Preventing Ingrowns on Face -- Female face after laser

Some time ago M_K accused me of being “on my high horse” and that his/her opinions were as valid as mine. I’m happy to see that all of us have now gotten on the “high horse” because opinion based on misinformation can indeed be harmful.

Also, a recommendation for M_K.

Write out your messages in your “native language” and then have Google Translate it for you. Your English is horrible and impossible to understand. Lots of people, who do not speak English, use Google Translate, e.g., Josefa … and it works quite well. You have to realize two facts: 1) your opinions are often dreadful and potentially harmful, and 2) your English is abysmal.

crying ,
I think that’s a great strategy. But heres a thought, while you are in college why not target some areas in small amounts with electrolysis in the meantime? The hairs you kill now, will 100 percent stay dead!!!

I’ve treated some clients with terrible paradoxal hypertrichosis and i can tell you you can beat it, but it takes a lot of work to get there. The earlier you start the better.

I dont think your suggestion on google translate at all a bad one. It could really help someone formulate speach in a language they are unfamiliar with .

We’re working on it. Part of the issue is technically we dont censor speach here. We cant really, other than we can ban accounts if need be. it’s better to let people self-censor in most cases.

Gosh you have a lot to say here. You’ve gotten some really straitforward feedback from some pretty respected members of this board. I’ve heard the same, and much much more from other administrators, members, hair removal professionals.
First and foremost, I’m going to ask you to do a LOT more reading on topics like the effects of waxing, paradoxal stimulation, the processes of the hair follicle, and well just everything.
And there’s no better place to start, that over on youtube on Electrology Now. You can find it here:

Please watch the healing skin videos. Also the video on waxing and plucking. In fact, dont stop till you have watched, rewatched and understood every last one .
Then come back here and read every single thread on plucking and waxing. Type “plucking” inthe search field.
Then, after doing all of that, only then should you consider replying or offering advice to anyone here.Honestly, you arent that good at it, people are not lying when they say your english is poorly constructed to the point that no one can understand a single word you say.
Have you considered asking for information on things you are unsure of, before giving advice to others on that topic? The point that we’ve tried to impress upon you is there are some things you might do that can cause genuine harm to the skin. That’s why we are so careful in the advice we offer here , and just as adament that we swiftly correct advice that may, if taken at face value, end up causing harm to others.

More reading, more watching, more understanding, asking us questions on things you want clarification on, these are the things that will help you along your path here at hairtell. Jumping on every single topic and poster and giving unsolicited , and most often questionable advice will unfortunately get you silenced for a period of time. I do have that capability but I’m holding off for the time being. We WANT you to learn here at hairtell. We WANT you asking questions. If it comes to it however, if this continues as it has been, I will use my moderator magic to silence you for a period of time. And if that doesnt work, I do have the power to disable accounts that become a problem.


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oh wow … big big hug.

I agree! I think what I will do is wait until I reach a point where my face takes 30 min or less but still continue to book for an hour at a time and get rid of those other areas!

I have been a hairy girl all my life with dark hair and white skin, and that was already enough but this facial situation is actually like hell on earth !!! I am staying optimistic though because of other threads here that documented their progress — I am recording a dataset of every visit so I hope to report here one day once finished :slight_smile:

who is this H_K?

my English is Good enough. My English isnt perfect, i guess.
But i speak with Peoples from UK and they understand me very well.Even from other , non US/UK countrys.

Also i have Problems with my Language with more , how i should tell it. Not common talks…like Electrolysis… and other topics, like peoples usual never talk about. I know that.

Also to be honest problems sometimes with the times like Say /sayed/saying things like this.

Was in turkey for 3 Days had a Hairtransplatation.And disapointed because hairline .


This Plucking Field is weird.

2 Youtuber (Electrolygist) and No ,its not Bono , told that Tweezing/Plucking increase Hairgrowth.
As i saw it. And had my Next Laser apointment and its by a Doctor . I asked the Doctor (Dermatologist) for that and he told me its, not true.

Even had a Talk with my Professinal Electrogyist /Cosmedic Studio . She told me THEORETCIAL. It is true or not, i dont know. Like everyone have sleeping Hairfolicles in the skin, like they are/was never Active. Like you got than the chance, to make them Active. But they was before there, in the skin.

Momentarly i do with Electrolysis by Myself. And i do all more like Learning by Doing.

And i Mix momentarly Electrolysis with Waxing, work very Well.

Like treat all Hairs with Electrolysis , i see usual dots by the Hairfolicles little red one. Like i treated them. I dont use a Tweezer. I make it all in one run with Electrolysis. If im done with it . I wax the treated hairs, to remove them. I know also in this method i probarly need some Months more than 1 Year , because , they risc is higher that i treated , some hairs not correct. But on big areas , work that better for me, like Legs/arms.

Iluv2zap , i know you have Experience with it , i respect that. But in some areas im more , i ask better a Real Specialist it , like this Plucking increase Hairgrowth things . So i get a correct answer for sure.

Also i ask myself , why wear most Electrolgist any Glasses for treat hairs ?.

I mean i can tell it , at least for myself. By Arm/Legs Hairs i dont need that. Proparly also i have 100% Eye Strength.
Even i treatg myself nose hairs (inside) , i use a Usual Mirror , some LED Lights and move my Nose and neck . Look awful but , it work without anything help , first try. Only Point by treat Nose hairs, thats really Horrible . You can have the Best Lights/Lamps at home . You see kinda nothing inside… or very bad.

But by Hand Hairs , by thin one . I use a little maginfaction lamp for the table with 10x zoom. But they are hard to see . Even with good light…even with colouring.

If it comes to it however, if this continues as it has been, I will use my moderator magic to silence you for a period of time. And if that doesnt work, I do have the power to disable accounts that become a problem.

i thouight its a Forum . If i help Peoples , its like this. Even in my Account , i wrote im no Expert /Professional. Even by Some threads /Post , i write it Extra in a Message.

You shoudl learn to deal with other Meanings. Also its *Free * to you or Anyone else , to Say : Im Wrong and XXX is correctly and its fine. How about that?.

Gosh… Maybe im just a younger generation… But in other forums, if you deal with peoples like this, who try to help.The forum would be Empty.

If you mean to have to or block me. Because I try to help people. Whether it is now correct / wrong / partially correct, let’s put it there. Then you are free to do it. When I’m not even allowed to edit my own posts anymore. Let alone create your own threat. Thanks to this how to say that Detached kind. Which I find quite wrong from a human point of view.

At the moment, the forum just feels like that. As if some of them do it here professionally. Want to push your ego. As well as other people trying to help make down.

Even if I was wrong with the waxxing hair thinner / slower growth. Because that’s what one said on Youtube that apparently makes it professional. As well as some advertisements said that about Wax. But if you google that. , it’s just a myth.

Also in my pre post… im not able to edit Typos. So dont complain about it… because im because your changed for my Account not able to edit them.

Also thought about this Poor English.
Maybe my English is Good Enough , expect some typos/time mistakes.

i know from my English Teacher , i remember. He told me Years ago , in some Points is US and EN English other. Maybe you speak/write just US english and not used to EN english. Its Mostly the Same both , but by some in some points its other. Like for example in English you say : How are you ? in US: How are you doing?. Things like this.

H_K NOTHING has been done to your account. Most people here cannot edit their posts . I did not set up the server, I only moderate the forums.
And…We’re done here. I’ve no further comment on anything you have had to say ( mostly because, I cant tell what the heck you are saying 95% of the time anyway)


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