My Hair is Depressing Me : (

Aldactone is spiro, yes. It is a prescription medication. You shouldn’t take it if you don’t need it because it can kind of be dangerous (causes you to retain potassium and it severely lowers your blood pressure), I was only giving you an example of one of the many ways that symptoms are treated. If you think you need spiro, you’ll have to confirm that with a doctor and have blood tests (probably on a regular basis).

ok i understand now, thank you

An Excellent resource for quitting smoking, or at least understanding why you need to:

Product Category : Books
ISBN : 0965379337
Title : The Invisible Drug (Health Hazards of Tobacco )
EAN : 9780965379335
Authors : William Everett Bailey
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher : Mosaic Publications
Publication Date : 1996-12-30
Pages : 392

Smoking while using birth control is also a no-no. Increases risks.

oh yeah i forgot to add one more think to my long list of problem i also have a thick uterus lining, but never diagnos with anything even though my doctor knows, thats why i am confused to if i really have PCOS i have most of the symptoms

It would seem to me that you are one of those women who have test levels that fall “within the normal range”, yet have a natural oversensitivity that leads to side effects at levels that are “in normal range” but are high for your personal range. This is something covered in Julia Ross’ The Diet Cure, and The Mood Cure.

Today I was feeling extremely depressed.

I feel that despite getting electrolysis done, it hasn’t really changed my overall look, nor has laser. Not that I was expecting it too, but I still have so much hair.

I feel sad that I can’t express how I want my chin hairs rid of. I took makeup samples from a store and places it on my face. I could clearly see hair on my chin and it made it worse because it looked like I had combed the hairs on my face in a straight line and the chin hairs were sticking out.

Feels like a waste of money. It is very hard to be pleased down here. We need you experts in our areas.

I know what you mean in that regard. Sometimes I have trouble looking people in the face. I never want to stand too close to people, or sit too close to them, when I’m talking to them, in case they notice my hair. Also I’ve found wearing makeup seems to make the hairs on my face more noticeable? Like, the makeup covers the hairs in its colour and then my face looks kind of “textured” and fluffy.

I guess its just a case of persevering until the point where we actually are comfortable with ourselves. Too bad it takes so long. :confused: