Electrolysis causing orange peel?

Okay, here goes. In this illustration, you see a “sweat gland.” You have large and abundant sweat glands in that exact spot that has you in a tizzy.

Although the gland looks coiled-up … it is not able to stretch-out like the skin or blood vessels. So, your skin becomes inflamed from electrolysis and the skin swells-up. However, the sweat gland cannot “swell up” so it (relatively) “pulls down,” and literally creates what looks like a hole … or enlarged pore. You don’t have a hole; you have swollen tissue AROUND the pore opening.



thanks you so much sir for youre knowledge! how long for the swelling to reduce according to youre experience?
and beware i might come to the usa to get an appointment with you haha!

Full actual swelling gone in 6-months. Around Christmas time.

damn that is quite long. can i go to the sun in the meantime? or should i totaly avoid the sun? thanks

Are you talking to Adrien at all?

i sent him an email and he told me to wait 1 month to do a check up, and see how the skin will heal

My Dear Michael,
I need to copy your explanation to very few of my clients who drive me :peanuts:
Doesn’t matter I explain it or rewording it, they won’t take THE FACTS. I have to adapt a strategy that I have tell these very few of my clients that I’ll give them their first 4 treatment sessions before I have to refuse them my services cause I don’t want any more headache.
They kept chasing me post treatments for every single step of NORMAL healing of their follicles & skin.
Also I have asked them to post their photos here and they are avoiding doing it.

accorind to youre knowledge my skin will recover without any orange peel lasting effect? thanks

Oh boy do I hear you Thinou.

Having worked with Dr. Chapple (plastic surgery), well … I could write a book. However, my favorite is from Gregg Welsh (maxilla-facial surgeon). He extracted two wisdom teeth from a patient and two months later she sued him because “her belly button was now off center!”

I’m not kidding. Of course Dr. Welsh won … sadly, in my stupid “Woke” State, you can sue somebody for just about anything. I’m now “insanely” careful when I take-on a client. Thank God for email! I don’t think we entered this profession so that we can be harassed by abnormally neurotic patients that seem to gleefully enjoy tormenting us. And these are indeed extremely rare! Maybe two or three in my 45-years.

I have a couple more “horror stories” if anybody is interested in my own personal “headaches.” Actually, I’m happy that “eudes” is posting here as a lovely example of how clients REFUSE to listen to you, and only continue on-and-on fretting about temporary normal imperfections. There is no satisfying such a client, you just have to live with it until all the “holes” are gone. Then at that point you “make your move!” Always remember to take photos when appropriate.

One strategy I have used is when a client becomes impossible, I return all the money they spent with me (in a check) with a letter “releasing them” from any further treatment. Honey, the money is NOT WORTH IT!

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haha i’m sorry, i know i am a stressfull guy , i don’t bother adrien ( i just sent him 1 mail after my treatment), and i use this forum to ’ calm my anxiety" .

But what about my anxiety … that you’re giving me?

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haha sorry sir. i don’t want to cause you panic attack!
so you often have customer that flight from other countries to do full body treatment?


If you are not sure about these things, i mean with Skin/healing Process.

You could go to Professional Peoples, i mean in this Area.

I mean you could go to a : Dermatologist/Skindoctor.

Just tell them , you getted Electrolyis/Hairremoval Apointment and your skin look , like it do now

But honestly : More as give you any cream/lotion to heal, say use coolpad(maybe) maybe get and anti septic cream. And give it time to heal. They will not say more

i know its some Hard to accept , skin look like this

I mean i getted facial hairremoval…by professional one.

And really how i told you once, I looked like anyone beated me . Because my full cheeks area and chin was swollen. It was red… yellow… looked like i had clown lips or so.

I just avoid in this time to look in a mirror, use anti septic cream and let time flie. It heal /go away in 1-2 weeks (mostly) the swollen cheeks… like healing process for skin need 3-4 weeks.

The Only one what Annoy me by Electrolysis General, because im used to other with Laser.
Like you feel first Sessions like you Burn your Money.

I mean like let grow hairs 3-7 Days before apointment , is no problem.
The Apointment /Hairremoval thing is also no problem .
Even that the skin need time to heal , also dont bother me.

Just what annoy some first X Apointments like 4-5. You Pay Hundreds-thousands of money. And You look than in the mirror and the amount of hairs feel like the same. (if new hairs grow).

By Laser you are used to other… like it get less…and less…and less.

But by me i had to go to Electrolysis , because Upperlip/Underlip /chin area dont work really with Laser by me , i dont know why. Like 14 Apointment son it, like this Areas dont care. About it.
Cheeks/Neck work (mostly).

