LHR Diary - on med girl!

Hi Smurf
Yes it is going well. Bikini seen an amazing improvement. Legs are good too but not as good as bikini but hair there is not as course as the bikini. But maybe after this 5th session on legs I will see an even better improvement. I am doing all upper thighs (all sides) and lower legs from knee down to just past my calfs(all sides). I am having the treatments done at Clairmont Hospital - Laser Clinic in Sheffield. She has treated me with really fair prices too especially on the legs (£100 each time!). hope this info helps.thanks :slight_smile:

hi guys just to update on laser progress. I havent had any laser done on body since May time. 5 sessions in total on full legs and 6 on bikini. Bikini seen brill results - so glad I had it done and wish this had been available yeaRS ago! legs good too, just some darker growth on the inside of upper legs and round the backs which could do with another session really and maybe another session on lower legs. but honestly at this moment in time I am not desperate to have them done and I have seen fairly good results with at least 60% reduction and well over 80% on bikini. Would like another session on arms pretty soon though now my tan is fading which would be my 2nd session, saw good results from 1st session. would also like another session on lower back so keep you posted. thanks

Hi I’m based up north and using lightsheer 20j. Full legs and bikini and stomach area. Had 2 sessions so far and have very itchy legs. Where have you had electrolysis? Because I’m considering that for chin area and upper lip as have very fine hair. Also on stomach area very find hair so believe won’t make a difference with laser. I’ve paid for 6. Sessions already.

Thanks for the update Leo! Everything sounds good. Soon, we’ll need your story in the Success Stories thread :slight_smile:

Hi MissJH, sorry for late response… alot going on and havent been on for a while… anyway my new electrolysist is in Barnsley - Essentials Beauty Salon, Wombwell area. Lady who treats me is Jenny. She is great would defo recommend her.

Are u saying that u have had 6 sessions of laser on your belly area with laser and it hasnt worked?

I have had third treatment on belly area 30j redness gone in 3 hours . 40% reduction but very very fine hair. I’ve attempted brazillian 3 times bur back out after a couple of zaps. But on tuesday will go for it. Had third treatment on whole legs 23j. Lightsheer great so far

Hi Where do you have yr laser treatment done in the north? I had mine done in Sheffield.

We don’t recommend treating at anything below 25J on LightSheer if you want to kill the hair permanently.

If the bikini area hurts too much, you can use a numbing cream.

I had min done in Manchester private clinic Harley medical. They are really good there. Getting stomach, full legs, full bikini and Lower back ( even though that doesn’t bother me as very fine hair) also underarms. Paid for 6 sessions upfront. Going on Monday for full bikini and this time I’m going to best the pain at 20 joules lightsheer. I’m getting my underarms done. Had full legs, lower back and stomach done at 30j. Slight irritation on back bug redness gone on stomach and legs after few hours

La girl. Where do I buy numbing cream? I’m Asian, I’m not too sure what skin type I am. I will try 40j whole legs, 30j bikini line and underarms? 40 j stomach and lower back area next time. I’ll go for 25j whole bikini area… I had that area done at 20j today. Thicker hair so will work? How far should I space my treatments? Thanks

I’m skin type 3.

Numbing cream is usually only available with a prescription. They should have a doctor on staff who can prescribe it.

20J is too low in my opinion.

Also, you shouldn’t treat fine hair. It won’t be affected and has a chance of becoming WORSE after laser.

Treatments on this area should be spaced 8-12 weeks apart (closer to 12 for the legs since they have long hair cycles). But you should be able to tell this yourself, i.e. you should see all treated hair shed each time and only need to come in once there is enough NEW hair growing in.

had 6th treatment of laser on both thighs last Thursday. Havent had laser in a year due to tanning on summer holidays last year. It was a new clinic I went to only because i had a big discount due to having vouchers! it was an Apogee laser again and the setting was at 40 pulse 21 joules. therapist tested me on 19 20 and 21 joules 3 days earlier so she went on 21. and I had to push for those settings she wanted to go lower! barely hurt at 21joules. so prob wont get a good reduction :frowning: could smell the burning smell though. keep u posted over the next few weeks.

I had third laser treatment on lower back area on 24 joules yesterday. let u know how shedding goes :slight_smile: havent been for year. went back to my normal therapist… she is great :slight_smile: and feel very comfortable with her - keep u posted

Thanks for keeping up with the updates!