Gladly Candela
“can you please explain how you can tell that many follicles have not needed to be treated, and can be potentially stimulated?”
The electrologist has selected those who had visible hair follicles. The rest of the follicles remain intact, so are likely to develop in the future a more mature hair. In women, face, neck, chest, breasts and lumbar region, has a major bearing on hormones that produce an increase in the size of the hair. While in man, face and neck reaches the maximum thickness at the age of 25 years. In women, the increase in these areas occurs throughout life. The man’s beard does not increase after this age because all follicles have developed terminals hairs.
“And where is the infraorbicular area?”
In the area below the eye, both men and women, are the hair follicles develop so later. Therefore, many men believe that such stimulation has been produced by shaving. When time is really what has caused this transformation.
“And by what age do women usually stop developing hair on the areolas and chest?”
The woman’s areolas, producing new hairs to old age. It is important that they are treated before reaching a considerable thickness. It is easier to remove them before they start to stand out from the other hairs, because the thicker more damage will be required for disposal.
“I had thought that pubic hair also expands in area over time?”
Yes, pubic hairs grow in a fan that is emerging with the passage of time, up to the bikini area. But usually, at age 25, the range and not more open. Women who are genetically not very hairy, take longer to develop all the hair in the bikini area. Are those that have hair only on the lower legs and some on the back of your thighs.