Here’s my experience, please note I have had microflash and picflash only on my face, above the jawline. I have only had microflash on the body, and I have had no swelling on the body.
Picoflash tends to be less painful and produces less wear and tear on the skin (less scabbing, less lasting redness) versus microflash (which is why it is an improvement over microflash.)
I find either microflash or picoflash more comfortable compared to blend; micro and pico are a fast zap, as opposed to seconds of a dual burn/sting sensation, and microflash and picoflash are much faster than blend (of course there are times where using blend might be advantageous, and your electrologist can do great work with blend.)
Both picoflash and microflash were effective and I was pleased with both, and I can’t really say one was more or less effective.
This is not a scientific test of course, and there were plenty of other variables I did notice picoflash produced more swelling in areas vulnerable to swelling (upper lip especially)
than microflash (but again the skin looked much better afterward.) I don’t know why there was more swelling, certainly might be other factors, but others might be able to offer some insight.