Terrible and Depressing

I don’t smoke or anything but I guess my eating habits weren’t good and now that I have realised, I don’t know what to do about the damage to the skin.

Para Amino Benzoic Acid (PABA) - what is this and where can I get it from?

Thank you everyone for your replies.

Para Amino Benzoic Acid (PABA) - what is this and where can I get it from?

A quick google search: Para Amino Benzoic Acid info

It doesn’t matter for electrolysis how long the hairs are.

A question:

The hairs are really long e.g. on my legs and arms, so when I go for electrolysis, should I trim them in order to make it easier for the electrolysis or should I leave it like that?

It is an excellent question. The best answer is to call your electrologist and ask them what works best for them. Some practitioners prefer the hair a certain length depending on their vision equipment and other factors.

If you can’t get a hold of them to ask, I would trim at least, or ideally shave it all off and give them 3-7 days of regrowth (depending on how fast your hairs grows etc.)

Why are you considering legs when you can easily shave them? If you are going to pay for electrolysis, get it somewhere where you can’t easily shave or without repercussions, such as the face or back.

It sucks you are cash poor, because hair removal takes serious $$ if you have a lot of hair. Pictures would help us get an idea of cost. Finer is better. Less dense is better. But it’s still going to cost a bundle.

I’ll do that!

I want to get legs done because I don’t like shaving. You can see the hair under the skin and it just doesn’t look nice. I want my legs to be skin colour only and not dotty from shaving, because that’s what I have seen previously.

Don’t feel bad about getting legs done. Some people just don’t understand that women’s leg hair can be so thick and fast-growing, that you CAN’T shave it without leaving dark spots all over that resemble a permanent 5 o’clock shadow and it’s prickly again within 15 minutes. Not to mention the razor burn and ingrowns. On the mornings I would spend two hours shaving my legs in high school, my mom would feel them two hours later and ask “Have you shaved your legs this week?” Leg hair is just really annoying for sure.

To me, it’s not a silly area to treat any more than a man’s beard is a silly area to treat.

Thanks. I tried epilating on the bottom half of my legs and it cuased bumps which were painful, as well as ingrowns and left marks. So I want something that will not cause the shadow as you stated and I won’t have to think about for ages.

My sentiments exactly MagicalPK. I decided years ago when I was barely twenty years old to get my leg hair removed. I have enjoyed smooth legs, toes and feet for decades now. Never regretted the money spent, the multiple sessions or sensation of getting the hair off. I strongly encourage women who mention that they want to get their leg hair removed to do this.

Byrce, many women have such thick dense hair on their legs that it can actually hurt to shave it everyday. Even if you do shave, it isn’t very attractive to see all the black dots of hair slightly under the skin. A lot of women don’t care about hair on their legs or being “unattractive” as related to what society thinks. The one’s who do, can do something about it.

Anything you want bad enough usually requires money. Goals require life skills and discipline. In order to go forward without serious money requires figuring out how to earn money. When it comes to serious, safe hair removal, there is no easy or inexpensive way down in 2010.

Serious money means what? The more hair you have on your legs, the more it will cost. I have removed leg hair from women that can cost under $2,000 with a low average amount of hair, to the women who have a large amount of hair for $5,000-$6,000 range over a period of time, determined of course, by how often the client comes in and how long she allows me to work on her.

ihavehair, removing the hair from your legs will be the best gift you can give yourself and there will be no regrets. Laser first, followed by electrolysis, will speed things up whenever you are ready for a serious commitment to this. Hand in hand, these two modalities work well together, but only if you are a good candidate for laser hair reduction, should you consider laser.


Thank you for this post, it has opened up my eyes alot. When you were getting hair removed on your legs, did you just get electrolysis done or laser as well? Also, as you were quite young, did you have a job to keep it up?

Lower legs with coarse dark hair like yours are easily treated by later. You’ll even be happy after 2-3 treatments. I only had 3 and don’t have that much left there and what is there is so fine that it doesn’t bother me. Laser treatments on lower legs cost around $250 per treatment.

