Platinum Pure Settings & Tech Support Users Group

The area is extremely susceptible to overtreatment. Be careful, please. Most follicles have been treated in telogen phase. With half of that e.l would have been enough to just insert the needle a little less deep.

Who did you talk to at Dectro? They should be able to answer your question about levels provided being “FAR OUTSIDE THE REALM OF USEFULNESS”. I listed a name and a phone number on another thread, but will reiterate it here: you can call Jean-Louis at 1-888-332-8763. It is toll-free.

You didn’t say what program you were in or your probe size. Those levels are high. I hope your skin heals well.

I due to get my Apilus Platinum Pure in the next couple of days, needless to say can’t wait. Just a question about probes, are you best to use insulated needles with this unit??

Yes, insulated probes are recommended. I use insulated and gold and
have not had any problems.

thanks for the advice, a bit nervous of the apilus it all sounds a bit overwheming, so different from the old units. I’m sure I shall get the hang of it

You will once you learn the language of Apilus. Stick with one modality at first and then gradually spread your wings. Where did you purchase your Platinum?

Thanks, I purchased it from House of Famuir they are the UK importers, and offer a days training which I shall be doing next week. This forum is so fantasic so glad to have been recommended it. mairi

Well, my next piece of advice was to get training or ask questions from the distributer where you purchased it and it sounds like you don’t need that advice at all. Good move on your part! We’ll try to help out as best we can, but do take advantage of the asking the people who will train you and share what you find out here on hairtell, if you want. What better way to serve our fellow human beings by re-training and re-learning on some of the best epilators in the world. People are desperate to find great electrologists who can actually change their lives for the better.

two piece or one piece probes… for the last few years i have used two piece needles. however i have been advised to use ballet probes(one piece) with the apilus platinum pure. find them a bit more challenging as they seem so big and stiff, the probes!!! i prefer the two piece, but will use the ballet if deemed better, what do the apilus pro’s think? also when i was getting trained on apilus i felt the hair was getting pulled a little, is this normal. i always make sure the hair is loose before i remove. newbie to apilus.

Probes are indeed a personal choice. We have many great choices at our disposal. Aaahh, yes, I did get the big and stiff part silly mhawkes - you were referring to probes, indeed, teehee!

I use ballet because I like the stiffness and sturdiness and the bigger size 6 er’s (hehe) for the really coarse hair structures. Depending on some things in the beginning clearance, some hairs can offer some resistance, but do try to get the hairs to slide out. If I feel a little traction, I will go back in the empty follicle, with the hair out of the way, and give it another burst of energy.

I just like the way a ballet glides into a follicle, but I have not tried Sterex or other brands recently.

thanks dee think i will keep practising with the apilus and probes, before going on to clients, a wee bit nervous of it(have been with gentronics for the last 12 years so will take time to get use to new stuff)

To avoid the “fright”, not to lose of sight the “E.L”.

Overtreatment is very difficult if you stay below the 130 E.L

This might seem like a ridiculous question but why does the Apilus have only one foot pedal? I bought the Apilus Senior(the first generation) and I am almost brave enough to start training!

I read Michael Bono’s book (he seems to hate the Apilus machines and the flash modes you speak about) and his technique of progressive blend requires one pedal for each type of current - the galvanic and the thermoloysis (sorry if my terminology isn’t correct).

Why does his method require 2 foot pedals and there is only one on the Apilus?

I’m a newbie so hopefully it’s not a naive question.

Thanks in advance for your response.

Hi Maven,

this thread is dedicated to two specific Apilus machines, namely the two (fairly) recent 27 MHz models with their special modalities.

Anyway a quick answer to your question: actually there are only very few epilators providing two pedals. You must develop some creativity to map the body technic Michael Bono describes to the capabilities of Your device. One possible approach might be adjusting the parameters of pulse blend accordingly and interrupt before the 2nd pulse arrives (by taking the foot off the pedal - the epilator stops instantly). That is what i would do on my apilus junior - also the old model. (But usually i let the Apilus do more than one pulse.)


PS: Did You notice the photo of the apilus (junior) machine somewhere in Bono’s book?

PSS: as a forthcoming user of the platinum i would enjoy if we could stick to the dedication of the thread. Maybe a kind moderator could split it off?

The apilus works with only one foot pedal because the treatment settings are accomplished via digital settings for both timing and intensity. The machine does not have an option that would allow one to fall asleep on a foot pedal and send a constant current into the client, as would be possible with a two pedal machine. If one makes the treatment setting well, one doesn’t need more than an occasional second insertion here and there. Small price to pay for being able to duplicate the exact treatment energy a million times.

A bit sarcastic, but not without reason: imagine You are working in manual blend. Client asks a question, You answer, door bell rings heavily, whatever … and You forget to count for a moment. Result: severe overtreatment, permanant scar. Of course i lost this client.
Although it is possible to obtain great results with manual devices, modern technic gives us additional safety.

Using manual epilators is like driving a car without safety belt. Toward our clients.


@Beate: Yes, there is a photo of the Apilus junior in the text I have and it seemed pretty clear to me that the author was not in favour of computerized epilators.

My own electrolysis was done by someone who used the manual blend method and she managed to chat, sing, answer phones and the like and I emerged unscathed. : ) But I can see how the Apilus features benefit novices like me.

My apologies for chiming in with a question about the wrong apilus machine. I read the whole thread and it seems that my machine is very similar to the later models so I thought I’d be safe. : )

another? are the apilus pro’s using cataphoresis as a regular aftercare treatment, if so how much of a difference does it make? and any one using anaphoresis before treatment.

I use neither and all is well. I have nothing against either, just not a priority.

Ah, one of the benefits of electrolysis is that most of the time, one only makes a mistake on ONE follicle and corrects that mistake before the next one is done. LASER mistakes are often not found until after the entire treatment area has been treated to that mistake from start to finish.

Even in the manual days, I knew very few who used Anaphoresis as a start to a treatment, but some liked it saying that it made inserting on the follicles easier. (I say upgrade your vision equipment and THAT will make inserting MUCH easier, and with a size 6 probe on top of that!)
Cataphoresis is great for reducing swelling and redness, and also pushing post treatment potions deeper into the skin, but you can’t do it if your clients are jumping off the table and out the door before you can apply the post treatment set the Cataphoresis levels, and turn around. :slight_smile:

It would be very helpful after an 8 hour day of treatment on one person, for sure.