Preventing Ingrowns on Face -- Female face after laser

I have had paradoxical hypertrichosis after laser and am now seeing an electrologist about every 1-2 weeks. I am in my senior year of college, I cannot have people see this hair so I am shaving it every 2 days (it grows extremely quickly, after about 1 day it peeks through).

I’ve noticed that im beginning to get mini ingrowns, I am trying my best to shave “with the grain” in the proper direction of the hair – which is difficult because the hair on the beard grows in about 100 directions !!!

I know that I should not use chemical exfoliant, and not be harsh with the skin with a physical exfoliant… so what is it that I CAN do? im going crazy and I want to pick at them with tweezers to slip the inverted growth outward :frowning:

You could try using a single blade razor or an electric foil shaver. Failing that, using a trimmer every morning would make the hairs less noticeable without cutting them too short.

The main thing is to not cut the hairs down to the skin, which multi-blade razors tend to do regardless of shaving direction.

How does your skin react after a session? I don’t see an issue with using a mild exfoliant like salicylic acid a few days after electrolysis. I would avoid it while your skin still feels raw and red.

I use a single-blade dermaplane tool, non-electric. I will look into electric trimmers now…

I have been using a very mild exfoliating mitt made for facial skin so far. As for chemical I used to use glycolic peels but I feel that’s too strong.

After a session my skin is red and swollen a pit where the needle has pricked but it heals very well overnight and just a bit of redness days after, very mild scabbing — nothing noticeable without a magnifier.

Maybe some of the hairs are too weak to poke out of skin surface. Some gentle exfoliation might be useful.

Note: I do not like laser on a woman’s face. I see laser hair stimulation frequently. It is horrifying and causes much distress. A professional electrologist, utilizing sound principles, can bring you home to excellence (permanent hair removal). I have switched my focus to facial hair removal mainly because these cases are devastating when they happen. It can be fixed with electrolysis. Most cases need about 40-50 hours over a period of 18-24 months to fix. I like to clear the bothersome hair and wait for 6 weeks to clear again. That pattern goes on for about 5-6 sessions and then we stretch it out to every 10 weeks to clear.

Just know, it can be permanently corrected with proper electrolysis.

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I am starting with electrolysis now and never lasering again!

Also just curious - I’ve never met (out of 3 electrologists) any who offered to clear all in one sitting. I would love to do that because it saves time IMO and I have to commute less, is this a less popular method or is it that most don’t want to book several hours in one day?

It is less popular to clear an area, if at all possible. Some PCOS woman need anywhere from 3 - 9 hours just to get to that first, full clearance. We break it up into 2 - 3 hour sessions every 10 days or so, until all the bothersome hair is eliminated, then we see each other every six weeks to clear the next NEW group of hairs surfacing.

Most electrologist appear to like those 15 and 30 minute appointments. Too bad for the consumer, in my opinion, but to each their own.


That’s an excellent strategy.

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Thanks Mike. It has worked extremely well for me over the years, but forget me, it’s mainly for the client. These women are psychologically defeated with their beards and getting the hair removed fast and carefully is better than any medicine or temporary measure on earth. Their personalities shine again.

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I can imagine. A mustache on a woman is just horrible.

Funny how that is? A man can have no beard, or a full beard … full head of hair, or totally bald … hair covering his chest and back … or totally hairless. And, it’s okay because he just a dude.

A woman has some noticeable hair on her face (or elsewhere) and we immediately think there’s a medical problem … and, it’s a BIG psychological deal.

Still, I don’t seeing this attitude changing any time soon … so, we just get to our little machines and take care of it. However, our attitude is something that should be considered; especially in this new age of “advanced ‘third wave’ feminism.”

Well, you knew there would be more …

Dr, Chapple noted that there are 350,000 breast implants done yearly in the United States, on younger-and-younger women. Also, there is no breast implant that is totally safe. And yet our insistence on female perfection continues unabated.

I wonder just WHO all this is for … certainly NOT for all the guys I know. We don’t need make-up, perfect bodies and all the crap foisted on women. I love women with white hair and beautiful wrinkles. Nothing is better than a terrific personality and great happy attitude. (And I’m not even a “wokie!”)


i am starting with electrolysis now and never lasering again!

