Spray with PDT

Well like I said there are some hairs that have come back. Its not perfectly clear. So more treatments would be needed. However the fact it clears so much in one time is astonishing. I think it makes sense.
Why cant the hair be destroyed on one treatment? The creator explained how when he created it years ago he only had a delayed growth but believed if you could delay it or reduce it then it meant there is a possability to stop it.

what was the laser that was used on your back?


Ironman, did the guy, who treated you, say the cream would also work for light colored or grey hairs? Also, do you plan to go back and see him for other treatments?

Hi werty,

 It works on all type of hairs. Although the very very fine hairs that never got pulled from the root didn't get affected but it does not matter because they are naked to the eye pretty much. I would love to get more treatments (even if I have to pay) I have yet to get a hold of him but know where he is working. I was told he will be back mid- Nov. So I will definitely be going into see him.

Ironman, was the hair that grew back thinner?

So did you go in for another treatment?

Hi all,

The hair that grew back at first was thinner for a few mths but after that they came back to pretty much full thickness. But that is okay seeing as there is not many. I have gone in to see him last week and he had some great news. He is currently in talks with several companies to possibly market it as soon as possible. Also starting the new year he will be working out of a salon offering his product with PDT in the Toronto area.


Please keep on top of this and let us know when, where and what the cost may be for the product.


This all seems rather fishy to me. No offence ironman, but if an anonymous person would come in to a forum and write what you just wrote, there is no way I would believe him. I would see this as an easy, and free, way of marketing something that might just be homoeopathic drugs (=no effect).

This mysterious product which this mysterious man has invented, has it gone through any clinical trials? Can the reports be found in pubmed? I don’t know how the rules are in Canada, but surely he can not just create such a product without rigorous and supervised clinical trials. He can’t just create a product, test it on himself and then use it on people. That is very much unethical, dangerous and should be illegal. To actually see how the drug affects cells, hair etc one would need extensive trials and using laboratory equipment a normal person could not afford (unless he is very wealthy).

How did he create the product? In his garage or maybe he is a professor at a university (which I doubt. Such a break-through in the academic world would echo from more sources than an anonymous user at this forum). As I said earlier, anyone with an insight in biology and chemistry understands that things world leading scientists (often with a team of research assistants) have been struggling for years in top modern research facilities is nothing John Doe can imitate in his kitchen.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to be rude. I do not know ironman and he does not know me, so there is not any reason to take it personally. The thing is that hair growth is a sensitive area and many (especially depressed persons) would do almost everything to get rid of the hair on the upper lip or maybe the hairy back. It’s rather a rule than an exception that people will take advantage of this and come with false hopes and lies.

I would guess the next move would be that ironman posts a link to an unknown company who has taken on the product and are now selling it on the web. It will probably be classified as “alternative medicine”.

I might be wrong, or I might be right. Time will tell…

You will note that the top posters on this site have already stated that the purported action of this topical don’t quite jive with the biology of skin and hair.

Had Ironman come on here with a web link, his post would have been deleted, and if he persisted, he would most likely been banned.

On the other hand, I would like to state that one could possibly create something in one’s kitchen or basement, or garage that would be marketable. Legally speaking, however, in the US & Canada, one would have to market it as a cosmetic, and claim no physical changes from its use. Once one claims change, the product becomes a drug and must submit to millions of dollars worth of bribes, um, I mean fees to organizations like the FDA and one must pay for clinical trials. Years later, one might be cleared to market the product.

Hi again,

I take absolutely no offense to what you think. I understand where you are coming from. I do also understand the effects that it has on people who are consumed with this problem, for I am one of them. 

As for his studies, he has papers that show it is safe from I am unsure where. He created it 10 years ago I believe. All I intended to do was create some hope for the people that suffer from this problem to let them know that there are solutions in the near future that will help us out. Unfortanately our society has been duped so many times I understand why we cannot base our hopes on some info a person on the internet would say.

But to note. The creator of the product stated that the product is very safe. Not complicated at all with regards to formulation.

Instead of talking in his behalf, can you ask him to come on this forum? “Duped” is a good word to describe many who had high hopes and then nothing happened except, their wallets were emptied. Thanks for understanding the skeptism. We have to evaluate such comments and antedoctal evidence on publshed studies from the scientific community, so you see why there is resistance. You already said you understand that, so you’re a good guy.


I’ve lurked here for a while but I thought I’d post.

Ironman – Can you at least divulge the salon you go to? Surely that doesn’t have to be kept a secret.

Hi S-wave,

The one I was always going to was in Oakville Ontario but he left there and is now in Toronto but unsure as to what is going on.

I am not even relaying what he says. But I do know I spoke to him about forums and the internet and he had trouble on some site where he wanted to give out free samples and they hassled him so I don’t know whether he would want to talk on the internet. Plus it seems he is quite busy.

