My galvanic electrolysis problem- help

Hello All,
I have been desperate to get rid of body hair. I procured a few needles after years of waiting and finally built my setup. Just to try it, I tried removing a few hair on my leg.

  1. I successfully removed one hair- The site marked in green.

  2. I developed black marked sites under the skin- The sites marked in red.

  3. white residue on the leg- salt residue from the sponge.

What have I done wrong?
What are these marks.
Will they fade? How long will they take to fade?

They appear to be hyperpigmntation. Thjis is your body’s response to inflamation caused by the electrolysis. Dont worry, it always fades comppletely, it may however take some time. Those with slightly tan or olive complexions are more prone to hyperpigmentation.
In all, nothing to worry about, but take tyour time with the insertions. It’s possible you could also have punctured a follicle wall or gone too deep through the bottom of the follicle. The best way to tellis to take a depth guide.Take 1 hair first and treat with your galvanic currnt. Dont pluck the hair immediately give the lye time to work, then when you do remove the hair grasp it near the base of the hair and withdraw it carefully. Now under magnification measure the length of the hair from tweezers to root in comparison to your probe. You now have a handy guide to know exactly how deep you should be inserting the probe.