My electrolysis

I know that it’s not an expensive treatment on its own, but I am already spending a lot of money on electrolysis. I just can’t afford to pay more at the moment.

I’d go for lasing the underarms and finish up the fine ducky hairs that will remain, with electrolysis, which can be accomplished quick like a bunny. Hardly any effort is required for that final push with electrolysis to get every hair removed on the underarms.

Logging your personal experiences here has been great. It’s fun to go back to the beginning and see where you started and see your progression.


I totally agree Dee! I think it’s really good to go back and see where you started. I think that the progression is amazing considering that I started approx. 4 months ago.

26th treatment. 1hr on the upper lip and sides.

27th treatment. 1hr on upper/lower lip, sides and cheeks.

This is the second week that I visit the clinic once a week, instead of twice. At this point 1hr per week is more than enough.

Another benchmark has been reached. Yipee!

The most sessions I have had to work on a person who was having several areas done and who was very, very hairy was 42. Most multi-area cases ae finished by the upper 20’s and mid 30 session if they are getting cleared every single time.

You are on the right track for sure.


Hmmm, this thing might actually be working. :grin:

hello encontacto I need someone who understands well the UC2-DE Hinkel.

28th treatment. 1hr on the whole face (upper/lower lip, cheeks, sides, chin).

This thing is working very very well James! My electrologist noticed that I need less and less time. In one hour she cleared everything and she actually spent some time searching for hair.

After 28 treatments I can definitely say that I am on the right track Dee! Although I am not too hairy, I am doing large areas on the face and body. Even on the day of the treatment my hair are not bothersome. What I am trying to say is that even when I have hair, they are not as annoying as they used to be. Also, I can’t see any damage on my skin. My skin looks better than ever, as I don’t have ingrowns, pimples and discolourations as I used to have. Simply awesome!

You’re doing fine there kido. Your Electrologist is a keeper.

29th treatment. Full face, although my electrologist spent most of the time on the upper and lower lip.

Rivaner, which has the name of your machine Electrologica? and I am glad your progress, CONGRATULATIONS!

30th treatment. 1hr on the upper lip, cheeks and sides. A bit disappointed today because a few coarse hair reappeared, but I just remembered and followed your advice Dee.

I am sorry! I don’t know the name of the machine. It is quite old though. I wish the clinic had a better machine, because my electrologist rocks.

31st treatment. 1hr on the abdomen, nipples.

I’ve noticed that when the electrologist pulls out the hair, the root is either black or white. Is there a difference?

One has pigment (melanin/color) and the other doesn’t.
A white root can be a growing hair and a black root can be a growing hair. A white root can be a non-growing hair as well and looks like a small, hard, dry ball of protein (keratin) that can be very resistant wafter it is treated and then lifted out of the follicle.

32nd treatment. 50min on the sides, cheeks and upper lip.

Today I had a different electrologist because my usual ones are on holidays. Not happy with the treatment. Firstly, we started 10min late, so I asked her if I was going to have an hour or less. She said an hour, but in the end I got only 50min. At least, she charged me less.

Secondly, before starting, she asked me “What can I do for you today?”. I said “Do the cheeks and the sides”. She started doing the upper lip!!!

Thirdly, she was too slow and spent a lot of time searching for hair. I can still see quite a lot of them. They are very fine, but visible.

Quality magnification and proper positioning of the light and client would cure all that time wasted searching for hairs.

33rd treatment. 1hr on the whole face. Very excited with the progress. Next week I am going to start doing my eyebrows. My electrologist said that bruising is possible in this area. However, she also said that my skin reacts very well, so hopefully I won’t experience bruising.

Glad things are going so well for you, its always nice to here a upbeat post. Hope treatments continue to be successful!!

Yes, the eyebrows can be bruised easily because of all the little tiny networks of capilaries that one can almost see under the skin, on some people. Insertions have got to be made oh so carefully and again, this is an area where an electrologist truly appreciates her/his vision equipment along with the correct size probe. Pressure for a couple of minutes and ice will minimize the bruise and it will fade quickly, but one has to react quick like a bunny at the first sign of a bruise.