Someone in my area is selling an Apilus Electropil for $850. Is anyone familiar with this machine? I haven’t really been able to find any info about it online and I don’t know if it’s a worthy purchase or not. Thanks!
A picture would be nice then, as this could be one of the machines Apilus is no longer making, or it could be what we call The Apilus Senior One. (as opposed to the more common Apilus Senior II/ Apilus Senior Two)
If it is in New York, and was purchased in the United States, I would say that it is more likely the discontinued model, but without a picture it would be almost impossible to tell.
If it is the older one, it is much like a Fischer CB-X
My Apilus SM-500 is also labeled “Electropil” (on the machine and the original manual.) I assumed it was their name used for their “original?” line (Senior I, Junior non-plus, SM-500 as opposed to the newer SX-500)?
For the person who really wants to get a bargan, buy this, and send it to Texas Electrolysis Supply for a full check out and reconditioning if needed. Silhouet-Tone Figure-1 70’s Blend Machine
Thanks for the heads-up on the Hinkel machine, I might pick that up for a friend.
I have never heard of the electroblend machines, know who made those?
The Silhouet-Tone machine looks interesting. With all those black and red outputs on the bottom, was it intended for multiple needle galvanic, or for use by multiple electrologists at the same time?
Who ever buys the Kree, had better get it to Texas Electrolysis Supply fast for reconditioning. it will become even harder to find the vaccuum tubes for those after february 2009.
As for the Electropil Electrolysis Machines, they were made by this company called Dectronique, which was purchased and renamed Dectro International, which is now known as Dectro/Apilus. They came a long way, eh, baby?
Why are vacuum tubes going to be harder to find after Feb 2009? Something to do with the DT transition?
Of course, my Apilus is branded “Electropil”, I didn’t realize they were one and the same, guess they reused the name later. Did all the epilators in the 70s had those graphic equalizer slider type controls instead of knobs?
Yes, once the DT transition is complete, there will be even less demand for that technology, and the production will reduce even more. As it is, Texas Electrolysis Supply has to get the Tubes from outside the country to fix these now. After the Government outlaws analogue TV, the price for these tubes can only go up, and the supply of them can only go down.
Wow, what a neat find on eBay. Two vintage Instantron machines starting at $50 for both. One is a Tronco (check out the unusual Instantron logo on the front), not sure about the other one. One is from 1965, the other is maybe from the 70s?
They are old but might be useful for two people planning on learning how to perform electrolysis on each other, or for a collector of old epilators.
Here is one that is near and dear to my heart, an Instantron Elite. The buy it now is a bit high, I bought mine for about $100 less and it came with everything. As always, the accessories are available at TES.
eBay is awash in electrolysis machines this month! Here is one that might be too expensive for a home user, but might be a great deal for a pro. An Apilus Senior II (with MMPAC) for $1000.
I wonder about one thing. He says none of the attachments are included, but you can see at least one needleholder and two electrode cords clearly (and correctly) plugged into the front.
There should be two probe holder cords (black thin cordswith a circular end with a push button click connector)with white screw caps on the tops of the probe holders. One red cord and one black cord with banana cord ends, an electrode roller (that attatches to the black banana cord) and a metal bar (that plugs into the red banana cord) and a computer style power cord.
If these are not actually shipped with the machine, it will cost about $150 to $200 to repurchase these items at retail. Of course, if you can find extras from electrologists who are liquidating stock, one can same big. The only thing I would avoid purchasing new would be the probe holders, as they tend to break from use, and one would be better off with a new one even if one is included in this package.
For an idea of what all this would look like, check out this ad, where seller has everything, including the original manuals!