thanks for that Lagril. Dfahey I’ve contacted Vera Weiler she isn’t seeing new clients for some now… meanwhile Im trying to set up an appointment with Susan Parks. She has an Aplius…
I made an appointment with susan parks in Alameda for a 30 minute treatment on june 8th, Hopefully it will go smoothly, because Im tired of sampling electrologists . I want to stick with one and finish the job!!! I will post pics of before and after treatment here when the times comes.
today i went in for my appointment with Susan parks . She treated my sideburns, and neck for 30 minutes. Her machine was Apilus Cleo. I made another appointment for next week… same time.
What did you think of her skills? Fast? Any plucking feeling? How is the aftermath?
Sorry my post was not very detailed. I felt no plucking what so ever. But with this machine the sensation is alot different than other machines that I’ve been treated with. I never been treatment with the Apilus on my face. My face felt alittle hot during , and after the treatmet. Almost like a sunburn but that was gone wthin 30 minutes She was really fast. She’s been using the machine for 3 years now. It’s been almost 8 hours since my treatment and my skin is still alittle red, and have these red spots. But I liked her and will pay her another visit next week. Im still trying to pay a visit to Vera W in SF though, If i can get ahold of her.
So today I had another 30 minute appoinment. I was late so we only worked for 15 minutes on my left sideburn ( aka the hairer side. my skin was looking good prior to the treatment it had healed from the previous time. although i dont think my skin heals quickly and needs at least 2 months off from electrolysis to compeletly get to it’s normal state. She also removed couple ingrown hair on my cheeks and side of my face, which she said is odd, because its not a common place for a female to get ingrowns… My next appointment is in 3 weeks , she is going on vacation.
Are you using aftercare?
Lagirl I used tea tree oil for awhile ,but i stopped because it made my skin really dry and flakey. I’ve been using 50% rubbing alchoal on the treated area, and I dont wear makeup for 24 hours on the area. I had to wear makeup today because the area was really red this afternoon.
If you got dry and flakey, it sounds like you were using too much. Try using a cotton swab (Q-Tip) to apply the tea tree oil. A little really goes a long way. You can also “cut” it by mixing it 50/50 with lavendar oil. This will also make it smell acceptable for most people.
Also, I would NOT use 50% rubbing alcohol. Witch hazel has 20% or less alcohol. I would use witch hazel and just dabs of tea tree oil. You can use the purest form of aloe vera gel to help moisturize the area.
Is wating 24 hours to apply makeup long enough or should i wait longer after each treatment?
june 29th
just an update this is my left side , my last treatment was in june 16th my next on is july 14th. I will ask her if she can work on my neck alittle more. I will see her weekly from now on, she is on vacation right now. i see an improvment.
Yeah. Definitely try not to wait a full month between treatments.
Hi Roma:
If you can get full clearance on some of the areas you
pictured and then maintain regular treatments on any
new or regrowth hairs you will be rid of them eventually.
Plus it will look a lot better since what does regrow
will be shorter and sparser.
I think weekly at first and then every second
week would do the trick.
On the plus side it looks much improved and you don’t
have that dense a growth to contend with.
Good luck!
I am working on a woman now that has a very similar problem to yours, except that it is blond, long hair. Last evening 1,180 insertions were accomplished in an hour. It made a dramatic difference on her left side and neck. She only comes once a month (her choice), but I would prefer and she would be happy sooner if she came once a week until it became visibly perfect. She has “tons” of hair and I mean “tons”. If she stayed close to me with an aggressive schedule up front for at least four months, we could have this under control much sooner and then maintain the area for the rest of the months ahead to catch any new growth or regrowth. I love challenging cases like this because the end result is so dramatic and life changing.
Clearing the area quickly requires the right epilator, magnification, positioning and lighting. Setting the auto sensor mode to .4 seconds, or whatever timing the electrologist is comfortable with, will move this along nicely.
I should also add i haven’t gotten any treatment on my stomach for 2 months now, because she wont do any thing longer than 45 minutes, should I talk to her about that, i would like it if we were working for at least an hour on my face and another hour on the stomach, that’s how long we were working on those areas with my previous electrologist. her time is so limited she only works three days a week, so i see why she cant do any longer than 45 minutes… I would love it if i can get this cleared in a marathon session lasting anywhere from 2 hours to 5 …
Talk to her and explain your concerns.
Today I had my third treatment done on the my sideburns , and neck. I got there on time so we used all my 30 minute appointment. It’s been 5 hours since my treatment my skin is not as red, however I do have the red dots from where the hair was removed. but that’s normal and I always get that . Anyway my electrologist told me that I should stay out sunlight through out my treatment, because the redness will be permanent if I don’t take care of my skin. I’m very happy with my appointment today, even though it was almost a month since my last treatment and I had alot regrowth she still did an amazing job and removed alot of hair. I asked for a 45 minute appointment for next time but she was booked up so I made an half hour appointment with her for next tuesday. I think I will be getting a full clearance on my sideburns, and neck by end of this month if I go in weekly. By the way I like posting pictures here because I can see my progress( I don’t save the pics on my computer).
Roma great to hear that you are doing so well. I’m having a similar area done and after nearly 4 1/2 hours of treatment over a three week period she’s advised me to give it three weeks before going to back her. My skin did scab a lot so I think it also needed a break. At the moment am loving the cleared areas. Will be interesting and a little disheartening to see how much comes back over the next three weeks.
Some hair will come back as REGROWTH inevitably and some hair will be coming up for the first time as NEW GROWTH. D be ready for this and don’t get bummed out. Keep pushing forward courageously!