There is a lot of Problems by Laser , but Laser is in some Points better than Electrolyis even Laser have Negative points , that Electrolysis not have.But i think in your Case , Electrolysis would be directly the better choice. But in General , you should be clear what you want. I mean , if You have Hairs that Bother you (Seriously) , you Should go Electrolysis . So its Permanently away.

by Female Peoples some things are like Society Preasure . I met a lot who Shaved the Legs /Hands kinda daily . And in higher Age like nearly 30, most noticed . They did it for other, not for themself. Because the hairs dont bothered them , just what the other think about it.

In this case , like you are not sure about it like legs /hands , there is Laser a better way, even its not so time consuming, even cheaper .

if you want Armpits… Hairs away or you would have theoretical PCOS or like female peoples some in higher age , get some hairs in the face Electrolysis is better .

Even sometimes its because Price /time better Mix Both Laser And Electrolyis. If you would have some grey hairs, or some hairs that dont go away with laser , because Laser dont destroy 100% of the hairs 93-97% arround . if hairs are not greyed /white .

I did 17 Alexandrit Laser Apointments on my Facial hairs and was , let say 60% Sucessfull . My Overlip /Underlip and Chin dont cared about the Laser , now with Age 33 more and more Years Grey by Facial hairs and Laser become like 60-70% Useless.

But Seriously you Should let Make the Laser Sessiosn , if you do it BY a Doctor or Well Trained Studio . But it exist too much Studios who do Laser, where you Burn your Money, Proparly your Hairs dont fall out , or you got Paradoxial Hairgrowth.

On 1 Point of the Body Electrolysis is Horrible, technical its possible . But very , very , very Bad , because you see nothing or very bad . You could use/buy and try it with endoscope (thin one), to see it. Was my Idea , by my electrolysis .

The Area is inside the Nose but on the spit . You can lay down… bend your nose , stretch it with Maginfication mirror also with Maginfication lamp you dont come far with it.

It exist Laser special one for the nose (inside ) …with that would be it easier… but if it grey like some by me, its also useless.

I’m sorry but what you have provided M_K is HORRIBLE advice.
The answer to paradoxal hypertrichosis is NEVER more laser, which is what caused the hypertrichosis in the first place! Those with olive complexions ( primarily indian, pakistani and arabic ) are highly susceptable to paradoxal hypertrichosis , and if you have already experienced such more laser treatment WILL MAKE IT WORSE.
This is precisely what we were talking about when we advised you that badly conceived advice can and will cause real harm to others. Cease and desist in posting advice into damn near evvery thread on this board with your limited background in hair removal.

Maybe the lead statement was missed? "I have had paradoxical hypertrichosis after laser … "

Seana: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Und Danke schoen!

Maybe you Missunderstood me.

I wanted just to tell.

In Normal Case , if your Hairs for Few Years Away (maybe), Laser would be a Better choice.
Or you not Sure about it , what you do with it. Of course even Waxing could be than a Option.

Im talked about General .

The answer to paradoxal hypertrichosis is NEVER more laser, which is what caused the hypertrichosis in the first place! Those with olive complexions ( primarily indian, pakistani and arabic ) are highly susceptable to paradoxal hypertrichosis , and if you have already experienced such more laser treatment WILL MAKE IT WORSE.

i didnt knew that and its good to know , thx you for it. But general this Paradoxial Hairgrowth , like you get hairs where you had no before, can Happen by Europe skin types too… i have this even on my chest. Also Have white hairs on my Uppercheek, i had not before . But im not sure its because Laser , Or Age or Genetic.

Its allways a thing, i mean if you are 100% Sure you have Hairs that Annoy you /anyone , of course you should go Electrolyis in this case . That is permamently Away.

But some have Hairs , that dont annoy them sure, like for example they want just be hairfree for Beach, but general the hairs dont bother them seriously. Waxing…Laser … Shaving…Epilation or something else , could be a better choice.

In the end , it must know everyone for themself.

Nope, that doesnt cut it on the good advice scale either.

There are three primary ways in which hairs become ingrown, or are stimulated to become larger, deeper growth phase hairs.

