Ok so, I was going to say, that unless one spends a lot of time on facial hair (threading, waxing, shaving, plucking), it’s the body hair removal that makes a much bigger contribution in the physical sense.
Yes, reducing my facial hair has given me more confidence in my looks. I’m not always wondering if people are staring at my bleached moustache, I’m less wary of tying my hair back because of sideburns etc. These are all things in my mind and yes, I think about it a lot less so it’s 100% a positive change.
Having my underarms, bikini, legs and now arms treated with Laser, dare I say has made more of an impact in my life. I used to spend quite some time, about every 2-3 weeks waxing various parts of my body. Even then, they would never be completely smooth and I was loathe to show them. Plus the scars and bumpy skin from ingrowns no matter how much I exfoliated. My life was dictated by my hair - “can’t wear that as my arms need waxing” etc.
Having Laser on these areas has made a tremendous difference. I have extra time on the weekends. I don’t need to arrange my life around my waxing schedule. A quick shave and I’m good for a week. I don’t need to plan my wardrobe around my ‘hair free’ times. My skin has healed, it’s sooo much smoother and nearly all the scarring has gone.
Laser won’t get rid of all the hair but enough that occasional shaving is all that is required. And when the remaining hairs are this sparse and fine, you’re not left with stubbly regrowth either.
As you know, I’m going for a reduction on my face as I don’t have the time or the money (or the electrologist) to tackle more complete facial hair removal. Even if I had put all the money that I spent on Laser into facial hair electrolysis, I would still have a way to go.
Basically, you just need to strike a balance that will make the biggest differences to your life.
Start with electrolysis at an affordable rate, 15mins a week if that’s all you can manage. It might take almost a year (if you have a lot of obvious hair) before you see a decent improvement but it WILL come.
At the same time, save a lump sum for the Laser.
At my clinic, underarms, bikini thong and lower leg treatments (all that you would need from start to finish) would be between £1,000 - £1,500) depending on the number of total treatments you have. I’m sure that’s typical for London.