i am starting with electrolysis now and never lasering again!
There is a lot of Problems by Laser , but Laser is in some Points better than Electrolyis even Laser have Negative points , that Electrolysis not have.But i think in your Case , Electrolysis would be directly the better choice. But in General , you should be clear what you want. I mean , if You have Hairs that Bother you (Seriously) , you Should go Electrolysis . So its Permanently away.
by Female Peoples some things are like Society Preasure . I met a lot who Shaved the Legs /Hands kinda daily . And in higher Age like nearly 30, most noticed . They did it for other, not for themself. Because the hairs dont bothered them , just what the other think about it.
In this case , like you are not sure about it like legs /hands , there is Laser a better way, even its not so time consuming, even cheaper .
if you want Armpits… Hairs away or you would have theoretical PCOS or like female peoples some in higher age , get some hairs in the face Electrolysis is better .
Even sometimes its because Price /time better Mix Both Laser And Electrolyis. If you would have some grey hairs, or some hairs that dont go away with laser , because Laser dont destroy 100% of the hairs 93-97% arround . if hairs are not greyed /white .
I did 17 Alexandrit Laser Apointments on my Facial hairs and was , let say 60% Sucessfull . My Overlip /Underlip and Chin dont cared about the Laser , now with Age 33 more and more Years Grey by Facial hairs and Laser become like 60-70% Useless.
But Seriously you Should let Make the Laser Sessiosn , if you do it BY a Doctor or Well Trained Studio . But it exist too much Studios who do Laser, where you Burn your Money, Proparly your Hairs dont fall out , or you got Paradoxial Hairgrowth.
On 1 Point of the Body Electrolysis is Horrible, technical its possible . But very , very , very Bad , because you see nothing or very bad . You could use/buy and try it with endoscope (thin one), to see it. Was my Idea , by my electrolysis .
The Area is inside the Nose but on the spit . You can lay down… bend your nose , stretch it with Maginfication mirror also with Maginfication lamp you dont come far with it.
It exist Laser special one for the nose (inside ) …with that would be it easier… but if it grey like some by me, its also useless.