Ironman –

Thanks for the response. I have a couple of questions

1.) Do you have any other pictures? I’m only seeing the ones for your chest in the link. Do you have one of your beard (I think you mentioned he did a test spot there).

2.) Was the procedure painful at all?

ironman can you go into detail on how the whole procedure went? like what the stuff looked like, how it smelled, how long it was on, did it remove the hair right away or did fall out later, was it painful, etc.

as a fellow canadian could you ask this guy if he’s willing to send some of this magic stuff to me? just enough to do a test area like a neck beard would be fine although i am big foot like and am willing to go full body. im willing to do weekly updates with pictures as well. ultimate guinea pig.

this product sounds too good to be true and im sure it isnt but i would like to be proven wrong.

S-wave - I will take more pictures of my arms that had test spots. However from me getting laser on my beard area there is clear area that will show the results now.

nervx- I believe if you scroll back to the first page or so you will get the procedure. It was painless and there was no smell. The hair is removed first before the application of PDT and it doesn’t grow back. I waited roughly 30 minutes after being treated with the spray before the light was applied. I definitely felt a tingling sensation as if it were doing something.

I know for a fact he will not send anything to anyone. However he stated he was started clinicals with a few pharmaceuticals and has his own clinicals of over 300 people. I have a brochure that he gave me regarding all that. So from the information I got I don’t think he needs anymore guinea pigs.

I have copied and pasted what was stated in his brochure he sent to me so you guys can get it from his words.


    I created my invention eight years ago. By year three, I was selling an older formulated version of my product online in which I sold roughly 300 units. No negative side effects were documented in the seven months it was sold. After reformulating and realizing the potential of my product, I kept the new formulation to myself. Each ingredient in my formulation has been tested thoroughly not only by myself but by many scientists prior to my discovery. My product is activated by heat so I was curious as to whether laser or photo epilating devices could heat my product to a new level of efficacy concluding in a permanent product. In June of 2007 I first began my tests on my product with lasers and IPL's and have watched the results become monumental for the hair removal industry. Presently the active ingredients in my formulation are significantly stable against heat and light. The ingredients can be easily incorporated into various forms of cosmetic compositions providing a huge advantage against many products on the market.
The product has been studied regarding its effects on skin treatments, skin absorbance and stability and have found that the ingredients found in it are significantly stable even in comparison to many cosmetics on the market. It has been documented that in abonormally high doses of the active ingredient a rash may occur. However my formula uses a minimal amount. It is cleared rapidly from the body without any evidence of toxicity and hundreds of studies done by scientists prior have noted even at high doses it is quite safe. The ingredients have no mutagenic activity and does not clog pores.

Mechanism of action-

The hair is first removed by the root whereby my formula is applied and then a laser/IPL source is used over the treated area where my formula is activated by the heat of the light and permanent hair removal is achieved

The study-

As stated above roughly 300 people used my product without laser/IPL post formula application and had great temporary relief from having to shave or wax their hair. No negative side effects were noted.    

So far 31 people have been tested by formula/laser application. Nineteen people have been tested in my control with another 12 by an interested party. The 19 people consisted of 14 caucasion, 1 black, 1 asian, and 3 middle eastern. Nine were male and 10 female ages ranged from 19-39 and were spread out over the course or 9 months roughly. The tests were controlled with each person having a shaved patch where just laser was used and a tweezed/waxed or epilated area where my product was used. Also seeing as I have a few variations of my formula on certain subjects I used a couple extra patches to test each formula out. Almost every area on the body was tested except the bikini line/genital area. Also different wavelengths and joules were tested to see which best suited the formulas activation. I am currently testing more people but do not have sufficient data to draw enough concrete conclusions.

  1. Results-

see attachment for breakdown of subjects. Basicially as the charts will show I have used it on many areas and many large areas. At first I was doing test spots but found many people who had heard of my product wanted more and were willing to pay. Therefore I did the spots that made them either depressed or self consious of their body. I found that during the follow up not only were the results great but so were their sense of well being. I have enclosed 10/19 subjects so you can get an example of the efficacy of my product.

Limitations/side effects/ Variables-

         After the use of the laser there is a slight reddening of the area just like normal laser hair removal. Same guidelines must be used post treatment as are used with normal laser hair removal. As for the study only one side effect came about after the reddening had cleared away from the treatment which was a fair amount of ingrown hairs. The is due to improper application of the laser or product. I am still looking into this. The variables that must be taken into consideration are listed as such
  • A competent estitichian/laser tech
  • Proper application of formula
  • Hair removed from treated area is cleaned after waxing thoroughly to make sure the follicular ducts are available for formula penetration
  • Amount of time left between removal of hair to application of formula followed by laser application

I always said that if something easier comes along that can permanently remove hair, then I will start my third career as a hospice nurse. What are you going to do, James?

This is sounding hoaxier and hoaxier (is that a word?), but I’ve learned over time that you can never out smart a genius.