I lost my post, I will write it again sometime.

I agree with LAgirl; lower legs more or less done after 3 treatments.

Facial hair removal is great for self esteem but underarm, bikini and legs makes a huge physical difference! No more waxing, very occasional shaving, nice, smooth, unscarred skin.

Thank you both for your posts! I need to think about this carefully. Face is a priority but there may be some other places I want to juggle as well.

Ok so, I was going to say, that unless one spends a lot of time on facial hair (threading, waxing, shaving, plucking), it’s the body hair removal that makes a much bigger contribution in the physical sense.

Yes, reducing my facial hair has given me more confidence in my looks. I’m not always wondering if people are staring at my bleached moustache, I’m less wary of tying my hair back because of sideburns etc. These are all things in my mind and yes, I think about it a lot less so it’s 100% a positive change.

Having my underarms, bikini, legs and now arms treated with Laser, dare I say has made more of an impact in my life. I used to spend quite some time, about every 2-3 weeks waxing various parts of my body. Even then, they would never be completely smooth and I was loathe to show them. Plus the scars and bumpy skin from ingrowns no matter how much I exfoliated. My life was dictated by my hair - “can’t wear that as my arms need waxing” etc.
Having Laser on these areas has made a tremendous difference. I have extra time on the weekends. I don’t need to arrange my life around my waxing schedule. A quick shave and I’m good for a week. I don’t need to plan my wardrobe around my ‘hair free’ times. My skin has healed, it’s sooo much smoother and nearly all the scarring has gone.

Laser won’t get rid of all the hair but enough that occasional shaving is all that is required. And when the remaining hairs are this sparse and fine, you’re not left with stubbly regrowth either.

As you know, I’m going for a reduction on my face as I don’t have the time or the money (or the electrologist) to tackle more complete facial hair removal. Even if I had put all the money that I spent on Laser into facial hair electrolysis, I would still have a way to go.

Basically, you just need to strike a balance that will make the biggest differences to your life.

Start with electrolysis at an affordable rate, 15mins a week if that’s all you can manage. It might take almost a year (if you have a lot of obvious hair) before you see a decent improvement but it WILL come.
At the same time, save a lump sum for the Laser.

At my clinic, underarms, bikini thong and lower leg treatments (all that you would need from start to finish) would be between £1,000 - £1,500) depending on the number of total treatments you have. I’m sure that’s typical for London.


That has opened up my eyes more, thanks for the post.

I can manage underarms, for some reason I am okay with it. After epilating (at the beginning with pain), I have seen it lessened so much and now I can take the pain, and the hairs for me are obvious there in comparison to what surrounds them.

My fairs are places like my legs - the thighs being nice thin hairs but LOADS of them, I can see my skin yes but there is just so much hair on it!

As with my lower legs, same and they grow much longer, whereas thighs I’ve never touched.

But I now think, maybe I can wax my legs and arms, bleach my stomach (front) and top half of back and reduce what is on the lower back and face, because I feel these are my uncomfy problem areas. Nevertheless, you will soon see the horror. I will be uploading something soon. :open_mouth:

I fell your pain trust me! I have the same issue, the hair isn’t thick but its dark and everywhere!! I want electrolysis everywhere…I wish I was a millionaire. Or someone had sympathy enough to wanna help for free. Even though I know its so impossible, I dream.

I think insurance should cover this, I think it is a medical issue.

LoL I know!

It is a medical issue, and insurance DOES cover it, but you can’t usually get them to pay up without a doctor signing on and saying that your hair removal is medically necessary. This is what they put you through, even though you can frequently show that a side effect of a drug this same doctor talked you into taking is growth of unwanted hair. Of course, the doctors have no incentive to help you gain access to your hair removal. :frowning:

I didn’t know that was even possible, is that in the UK too? When I went to my docs she was very welcoming and told me that she would even prescribe hair removal creams for me if I wanted (saves me from buying them!) but I generally don’t like them so I refused. Ah well.