Also get some grey hairs on throat…cheeks… and also chin area. Laser work less and less.

The Grelber has shut his door and moved on …

thanks, bono told me there was no issue with my skin, so i will just havve to wait few month i guess to get back to its normal aspect. and no orange peel i hope .

i don’t know if laser can be done for the face? or is there too many risk of paradoxical growth?
is alexandrite laser a better solution for area near nose ( pore) and upper cheek? or is it too risky in terms of paradoxical growth? thanks

You are Welcome.

1General the Risc of Paradoxical Growth exist , will tell you even a Skin Doctor /Dermatologist but its kinda low, it exist.

  1. Of course you can us e Laser everywhere even on Face, Eyebrows…Headhairs , Ear hairs,Nose Hairs, full Body.

  2. You need to know Laser dont work by : Grey , White, Blonde and im not 100% Sure i think even Red Hairs . I mean by this you can forgot Laser totally , you need to do Electrolysis , only Way Actually for it.
    Even if its not 100% True because Grey Hairs or blonde to remove them.
    It exist a Laser called : ELOS , ONLY if your Grey hairs have a Bit Melanin over , not full greyed , the laser CAN remove grey hairs also . but you need proparly Above 8 Sessions , like 12 or so… over 1 Year.
    Even exist a Surgevy with called F.U.E its a common method for Hairtransplatation but in INDIA for example ,they make something like this for hairremoval only too. But the Problem by this here it. Its a Surgevy , i mean ONLY DOCTOR (CHIRUGY), can do it and its Way too expensive. But its general faster than Electrolysis…but also the truth the risc of Micro Scars like < 1mm is high. Its faster , because they use a Medicial Drill go with it in the skin inside it. And they can get the Hairs under the skin, they are not growned yet. That cant do electrolysis.

  3. Laser isnt Permanent . I mean in best case you have Dark hairs , white /light skin. Depends so much on Area /Peoples , Laser . You can need depends on Area 4 (MINIMUM), 6-8 (Average) up to 10-12-18 Apointments , with 4-6 weeks breaks between the apointment.

I mean even if Laser Work , depends on you/your body they say Usual MINIMUM arround 2 Years you have no hairs , also heared some peoples up 4-8 Years. But you should usual, if you notice Hairgrowth (back) , continue it 1-3 x The Year , to hold areas hair free.

it exist different technologies of it : IPL, Alexandritlaser, ELOS, Diodlaser , YAG Laser , SHR (Super hairremoval)
If you want to do hairremoval , look for a Professsional Cosmetic studio , its exist a lot worse they do it wrong , better adress to let do it. look for skin doctor who do Hairremoval.

Even from my Side if you dont want spend like XX.XXX Euro for Hairremoval by Electrolysis, i can understand it too good.

In Some Areas of Body is Laser , the better choice (so long they are not grey/blonde)
I mean like Chest…Belly…Back…Shoulder…Neck …Arms…Legs…Butt.

You could make better with Laser, because faster /not this expensive you pay proparly <2500 but better than 10.000 -20.000.

Think for Facial hairs like by you /me even by Ear Hairs , Nose Hairs even , hands , uppercheeks (like by you)legs ,armpits,pubes,eyebrows , jawline (by females) , fingers its better go Full Electrolysis or by Facial hairs make a Comb between both like i do. I mean by me i let laser the biggest Areas , like cheeks and throat. And go full on upperlip /arround the mouth/undernlip /chin with electrolysis and also hands and fingers.

Even by Females with PCOS i would go completly electrolyiss even if it need Years.
Or the illness Hypertrchyosis , like extrremly hairgrowth than also.
Or if health insucare pay it , like here (in germanyy) by trans peoples , than also.

is there less risk of scarring pitting with laser? rather than electrolysis.
damn today my area near nose look really bad… enlarged pores. it will be a long time to wait for the full healing

i can assure you taht is not my natural skin , it was really without any pore ( even before i developped the hypertrichosis from the drug). this is more looking like hole now and just on the area that have been treated. ( i didn’t treat all the hair on this area ) ,

There is no Risc of Scarring , it exist a risc your skin is a bit red /heat sensitive after treatment.But that go fast over after some days.
Because the Laser /Light go direclty inside the Hair/hairfolicle.
It exist a little risc , like you get a feeling of After burning , Even you should avoid sun for 2 weeks use Sun blocker .Because your skin is sun sensitive for a while after treatment.

by Laser you Shave your hairs , before treatment, the go over the skin . Bring the light inside the hair folicle… hair . And it fall out in usual 2-3 weeks (after treatment) if the skin begin to refresh.

damn maybe i should have done laser instead of electrolysis… i might have ruined my skin for nothing…