Newbie journey

I swear it does get easier! I didn’t believe it first but it’s true!

It’s been 28 days since my last electrology appointment and there is so much hair now. It’s been a sudden hair explosion since I last posted, all excited. I go in tomorrow thank goodness. I have about 100 dark course hairs on my chin and upper lip and then a few thinner dark ones on just my upper lip. I cannot wait for the hair tap to start turning off 😭

Yes I feel like this for my daughter! Hair, hair everywhere. Its quite depressing how fast and furious those suckers can grow. I think once you have had a clearance or close to a clearance that suddenly any new hairs that pop up seem to look even darker and more obvious on their own rather than surrounded by “neighbours”.

All the best for your treatments. We will win in the end!!!

Session #13 (6.5 hours total) was almost a week ago. I had one day of swelling following treatment and since have been trying to stay on top of any hair sheaths. My skin is still a bit red in addition to my PIH. No coarse hair growth but plenty of the dark thin ones. Looks like I will be staying on a every 3-4 week treatment schedule for now. This feels never ending.

6.5 hours sounds like you are in the beginning stages??? I haven’t followed your case. I do hope you are getting the area cleared every time you have a session?

I stopped tweezing last day of February and started treatment the first week of March. My electrolysist says my case isn’t severe even though it feels that way to me. I am cleared minus the thin hairs in the middle of my lip. I have never tweezed those and my provider will only take a couple per session because she says the area is too sensitive.

I had session #14 11 days ago and am now starting to see a hint of growth. It’s been a nice almost two weeks of being hair free. My electrolysis told me to call if I wanted to have a session in between our monthly sessions, and I’m torn. If I did every two weeks I possibly wouldn’t need to do any maintenance (shaving) but I have been enjoying letting my skin heal in the time between sessions. I have 17 days until my next appointment which will mean a lot of growth between now and then.

It’s been 20 days since my last appointment and I only have FOUR of the very dark coarse beardlike hairs that have regrown. There is still plenty of dark growth all over but I’m excited about the dwindling monsters.

Had a normal 30 minute session at the end of September but almost immediately had chin growth. My next scheduled session is a week away and I have more chin hair than I can remember since my first couple weeks. I’m not tweezing but the urge to tweeze out all of these suckers is so strong. I hate it. I can’t cover it up. I have to trim it multiple times per day. Please let this be my chin’s last hurrah before the hair gives up.

Had another 30 minute session a few weeks ago and my provider decided to up the intensity on my chin. I have a sense I will be more of an 18 month case vs a 12. I’ve been feeling a bit low about my progress for a while and having a lot of urges to tweeze but haven’t. This month I have fewer hairs than last which is great, but man this process is long.

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Resist the urge to tweeze! That will only lengthen the time to completion, and it can make it harder for the practitioner to do a proper insertion. Tweezing can distort the follicles, especially with coarse hairs.

Thanks for all the updates! We’re all rooting for you! (Get it?)


Why can’t you do synchro, Iluv2zap?

I had to read back to see what you were referring to Moondog, and I think it’s my comment from March 25? In that case, I can tell you that the platinum pure and Xcell do not have Synchro settings for gold or stainless steel probes. You could of course lie to the machine and say you are using an isoblend probe, but it is likely you would have excess skin reaction/damage from such useage

Last night the lighting was perfect to catch some pitting on camera. For years I had a small spot of hyperpigmentation there from tweezing, and of course that’s where some of the thickest of the hairs reside so I don’t completely attribute the damage to electrolysis. I’ve put this poor upper lip skin through a lot.

I recommend looking into silicone sheets for the pitting. You might also benefit from a few lunch peels.

Thank you Andrea!

Had my 16th session and completed 8 hours 16 days ago. I have #17 in six days. My electrologist thought I may not need to come in so soon but I think I would just like to get these new hairs taken care of. I have tried using a microlense on my phone to get some photos of my regrowth. This is right out of the shower without moisturizer so my skin looks awful up close. I do have some newer acne injuries and ingrowns that have finally come through.


Upper lip

I’d be happy to hear some thoughts on my progress!

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HI. So its been over 2 weeks since your last appointment and these photos represent that timeline, yes? It looks like you do not have much growth anymore. The skin, for the most part, looks good, from what I can see but we are not looking at dryness as your concern. Do you try to get the ingrowns to the surface on your own? The electrologist will most likely be able to get them, if they are close to the surface, without creating so much irritation. For the most part, it looks good. Are you happy?

The upper lip, especially left and center, are healing well! It looks as if you could use a light exfoliant scrub and more moisturizer where the skin has healed. Dryness can make ingrowns more likely, so be sure to drink lots of water and moisturize throughout the day, especially if you live in a cold or dry climate.

I wouldn’t describe myself as happy, more cautiously optimistic. I originally started electrolysis because I thought it would alleviate all the hyperpigmentation I had from tweezing and it’s only made it worse. Close up my skin looks okay but from far away it looks like a dark mustache all of the time. It’s been hard coping from feeling like an attractive person to a total monster plus having to walk around with the hair and stubble on my face. But I am no longer spending 30 mins to an hour every day tweezing which is amazing. I trust my provider is taking care of me and I trust everyone who says the “hairtap” will start slowly turning off now. I have been dealing with this hair demon for so long I can’t picture myself not having a hair problem anymore.