I am at a point where I am growing increasingly frustrated with dealing with the facial hair issue. I am fortunate that I do not have a major issue…but it is not a minor one either!
I started having issues when I was about 16 or so years old, and used bleach and deplitories for the “mustache” area, and this worked well. As I have gotten older, I am now 39, the hair has increased. I did give electrolysis a brief go about 10 years ago, but as I was soon after going through a divorce, I had to stop due to financial issues. Sadly, I had only gone a few months and saw no real results due to this.
Over the past 10 years, I have been plucking hairs out…DAILY. It is so aggravating. My main area of concern is the “mustache” area. I probably pluck 10 or so hairs a day, some days maybe 15. If I let it grow in, I know it would be very noticeable I also have probably about 20 or so hairs that randomly come up under my chin. Additionally, over the past few years, I have developed a slight darkening of my upper lip, only in certain areas…almost like a shadow but not. This could be due to dark roots of hair growing in under my fair skin, or damage from plucking I suppose.
So…I have been looking into electrolysis again. I found a place nearby that does it…in fact two places right down the road both do! So, having a moderate problem, how long would I be looking at- a year or so? Also, I am not really wanting to let all the hair grow in (as in grow it for 5 or 6 weeks and then go). I am wondering if I would be able to go 2-3 times a week for 30 minute sessions to deal with this until it gets to be under control? How to deal with hair between treatments if I don’t go every few days? UGH!
Please give me some advice, I am so tired of dealing with this