I am about to start my first treatment with the soprano laser. Per session for the whole body it is going to cost me 750 euros.

I have read most of messages on this thread about the soprano laser and doesnt give me a good impression about it but that the only option i have which fits my budget over here in NL.

It’s not usually recommended that you do your first session as whole body with any laser unless it’s your only option. You’re much better to start with a small area like underarms and see how it works out. My experience with the Soprano sucked, I had no shedding and it was a waste of money, I’d feel sick if I had paid for full body and had that same experience…

Full body treatments are rarely a good idea. Laser only works on coarse dense growth. Is that the type of hair you have on all the areas you want to treat?

You should also NOT prepay huge amounts like this without testing one area first and see how things go. Getting results is not simply about the machine. The clinic needs to use good settings to get you results. $750 is a lot of money to find out whether they are. Do a small area like the underarms first and see how things go.

Price shouldn’t be your main consideration if you want results. You need to find a clinic who knows what they’re doing. Otherwise, you risk wasting a lot of money. There are no refunds for no results.

I just finished my 8th and final session with the Soprano XL. The area treated was the oh so sensitive back of my neck, which I used to have to shave every 2 or 3 days. It appears to have worked from the get go, because since my first treatment I have had no re-growth.

I had tried before with the light sheer a few years ago, but it never worked as the hair would grow back almost completely by the time i would get to the next session. A big problem with the lightsheer was the fact that it was so painful - she couldnt get the intensity high enough to get any results.

The Soprano XL incurred about 80% less pain, and as a result the intensity could be turned up much higher.

I know I’ll have to wait several months to know for sure whether or not it is permanent, but like I said I have had 0 growth since day one of the Soprano XL, which is much more than I can say for the other methods ive tried.

I think the clinic and technicians make a big difference. In my opinion it’s important to go to a dermatology clinic where your initial consult and subsequent sessions are overseen by a physician. They understand the science behind the technology, and can accurately convey the best practices to their staff to ensure proper results. It’s much more expensive, but it’s worth it if it works!

The back of my neck cost a total of 1000$ for 8 sessions. My fingers are crossed.

By the way, I am a 31 year old wait male with a 2 skin tone untanned, and very dark coarse hair all over my body. If this works the next step is back and shoulders.


Did you have no regrowth at all between sessions? That seems really impossible, the hair should fall out then grow back then you go again…

It’s been 8 days since my first soprano xl treatment. When is the shedding supposed to be exactly? All these websites say diffirent things.
The hair looks diffirent than before like it’s damaged but it’s not coming out yet. Couple of pepperspots too.

It takes 3 weeks. Sometimes it doesn’t start until week 1.5.

Oh. Is it supposed to be growing longer untill it sheds? Most of the hair has been growing since the treatment but very slowly.

My experiences with Soprano were less than stellar, but with any other laser my shedding is always dead on around day 8 with it really falling out on day 10. It generally looks the way it would if you shaved the area, never did laser and just let it grow back. Except that around day 8 or so you’ll find if you pull on the odd hair they just slide right out. Other than that it doesn’t look very different from if you just shaved and had no treatment.

Btw since you have experience with it what do you think of the settings they used for me which was 40 joules on the soprano xl? i tried asking you in another thread too. i hope its a good settng for skin type 3.

I’m honestly not too sure. I went to Odi’s clinic on here and when I asked them what settings they used I was told they THINK they used 10 joules and said that was the highest settings. When I check the Soprano website it says the max joules is 120 joules per cm square. So I’m really not sure, I have no idea unfortunately how the settings work. Sorry!!!

No problem.

I was reading this old thread

It seems a lot of people get treated with settings that are too low like 20 j. Atleast I was treated with 40 j so I have a better feeling about it.

It looks like it’s growing, but it’s coming out to shed. Don’t touch it and see if it comes out without resistance at week 2.

I know I am just entering into this thread but I would like to know of anyone had an adverse reaction to laser ?

I don’t know what you mean. In what way?

You can read about all the potential side effects in the FAQs below. Good treatments don’t produce them.

It’s been 13 days now and shedding started kicking off yesterday and today. I have plucked out a lot of the dead hairs, some give a tiny bit of resistance but they come out easily.

I still have some doubts wether it will all shed perhaps because I’m inexperienced. About 70/60 % of the hair is still firmly in the roots. From what you guys have experienced, does the shedding go very quickly in like a day or can it be a slow process like mine? I’ll post some pics tommorow.

I went in for the first time for an IPL session after a patch test the machine was called Ellipse and the skin setting was a 5 with a heat setting range between 8 t0 11.8 joules. The patch test was ok but once she did my entire face it was red understandably so but afterwards I developed boils and weeping white heads with swollen salivary glands, the one under the right ear was in particular the size of the golf ball. I went to see a doctor and he said it was an adverse reaction to the laser as he is aware that I am not allergic at all. I am also not allergic to the gel she used because the boils and white heads were on places that hurt the most during the IPL session. I also had a high fever because the place got infected as it was more susceptible to germs. The lady at the clinic told me that she has never seen anything like my reaction and had no further comments. All I would kindly like to know if this is a normal reaction and to be honest I really dont want to get the IPl session done from the same people as they seem to be clueless about my case. Can anyone please provide me with what to do as I dont know whether I should try something else or leave it altogether. I have dark course hair on my face and front on the neck and have asian skin.

Johnson, you should wait full 3 weeks. Hair will be falling out until then.

Tweety, you should start your own thread. Some people have an allergic reaction like what you described. You should take an anti-histamine. However, that machine is not good and especially not good for your skin type. You need a Yag laser only if you’re going to have more treatments.

Yeah true. Now already more than 60% has shed exactly 2 weeks after. Now just a waiting game.

Ok for some reason my original thread keeps getting unnoticed when I update so I’ll just post it here again.

It’s been 3 weeks since treatment and unfortunately I didn’t experience complete shedding. I’d say about 70% shed. I see a lot of spots that were missed by the woman who did the treatment. Here’s some pics.

btw i dont know if the pictures show but i see new hair growing but it’s really thin and grows very very slowly. I don’t recognize it from before.

I’m thinking of contacting them soon for touchups