Hiya everyone,
I’m a long-term acne sufferer who has recently come out from it, with just marks left. Unfortunately, the next thing that stands out is hair - and alot of it.
Overall I can say my face may be okay, except for my nose, eyebrows and upperlip, as well as chin. The hair is more there, and more apparent.
I am a female so I wonder why I have so much hair on my nose? It’s small, but some are dark and they are all short but why so much? Will electrolysis remove this?
Anyway, what depressed me is the following. I went to get my bra size measured and in front was a large mirror. I have hair all over my body. My upper arms are okay, it’s less there but the rest of it has so much hair! Dark and long. My legs also have hair all over and it will takes ages for me to remove it. I am afraid of waxing and epilating because I have epilated my legs before and after a few times, I would get large painful bumps on my leg. So I never tried my top half of legs.
Also, on my body, on my stomach, back, hair everywhere. On my stomach the hair is finer but noticebale because it’s black and there’s alot of it.
What can I do?