Hi everyone! this is my first post. I suffer from thick facial hair (thats undiagnosed at the moment) and I’ve been checking out electrolysis for a while. I finally decided to go ahead and do my first session, which was not painful at all, if anything it felt like a pin prick every couple of minutes (I went for 45min). Apparently my chin hair is really dense( although i don’t think so but this is what the electrologist has told me) so she couldn’t clear the area in the time allotted, only doing a small area of the right side of my chin. She would treat the same hair follicle 3 or 4 times before she plucked it out, and i could still feel her plucking it out. Towards the end she stopped treating the follicles multiple times and instead just zapped it once and plucked them out.
I started to get nervous and question her ability to go on with these treatments so that same day i went to a more well known specialist and she was VERY ROUGH with my hair. I felt the needle go inside my skin every single time! this lady is in her 70s and a lot of people have recommended her yet she used antiquated equipment, and the surroundings of her establishment do not look very sanitary.
I guess my question really is that i don’t know who i should continue my treatments with. First establishment charges 55$ for 45min, uses the blend method, i felt her plucking my hair even after the second treatment, and she didn’t seem confident or experienced with thicker hair and ethnic skin, but she as a person is very pleasant to talk to. the second establishment charges 75$ for 45min, treatment was extremely painful (and i have a high pain threshold) so she may have been using the galvanic method. Also i didn’t feel any zaps with either of them but with the second person she left the needle in for about 2 seconds and moved on. Also my skin scabbed after the second lady and i can see the entrance of the needles in my skin, and because i am black i also get keloids.
Im sorry for the long post but i would like to get some insight from others about what they think of the procedures (i.e pain, lack of feeling of “zaps”, big or small needles, feeling of plucking)