Old dudes ...

Not quite looking back just yet, but almost.

My electrology career was sort of amazing. Sixteen trips to Europe and living in Amsterdam (when it was still Amsterdam). Living with Dr. Lamaker (and an Amsterdam prostitute/bank official for a few weeks: it’s complicated) and watching SRS surgeries (I fainted). Escaping from the “Shining Path” (Maoist) rebels in Peru (chased us with machine guns) and playing “Peruvian roulette” during Marshall Law (almost got shot).

Sailing in New Zealand on a 12-meter, abseiling the Waitomo Caves (Japanese tourist died), dangerously watching crocks (boat almost sunk) in Australia and body surfing at Boni. Gambling my (rich) friend’s $50,000 at Jupiter and winning $400,000 (he’s an heir), throwing snow balls at tourists at “Lugwig’s castle” (we snuck into a restricted area), and experiencing “Fasching” in Koln and Wiesbaden (bare-breasted babes and all)! Watching Boris Yeltsen in his “Zil” in a big Norwegian military parade in Olso (he was drunk on his ass). I didn’t have tea with the Queen but it felt like it. And, that’s just a smattering.

I’m not sure that my electrology experiences can ever be duplicated again; mostly because there is so much information on-line and one company (Dectro) literally owns electrology (gorgeous company). I could “write a book” but I’d have to sensor it … nothing passed me by! Funny when you look at old people, you just see the wrinkles. Scratch the surface and you’ll find a library of information and red-hot experiences.

I’m sorry but I do not agree. Electrology is not property of Dectro, but a patrimony of all humanity.

And if we are not careful, the most effective permanent hair removal system ever invented will eventually disappear due to the lack of good trainers who do not follow the strict teaching policy imposed by the Dectro schools.

(“The tragedy of old age is not that one is old, but that one is young”- Oscar Wilde)

Post deleted per Dee Fahey.

There are scientific researches for electrolysis and IPL on Dectro site:


If somebody is interested - you can open that site than click on “The company” and than click on “Scientific research”. Sorry this site does not allowed me to upload PDF files.


I’ll take a positive position and say that I highly respect Dectro and the employees that work there. The Dectro giant has provided me with a quality epilator that I need to serve my clients well and the service side has always been helpful and courteous. Maybe that’s why they are a successful, sustaining company? Not a crime to be successful, right? When sitting in the classroom of the “internet”, we can take or leave whatever we are presented as “fact” or “opinion”. Many electrologists believe in the anagen only opinion TODAY because their textbook and school instructors teach that - it’s not just Dectro. Just want to say I thank Dectro for all they do for the electrolysis profession and no one pays me or rewards me for saying so. I am just an appreciative customer. I think for myself and listen to others.

There is nothing wrong with succeeding. As a consumer of the Dectro machines (3 Apilus Platinum and 1 xCell) I also have reasons to congratulate the manufacturer and the technical team on the development and design of their machines. As well as by the good predisposition to meet the requests and suggestions of professionals.

That said, I do not know if “it’s not just Dectro” who perpetuates the false myths, and promises a permanent hair removal without pain or reaction is an acceptable argument for students and their future clients.

Everyone wants and has the right to succeed, including those who put their money and trust in the hands of future generations of electrologists.

I’m in agreement about declaring electrolysis pain-free because of the epilator used. IT IS NOT PAIN-FREE with any epilator. If it is, it’s worthless for disabling hair follicles. If Dectro is still saying this, they should get rid of that kind of fluff fast. It can be made tolerable, with a good “recipe”, but it is never painless.

I hope Dectro will listen to you DeeFahey. When I was invited in a Dectro school in Kiev (Ukraine), they still say that only their machine is painfree (XCell).
Dectro electrologists today still advertising painfree electrolysis using this machine.
I agree this is a high technology machine, but I also agree with you DeeFahey (and thanks for speaking about it). It is not painfree with any epilator.

“Painless,” “100% permanent,” “No down-time,” “only one treatment” …

Puffing! Okay, out-and-out lies. But companies and business “puff” (lie) all the time; it’s called advertising. Um, not to mention politicians and criminals: all the professionals.

