My Hair is Depressing Me : (

Hiya everyone,

I’m a long-term acne sufferer who has recently come out from it, with just marks left. Unfortunately, the next thing that stands out is hair - and alot of it.

Overall I can say my face may be okay, except for my nose, eyebrows and upperlip, as well as chin. The hair is more there, and more apparent.

I am a female so I wonder why I have so much hair on my nose? It’s small, but some are dark and they are all short but why so much? Will electrolysis remove this?

Anyway, what depressed me is the following. I went to get my bra size measured and in front was a large mirror. I have hair all over my body. My upper arms are okay, it’s less there but the rest of it has so much hair! Dark and long. My legs also have hair all over and it will takes ages for me to remove it. I am afraid of waxing and epilating because I have epilated my legs before and after a few times, I would get large painful bumps on my leg. So I never tried my top half of legs.

Also, on my body, on my stomach, back, hair everywhere. On my stomach the hair is finer but noticebale because it’s black and there’s alot of it.

What can I do?

Electrolysis removes hair ON the nose and it works very, very well.

It would be prudent for you to get a medical evaluation and make sure there is not an internal problem related to your hair growth, BEFORE you start a hair removal plan.

If you start electrolysis, focus on the area that bothers you the most.

Hi Dee,

I suffer from pcos symptoms even though I have regular periods. I’m on birth control pills to regulate my hormones. Will Laser or electrolysis work on me? I’ve had a lot of laser done with barely any results.

Hello you have come to the right site for advice!! laser does not work on everybody but electrolysis does ,it does however require time and patience.Good luck

I went to the doctors and she is a skin specialist. She told me that my hair is not a worry, it doesn’t look much to her (but to me it does) and that she could give me a blood test to see if anything is wrong with me but I have no obvious signs. That is why i think it may not be hormonal but genetic.

I feel your pain I truly do. I feel like you wrote this post on behalf of me =( I too have hair EVERYWHERE. Laser won’t work on all parts, because like you, most of the hair is fine, but DARK! It’s so embarrassing =( On my face is the worst, I have hair on my nose too =’(
I wish it was gone, I want all the things in life that everyone wants.
Get married, have kids. I don’t think anyone will want a hairy girl. It makes me so depressed.
I just don’t want to invest in electrolysis or laser if the hair will just come back.
I had so many blood tests done, and NOTHING. No PCOS, hormones are fine. She said my follicles are sensitive to testosterone.

So is that it I thought? nothing more can be done for me, I’m just a freak with body hair everywhere.
It’s so not fair =(

The hair won’t “just come back” if you remove it permanently. All treated hair is killed. You may develop NEW hair with time, but it shouldn’t be that much and it’s over a considerably long period of time, so you can get a touchup here and there later in life. There are many people on this forum who have had successful permanent hair removal and are very happy.

Also, things like hair are very bothersome to us because we’re our worst critics. It shouldn’t prevent you from having relationships. Many people with all kinds of looks do without problems. It’s all about finding the right person who will care about you. You will never meet someone who decided not to be in a relationship with someone they liked because they found out they had some hair.

Oh, don’t worry. I have been feeling VERY down at times and it has got to me real bad but recently I seem to have taken a turn. I feel better about it and I am going to head for electrolysis/laser but only when I have enough money. Yes, I do feel uncomfortable around people but I know that one day I will be happy. People do like people who have hair, the issue is of being comfortable with oneself. As another member has advised me to do, start with bleaching on the fine hairs like on the face and that will boost your confidence heavily. I havem’t done that yet but I know it will make a big difference.

Thanks for your post! It made me feel better =)
I wanna do electrolysis really badly on most parts of the body. I just can’t afford to right now. I am doing laser, and it’s been working (slowly) but still I’ve seen improvement.

Ihavehair- have you been to a doctor to test your blood for hormone imbalances? Or is your hair just very fine, and only noticeable to you?

Where have you started laser? curious

Yea so do I but I have noted down main parts thanks to members of this forum, the rest I will bleach for now : )

I’ve been to my doctor and she said to me there is nothing wrong with my hair and I am worrying for no reason : ) She said it is unnoticeable, but I know it is. But she is an expert in her field so I respect her for that, plus I think it is just where I come from that I have all this hair and not because of any imbalance anywhere, so she didn’t give me a blood test to see. She said I didn’t have any signs. It’s just that people like me just have hairiness in our genes. : ) Oh dear lol.

I started on my jawline…long story but I had no choice but to choose laser instead of electrolysis. I am starting electroylsis for the rest of the fine hairs on my face. I just feel like hair is everywhere I look, and it consumes my life. If I didn’t have it, I think I would enjoy things more. LIKE THE SUMMERTIME. I wish I could wear sleeveless shirts, bikinis, things that show off myself. But its so embarressing, plus I have to wait during the period between waxes for the hair to grow a bit =(

On hairtell I’ve been given the tip that bleach where you can, and use a hair removal method where you can’t. Me, I’ve done none of that yet. : ) I’m just waiting for the right time. Can I ask what you do for sensitive areas of your skin like upper arms? The top of mine are thin but as you go down nearer to the elbow, they get thicker, and I am scared of waxing. :blush: Need a solution.

I wax =( its not fun, it causes bumps so I really dont recommend it! Try electrolysis, I know it will take some time, but at least the end results are smooth skin, and not bumps or ingrowns! yuck!
The pain we go through =(

Are you just bleaching, what do you do for the areas that you cant bleach?

Bleaching is great. That’s what I used to do before electrolysis. What areas bother you that you can’t bleach?

Oh, I thought waxing would be okay.

How do people who don’t get electrolysis done get such smooth arms? - The hairy ones, not the unhairy.

I’m not doing anything yet. I know where I want to bleach. But the places where bleaching will make no difference (too many hairs and rough) I am clueless about, I was thinking of waxing.

Okay picture the upper arm (shoulder to elbow). The top half of it is bleachable (fine hairs and a few) but as you go down they get longer, thicker and coarser, so bleaching is not an option because even if I shaved them or trimmed them, they are still ‘rough’ to the touch and I want them smooth and will not have enough money for electrolysis.

Well because electrolysis tackles one hair at a time, my friend had pretty hairy arms and after a few years she is clear. Thats how I know it will be smooth =)

Sorry I didn’t mean electrolysis I meant waxing. :slight_smile:

What bleach products are the best? I have used Jolen mostly on my arms and it burns. I don’t really consider my skin sensitive but waiting 10 minutes with this burning sensation is not fun. I am very pale and the hair on my arms are fine but plentiful and brown-black. I have to bleach almost every 1-2 weeks during the summer so I really need a new product. Someday in the future I would like get electrolysis on my arms but I can’t do it any time soon. Summer is really the problem since it is hot and I can’t really get away with long sleeves like I do most of the year–actually in the summer I only wear 3/4 sleeves or a bit higher because I can’t stand trying to bleach upper arm.

imokay, I think you can find bleaches for sensitive skin?

I’m in the UK, I use Boots own brand hair lightener. I used Jolen in the very beginning. I much prefer Boots. But I don’t think I have very sensitive skin.

Always best to do a test patch.