Early on, weekly appointments may not be enough. You may have to do twice or even 3 times a week. Usually it’s people who pluck who I have to do this for,but I’ve also had my fair share of folks who will do so, just to get the hair off their face and out of view. It doesnt matter whether we as electrologists think it’s enough hair to worry about being seen, it’s 100% clients own perception that matters. . When it causes that much anxiety for someone, well that’s when I break out the 2 appointments per week and yes I had one lady doing 3 or 4 appointments a week for several months. She’s one of my best clients,and it did wonders for her progress. Despite the frequent and lengthly treatments in the first 3 months, we have not exceeded 90 hours for a beard removal . Time spend treating the hair in the first cycle of hair gowth( 3-4 months) pays off in the end of the treatment. And of that, I have documented proof.That client that did 3-4 sessions a week is still a client, she comes in for 30 minutes averaging once a month.Shes at the end of treatment now.