On my second or third trip to The Netherlands, John Blokker (school owner in Alkmaar: Noordhollandse Akademie voor Praktijkopleidingen) advertised that I was introducing a totally painless method to Europe. I didn’t know about this until I arrived. After chiding Blokker I announced to the participants that, because of the lie, we would return their money on-the-spot. There were no takers.

Fact is, certain methods hurt less at various times and with different clients (too many variables to mention). A person can jump-to-conclusions and make outlandish claims, but most of us know such statements are “fake news.” I stopped getting worried about the “puffing” a long time ago. (Actually, I found the Apilus did hurt less … but that’s just me.)

Once a client experiences the reality of any treatment they will know objectively what’s going on. The problem then exists for the purveyor of fake news. If you state there are no after-effects, and the client gets a great big “buzu” on their face, well, you not only have the “buzu,” but your credibility just flew out the window too.

Just stick to the facts. The facts are GOOD ENOUGH! With the internet, fake news and advertising, we all swim in a putrid swamp of lies. The real winner is always the straight-shooter; a person who just tells the facts, plain-and-simple.

Painless treatments huh? I guess I’ll have to tell that to all my intolerant clients, they are imagining things because this machine gives painless treatments! Lol, hogwash.

Dectro does not “own” electrolysis, and they are far from the only company producing quality electrolysis equipment.
Like any company promoting falsities, sooner or later it will bite them in the ass.

" No pain, no gain"

It happened with laser hair removal in the late 90’s and early 2000s. Manufacturers perpetrated falsities that were unfortunately passed on to consumers by machine owners. It did come back to bite them.

Hairtell exists for discussions like this. We want the consumer to know the truth about anything to do with hair removal. We don’t lie to our clients because it cheapens what we do and causes mistrust. Ultimately, it creates more anxiety for the consumer.

I haven’t done a search to verify that Dectro has “pain-free” written in their ads or otherwise.

A side-note to this little discussion. I wrote a book called “The Blend Method,” and lots of people assume that I’m therefore an enemy of all the other methods.

I didn’t write the book because I’m some enemy … I wrote the book because that’s what I know fairly well! (I was a thermolysis operator for 3-years before I started blending.) If I had the gumption, I should write follow-up books: “Thermolysis” and “Multiple-Needle.” Who knows, since I only have one eye these days, I might just do it. (Maybe “Pirate Electrolysis?”)

I had a lovely call from a sweet woman in New Jersey yesterday and she hesitated to ask questions about my opinion on multiple-needle. She assumed I would be negative or an enemy. She quickly learned I’m NOT! How could I possibly be an enemy of any technology? We had a long conversation and it was fun. It’s always interesting to talk to Easterners … they talk so differently and so FAST!

Hairtell exists for discussions like this. We want the consumer to know the truth about anything to do with hair removal. We don’t lie to our clients because it cheapens what we do and causes mistrust. Ultimately, it creates more anxiety for the consumer.

I haven’t done a search to verify that Dectro has “pain-free” written in their ads or otherwise. [/quote]

In these two links (one in English, the other on French) Dectro say officially that other epilator machine (non Apilus) are painful but Apilus machine is PAINFREE.

The Dectro quote:

“With Apilus, we will be able to make the French market evolve towards the new 27 MHz standard, which is faster, more efficient and above all, pain-free,”

  • said Dectro Export Manager Dario Zujo.

My biggest beef with the dectro line, is, the probeholders. It’s a strait up money grab.They wont fix a known problem because they sell too many of them and make too much from them.I’ve had zero issues with the xcell, save the now drawerful of dead probeholders I now have.The last time I called I asked for a probeholder and the Dectro rep inquired as to why I was getting just one?

That they push anogen only theory in their school is just stupid ( which they did to me too) , and I had to politely excuse myself from disclosing my views.


Have a look see …


Does it drive you crazy when I mispell it? It seems to!

Yeah … it “do” LOL!