Thanks stopit, We don’t have Boots here but I will definitely experiment with a few new ones for sensitive skin. I read on another blog that if I run cold water or place wet cold towels on my arms before treatment it will reduce the burning. I’m going to try it.
Jolen have a formula for sensitive skin (it’s got a pink bit on the packaging).
I’ve never had bad reactions from Sally Hansen bleach products. I even left it on for 20-25 mins usually.
hay guys, i know how you feel im hairy too, im a 22 year olf female from australia.
i hate it soo much. It really does hurt your confidence when you know you are more hairer then your own boyfriend.
I usually bleach my lower back and stomach, and wax / bleach my arms. Also have to wax my upper lip every week to maintain, such a long process but if i leave it i look like a GORRILLA oh well what can you do aye
You can “do” electrolysis
haha yer, i’m definantly going to go this way LA girl. I had a 25 min session about 6 days now on my snail trail, but theres still bumps and scabs there still is that normal LA GIRL, and the lady kept insisting i did more time, even though it was suuposed to be a consultation and it hurt SO MUCH, is that normal too? i usuaully can tolerate pain, but this was excruciating.
i"m definantly going to go try somehwere else but. So far I have a consultation booked in for the 18th of june, so fingers crossed it wil go good. I could only find them 2 electrologists that specialise in it and not at a beauty salon. They are about 1 hour away, but i am willing to drive for that long if it is with the right people.
No, it shouldn’t hurt that much and side effects, if any, should go away within a week. Please start a thread on our electrolysis section of the forum and electrologists and other consumers will help you figure out how to find a good electrologist. I recommend looking for someone used thermolysis method and a newer machine like Apilus. That and skill makes a huge difference. Also, use witch hazel and tea tree oil for aftercare.
hi there, i am a 29 year old female, and i am suffering from body and face hair, my body hair doesn’t bother me as much cuz its not that dark and thick i can just shave it off, BUT my face is the real issue, i have tryed everything, i tryed lazer most of the hair went away from my upper face but the rest came back darker and thicker ( chin,neck, upper lip) after i had my kids I DONT KNOW WHY!!???
so i heard about PCOS(my sister in law has it) and i looked in to it, i thought maybe i have it, cuz i had really heavy irregular periods and painful, i have excess hair, i have no energy, tired dizzy, lossing hair from my head, lose of memory,lose of weight down to 108lbs, you name it i had, I THOUGHT FOR SURE I HAVE PCOS,so i went to my doctor and told her about everything thats been happening to me,to make a long story short i don’t have PCOS but the doctor found a cyst on my ovary, and that i am anemic that explains why i am tired dizzy all the time, so she sent me to a specialist to see if he can help me out more, all he gave me was YAZ to help with my anemia and my periods reduce my cyst and he said it help reduce the hair on my face! I HOPE SO??
My question is if i decide to do lazer again can i do it while i am taken YAZ??? or will the hair just come back after i stop YAZ???
AND DOES YAZ REALLY WORK? i haven’t started it yet
Go for electrolysis rather than laser this time Other than that, talk to your doctors and specialists, they should be able to advise you about Yaz. On the other hand, some people complain of hair loss, and others complain that they grow more hair while on the drug. That’s because it’s all a matter of hormones and how they react together. You can’t be sure what will happen, but you can have electrolysis while you’re on yaz… goodluck
Laser doesn’t work on hair that’s not coarse and dense. You need electrolysis for most facial hair.
I would recommend for you to see an endocrinologist as well. A regular doctor doesn’t necessarily know how to spot hormonal issues properly. So I would just make sure.
Any change in hormones can affect hair growth. You can be on birth control when doing laser or electrolysis. You just have to realize that laser and electrolysis only kill hair that’s currently there. They can’t prevent new growth. So you should treat any potential issues causing the growth in the first place.
i had a bounch of blood test done when i asked my doctor to test me for PCOS becuz i had heavy irregular painful periods and excess hair grown (unwanted hair) the hair on my head is falling out (use to have thick curly long pretty hair) loss alot of weight 25lbs (5’3" and weight 107) in 6 month even though i wasn’t trying nothing changed in my eating or life style, so i had the hormone test done she said it was normal, i had my iron tested she said it was normal, i dont remeber all the other test that i did but there was alot, i also got an ultrasound test done twice, they found a cyst on my left ovary, and i found out i was anemic, but what confused me was what my family doctor said she siad “THE WHOLE PICTURE LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE PCOS”, even though my hormones were fine, so she sent me to do another blood test called PRL thats when she decided to send me to a specialist and that she is going to send my file over to him so i didn;t get the result of the PRL test.
when my appointment came the specialist said that my doctor didn’t send my file so i just told him what my family doctor told me, he said he doesn’t think i have PCOS, and that YAZ will help with everything, so still confused about what my family doctor saying she thinks i do have PCOS and then the specailist saying HE doesn’t think i have PCOS, i decided to called my family doctor to book another appointment just to make sure everything was ok and that there wasn;t anything we missed (BUT SHE IS ON VACATION) so now i am waiting till she comes back.
THE one question that i have is if i don’t have PCOS and i did lazer why did the hair or NEW hair come back??? is my body just sensitive to any chances??? NOTE: i have thick dark hair on my lower helf of my face and thats the helf that didn’t go away with lazer
Do you need to go through your family doctor? Can you bypass them, do some research on the best endocrinologists in your area, and make an appt with them directly? It would be great for you to get an unbiased opinion without putting something in their head first.
I don’t know what you consdier “thick and dark”. It’s subjective. Can you post a photo? The type of hair that laser works on is the type you have on underarms and bikini, i.e. that leaves a shadow after it’s shaved. Very coarse. How many tratments did you have? What type of laser?
i can send u a pic but how do i send it just to you i don;t want everyone else to see it? right now i have dark shadows i cover it up with thick make up, and i am always tweezing and waxing my face so this pic might not help as much
You can upload a photo to image shack or photobucket, then send LAgirl a private message with the link.
i need help to send the pic i am new to this site, LAgirl can i just email to you through hotmail
LAgirl i think it work check your msg box plz
i was just wondering females with PCOS only take birth control,
that reason i am asking cuz if that is the med they use i shouldn’t have a problem if i do have PCOS cuz i am already taking yaz,
the only problem i have now is quiting smoking i am trying my best cuz i read i shouldn’t smoke while i am on Yaz…
They often take Yaz or similar BCP, and it is also very common for them to augment this with spiro (a huge help) and change their diet and other things. A birth control pill by itself is kind of hit-or-miss with regards to suppressing the symptoms (sometimes it even makes them worse). So yeah, being on Yaz isn’t a guarantee that you won’t have symptoms.
Humans should not smoke while breathing either
Some people find that taking 2,000 mg of tyrosine and 2,000 of Taurine helps them quit smoking, as it helps reduce cravings, and keeps them from over eating while quitting.
Do read Julia Ross’ “The Diet Cure” as it has many great tips on settling a woman’s hormonal system gone wrong. Don’t let the title fool you. It is not about losing 50 pounds in 5 days.
so if i take Yaz with spiro do i have to get a doctor to give me spico, or is it something i can buy with out a doctor? does aldactone contain spico?
i don’t have a problem with losing weight i am very skinny i can’t seem to gain, i wouldn’t mind gaining a bit, maybe its just me being anemic or smoking thats keeping me so skinny, but i am slowly cutting down on smoking, i hope i have enough will powder to quit plus my husband and i are planniing to have a 3rd child in the near future so i have to try my best.