#1 hormonal influence. This can be from one of the three most important hormonal influences in a womans life, ( puberty , prenancy and menopause) or by disorders such as thyroid disorders or PCOS.
#2 plucking waxing, threading or use of an epilator , any method of hair removal which rips the hair from the follicle by the root.This causes damage to the dermal papilla which feeds blood to the base of the hair causing growth. The dermal papillae rebuilds itself, but the body overachieves, providing a denser number of capillary loops and provides the growing hair with a better blood supply ( more blood supply increases growth) . . It also often becomes larger and mis-shapen, leading to ingrown hairs quite frequently. Since the complaint here is both paradoxal hypertrichosis and problems with ingrown hairs, no form of plucking waxing or epilator use should be recommended here.
#3 is paradoxal hypertrichosis caused by laser treatment.
If this consumer were to take your advice, they would most assuredly worsen the problem.
Ingrown hairs can also be caused by some genetic preconditions, for example those of african descent with dark skin often have very flattened hairs which cause these hairs to curl considerably and often cause ingrown hairs…

Help me out here Michael, you have experience withthis, and I’m too young to suddenly go out and buy a toupee and to have it go flying off my head and get stuck in ghe ceiling fan. But I’m close! I’m real close!

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#1 hormonal influence. This can be from one of the three most important hormonal influences in a womans life, ( puberty , prenancy and menopause) or by disorders such as thyroid disorders or PCOS.

Even Heared even , if you get as Female lasered Hairs , successfull. And you are Pregnant, it can bring the Lasred Hairs bac. Because Hormonel Influece , how you wrote. So Yes you are right here.

#2 plucking waxing, threading or use of an epilator , any method of hair removal which rips the hair from the follicle by the root.This causes damage to the dermal papilla which feeds blood to the base of the hair causing growth. The dermal papillae rebuilds itself, but the body overachieves, providing a denser number of capillary loops and provides the growing hair with a better blood supply ( more blood supply increases growth) . . It also often becomes larger and mis-shapen, leading to ingrown hairs quite frequently. Since the complaint here is both paradoxal hypertrichosis and problems with ingrown hairs, no form of plucking waxing or epilator use should be recommended here.

I readed by Waxing, something other. Even notices it on myself. Yes of course you can get ingrown Hairs , thats true. But even by Waxing experts on Youtube (Peoples who do it Professional). They Say After Waxing , hairs become thinner /grow slower . I did Hair waxing on my nose 2 times , but i do it not monthly , i do it im away for some days . The hairs become thinner by me , grow even slower. But can also be a Side effect of Finasterid, hard to tell in this case.

#3 is paradoxal hypertrichosis caused by laser treatment.
If this consumer were to take your advice, they would most assuredly worsen the problem.
Ingrown hairs can also be caused by some genetic preconditions, for example those of african descent with dark skin often have very flattened hairs which cause these hairs to curl considerably and often cause ingrown hairs…

How i allways say , dont let do it by any Studio , the one Should go to a Dermatologist who do Laser treaments, also they have X Laser in the CLinic not just 1. And More experience than You or Me or Anyone havehere . For Dark skin color ,so far i know should used YAG Laser , because Diod /Alexandrit is used for light skin colour .(Europen one).

and if you google on Medic side :
its says general its a Rare case what can hapen, i dont find there anything about dark skin colours.

Most peoples let do it in studios and end than like this , its allways proparly the best choice let do it by a Dermatologist, i think.

ha ha ha … thanks Seana, you gave me a great big laugh this morning. I can’t improve on what you’ve said. And strangely, I seem to have a “rug” on the ceiling!

“But even by Waxing experts on Youtube (Peoples who do it Professional). They Say After Waxing , hairs become thinner /grow slower.” To which I will say (and be deleted from Hairtell) … Holy shit!

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I agree with Michael, I wish I could do it this way – I have already decided on an electrologist so I guess I will just be doing an hour a week for now! hopefully I reach a clearance sooner rather than later :confused:

I did laser not just my face but my entire body – legs, bikini, arms, underarms it has all since grown back, just slightly finer but the same density. I have pictures documenting the progress. Unfortunately laser either did not work for me or I had incompetent technicians which is very possible because they layered my peach fuzz with low intensity causing this whole ordeal for me. I will try to electrolysis the most bothersome parts of my body once I graduate college for sure! Its too soon for me to reconsider laser again but I do know it works because it has worked for others in my family.

I agree with Seana, your advice is not only horrible but it is highly inaccurate. You are 100% out of your element on this forum. It would be preferable to not post at all rather than propagate misinformation that could cause harm. Your posts should be reported and taken down.

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