Geez redhead, here you go again. I had to go back and read my posts again. I can’t figure out your comment about electrolysis being “sold” on the laser forum. How did you make that leap from what I said? Are you saying that I should not comment about laser because I am an electrologist? I repeated facts, not opinions, about the FDA’s position on laser as well as misinformation reported in “Patient Care”. Why shouldn’t the consumer be privey to this information? Maybe you should direct your anger at the FDA and present clinical studies to them to support what you know to be true. When they change their position,I will change my answer.
As far as your last comment goes about doctors,did it ever occur to you that doctors don’t have the time to read let alone to add comment, whether it be the electrolysis forum or any other forum here? What a joke! Most doctors barely care about unwanted hair. Laser techs or doctors aren’t “interrrupting” the electrolysis forum because they know electrolysis has worked for 130 years and is safe in the long run. Time is proof. They’re too preoccupied with perfecting laser and it will be great if they do!
Did it ever cross your mind that this forum, being that it exists for the consumer, is looking for any and all facts, thoughts, opinions people have about their hair removal solutions? They are not picky about who gives advice or comment. ST240 probably learned something from dfahey and redhead. I’m confident that ST240 will decide what his options are, based on comments from whoever wants to respond. And redhead, I will respond whenever and wherever I please.
I’m very serious about one thing: why don’t you make it your personal hobby to push the FDA toward changing the language of their position statement. If laser has offered you permanency, maybe they should know that and take YOU as evidence toward declaring that laser is for permanent hair removal, not permanent hair reduction.
When someone asks about permanent hair removal, they will get a truthful answer from me- electrolysis. When someone asks about permanent hair reduction, that would be laser. May the consumer decide what is best for them personally based on ALL the information.
I think like Balius, there is need for both and I have recommended both options to my clients, in some cases. Thanks, Balius for your polite input. It was very helpful.