Legitimate electrolysis machines on eBay part 3

The Apilus is much more awesome, and it even has factory pre-sets that will make treatment energy selection for work on your wife easy. The pre-sets will be a joke when working on your man hairs, but at least they will be a starting point to work up or (yeah right) work down from.

The problem is this machine is really a budget buster from what your stated budget is set to be.

As for the level of awesomeness that is the Apilus Senior II, this model has all the software upgrades, that make it equal to the SX-500 except it doesn’t have the built in printer. That makes it only one step down from the Apilus Platinum Pure, which also doesn’t have a printer.

Your home unit would be one to two steps down from the best you could possibly have. Yes, that would mean your home set up could be better than many professionals have in their offices.

Is all that worth throwing the pre-selected budget out the window? Only you can decide that. The UC-1 could get the job done, but you would be best off having it delivered directly from the ebay auction to someone who could do the work of makeing sure it was ready to be used, and sending it on to you.

Of course, the difference between the two is like comparing a Ford Festiva to an Acura RL

Wow, that’s a great price on the Apilus Senior II unit. If I were trained and licensed, I’d snap it up in an instant.

How’s this one look?

It looks like it has everything. It is a good deal for a home user or student just starting out.

Another nice set up this week is the Apilus junior with a dry heat sterilizer.

Anyone who can make the trip to Brunswick Georgia can score the beat all of electrolysis deals! Here is a full electrolysis turn key business for sale, no reserve auction! Looks like it will all go cheap, due to the LOCAL PICK-UP ONLY rule.

Priced for professionals only, a Clarablend Ultrablend Machine

And for our UK friends this Sterex in Cheshire UK

I know this is an ebay forum, but how’s this one on Amazon. It doesn’t really have details, not even if it’s a blend or just thermolysis, but if you’re familiar with it let me know. I trust amazon’s customer service.

That would be one of our favorite scammers looking to steal your $400 in exchange for a radio shack science box that you could build at home with better insides for less than $100, but it looks enough like the real thing that you don’t know it is baloney until you get it home and feel how chintzy it is. Oh, yes, and it breaks on you in the first 30 days.

Stick to the names we have listed on this thread. If it is not listed here, DON’T BUY IT! or buy it and don’t say we did not warn you.

That’s why I asked! Thanks for the info!

The prices on this unit seem a little high to me, but it is a great machine. The Apilus SM-500

It looks like the seller of that SM-500 had a deadbead bidder and to relist it. A shame for the seller, $2400 was a great deal for him!

It is back, starting at $1700

Here’s an Apilus Platinum on eBay. Bidding starts at $5000, and ends February 14, Valentine’s Day at 9:47 Pacific Time:

This is a first. I wonder why it is being sold.

Actually, we have had a few Platinums and Pure’s come up on Ebay over the years, never more than one or two a year so far. The average reason for sale is either the business is no more, a salon bought it and they don’t have anyone to run it, or the electrolysis practitioner is overwhelmed by the idea of learning how to use it.

I was shocked to see this Platinum priced below a new retail Apilus Senior II. I wish I could buy this and trade it to my electrologist for my next several months of treatments, but I think she’s very familiar and comfortable with her Senior II, and it still looks brand new.

That’s funny, I know practitioners who would give you free treatments for life if you bought them an Apilus Platinum. The money the would make on people who book longer appointments alone would make up for your treatment time.

In other news, I simply have to follow up on this one, some lucky HairTell reader scored big time here. For only $900 and a drive to Georgia, this person snapped up







Bassically, the paid for the Apilus Junior and got the rest for free!

A Gentronics MNG and blend machine starting at $569. Includes the Gior book and Hinkel’s book and a few other accessories.

It appears to have an air desensitizer cord as well? Looks that way to me. A multiple needle rack is not pictured. If it is not included, then the multiple needle mode is not an option, unless you call Jim Jenson at Bodyworks and order one. May want to ask Jim if he could take a look at the unit to make sure all is working well.

This unit would be great for a do-it-yourselfer and the price is okay.

A.R. Hinkel UC-3 Electro-Blend Epilator Electrolysis Machine

With all accessories including new ones!

It also has the air desensitizer option as well. The MNG above machine does as well.

Interestingly enough, as mentioned in some literature included with the unit, does screwing down a needlecap without a needle really decrease the life of the needlecord? Mine have all worn out on the end where the wire meets the body of the needleholder, never had a problem with the jaws inside.

Drum roll please…

The Apilus Platinum makes a rare appearance on eBay. Bidding starts at $5000

An Apilus Junior and Senior as well. At a fantastic price. I think I’m going to lay down and have a good cry now.