My success story is that maybe two or three years ago I found my new office was around the corner from a laser place.
After 8 or 9 treatments on my shoulders/upper-back, my shoulders and upper back have been free of hair for more than a year now, maybe longer.
- Areas treated: Shoulder and upper back
- How long it’s been since last treatment: A year or more.
- Your skin and hair type on that area(s): black and brown hairs on pale skin.
- Device used and settings (if known): Candela GentleLase, on setting 12/26 to 12/28
- Estimated % of reduction in the area(s): 98%
- Name and location of clinic (great recommendation!): Barris Laser of Boulder CO - fantastic place
- Finishing with electrolysis? No, I’ll do more areas when I can afford to.
There are some straggler hairs and some clear/white hairs on my shoulders that I need to go back to get regular electrolysis on sometime, but I feel no hurry. For now I just pluck those, and they aren’t visible at a distance anyway.
Was it worth the collective hundreds upon hundreds of dollars? YES!
I am now kind of addicted to this, even though I have no real need for much more. I stopped for a year or so, but now with tax refund time, I had my hands done, and am going ass-up tomorrow to clear the hair from where “God split” me.
Update: I just went on Saturday, and, ouch! I’m redder there for longer than I am on, say, my shoulders – probably because my butt rarely sees light, let alone laser light. But, once it fades I will be happy.
I debate sometimes about getting my stomach and chest done, but at $300 a pop, and an uncertainty about whether I’d feel demasculinized if I lacked that hair, I have thus far held onto it. If I win the lottery, I probably would do it.
It is the addictive nature of laser that is most remarkable to me. I suspect it is similar to how exercise, or chiseling the body into shape, can be addictive. Except here, you just walk in one way, and walk out looking different, with none of that pesky exsertion that exercise requires.
I am also most pleased that no numbing cremes were needed. I am afraid of the allergic reaction risk.
Left-shoulder, before (Aug 2007), and after (2010):