months to treat the thicker ones but hopefully that would be it!!!

Do you guys recommend taking a break to see how my progress is going and to evaluate the condition of my skin?? I’m planning to take a month break in the summer, just to see if all the hair will come back or if my skin can completely recover from the treatments. How do the experts feel about this??

Hi roma
Just wondering what do you mean “if my skin can completely recover from the treatments”?
Did electrolysis cause breakouts or scarring or something that you have to recover from?

You can take a month off. What do you mean by “to see if all the hair will come back”? Hair grows in cycles. How do you know if any hair that comes to the surface is growing back or if it NEW hair? You have more hair than you think and it takes at least nine months for every hair to come to the surface just one time! Clearing an area just once will not mean the end of this process. It will most likely mean the end for a large percentage of the hairs treated, but there is more NEW HAIR to come. I know you already know this, Roma because you have been here on hairtell for a long while and you are very smart.

Your recent pictures look great. Why do you think your skin needs to recover?


well, my sideburns and cheeks have been treated for about 9 months now, and would like to see how my skin looks after not going in weekly. I have a bit of redness on my upper lip and would like to think it will disappear after stopping treatment.

Ellabella I have no breakout or scarring from my electrologist! I do have redness that stays for a week, but by the time it starts to fade I’m in for another treatment! Honestly I have no problem with the redness, a little bit of concealer and powder, my skin looks perfect, but I just want to make sure it will fade once I stop treatment all together.

and by the way Dee. I can’t believe I’ve been a member here since I was 17!!! wow , I just celebrated my 21st birthday recently!!! I know it took a long time but finally I’m moving towards the right direction, thanks to you guys for providing helpful information.

It is our privilege to be helpful :).

It will fade and you will be fine.

Roma - your progress is great! There’s a huge difference! :slight_smile:

How is the electrolysis on your stomach going? How big an area are you getting treated and what was the hair like?

I’ve got a thick, coarse trail from below my belly button. If I get that lasered, will it be difficult for an electrologist to make that patch of baldness blend in with the rest of the stomach area?

smurf, I bet you already have some finer hairs mixed in with the coarse ones, so those will grow back when you finish laser (laser only permanently kills very coarse hair). This should make it pretty easy to “blend in” with the surrounding hair. But either way, an electrologist will be your best (and only) option for blending the area.

You may also want to consider getting it all done with electrolysis from the get go if it’s just that small area below the belly button. It’s a pretty easy area.

There is finer hair, but they’re long so I want that removed by electrolysis. I plan on zapping the trail with laser and getting the rest of my entire abdomen area done with electrolysis.

The problem is that I have a finer, shorter trail that is dark and very noticeable going all the way up from my belly button. That type of hair is also all over my abdomen. The coverage is like the average man’s chest/ab hair, just finer and shorter.

I don’t have any blonde hairs at all, but if compared to normal peach fuzz, these hairs are slightly thicker and longer and hence noticeable from 4ft away. Overall, it works out to be quite a large area. How long do you think it would take if I got initial clearance within 6 weeks and had regular treatment thereafter?

I’ll try and post a photo soon as I’m planning on getting the work done after the beginning of June.

Smurf I’m doing stomach when ever I have a little money saved up, but recently I’ve stopped because my face is more important and right now money is tight. My next area is my back of my neck and upper back!

Smurf my stomach is the same, I have hair everywhere, except it’s fine and long! that’s why laser didn’t work and for electrolysis it’s definitely a big area to treat right now. Hopefully one day when I have enough money I can start with electrolysis, but as for right now. I’m happy getting my facial hair treated.

Good luck with it roma18. :slight_smile:

I would really appreciate advice from electrologists. How would you tackle abdomen hair? I’m a petite female, so the area isn’t that large, but of course there are still hundreds/thousands of hairs there. Is it best to go for full clearance ASAP and then follow it with maintenance or is it best to just pick out the most obvious hairs? I’m planning on doing as many hours as possible once a week.

Abdomen hair can be done easily if your practitioner has skill, and you are NOT ticklish.

I tackle the abdomen by removing the thickest hairs first, whether they be black or light colored, starting around the navel area and working downward toward the pubic area. I start above the navel after the lower part is cleared or semi-cleared. Some clients want only the thickest hairs removed and then they bleach the finer hairs left behind. If you want the finer hairs done as well, no prob. Just find someone with a good vision set up. This is where a nice microflash or picoflash thermolysis comes in useful. Speed is desired in this area, just like with any other area. If this area is a bit ouchy for you, you can take your favorite pain analgesic one to one and a half hours before your session. I think the abdomen comes under control pretty fast.