Laser hair stimulation

Hey guys so far I have had 4 hours of electrolysis on my face, under neck and chin, and my hair has been reduced a lot it’s only been a month, after thermolysis we switched to the blend this week, as it worked best with my skin.

My electrolysis says the hair will grow back eventually but finer and finer until it’s gone, which is confusing as reading on this forum apparently the hair doesn’t come back once it’s “shot dead” lol ? I understand the hair growth cycle and I know it’s a slow process? Can anyone explain

Oh yeh second question I bought some rosehip oil how long shall wait after a electrolysis session to put this on???

I noticed that as well, some say 'once it’s “shot dead” , it won’t grow back" There seems to be conflicting opinions among the professionals.

It’s true that once a hair is completely killed that it will never come back. However, if a hair is undertreated, it may come back thinner later and have to be treated again.

Also, new hairs that are coming in from later hair cycles will start off thin (even if they were never treated) when they first start growing out and I think that confuses people and is often mistaken for the same hair coming in thinner because it’s hard to differentiate between new growth and regrowth.

I know it’s so confusing right, I don’t know what’s being said is right or wrong :-/

My electrolysis says the hair will grow back eventually but finer and finer until it’s gone, which is confusing as reading on this forum apparently the hair doesn’t come back once it’s “shot dead” lol ? I understand the hair growth cycle and I know it’s a slow process? Can anyone explain

Because a lot of times, it’s just faster and easier to say that it will grow back less and less until it’s gone rather than explain the concept of hair cycles to people. Even if that’s not really happening, it’s what visually “appears” to be happening (e.g. think of killing one hair and in the next cycle, another hair grows very close to where the first one was – it gives the appearance of hair coming back finer even if it’s just a different hair altogether). It’s frequently just easier to come up with an explanation for what people visually see, even if it’s not completely factual.

Thanks for that :slight_smile: have you personally experienced any of the same hairs coming back from treated areas?

Some electrologists use the “weaker and weaker” argument in lieu of explaining the hair growth cycle to people since a lot of people seem to have difficulty accepting that there are dormant hairs that are going to continue come in for months. I personally don’t condone them explaining it that way, but I can understand why they do it.

Others were simply taught the “weakening” ideology in school and don’t know any better themselves. A lot of electrologists were taught that you generally can’t kill a hair in a single zap unless it is in early anagen. There’s a ton of misinformation being taught out there.

if only they explained this like how you just explained it life would be so much easier instead of causing confusion :-), I said to my electrologist today quite a lot of hair has gone, she goes don’t worry they will come back i was like oh okay lol

exact to this date I started electrolysis 2 months ago, I CANNOT describe the confidence it is slowing bringing back to me, looking at some pictures prior to electrolysis I can already see a big reduction!! at work and uni I use to keep a distance from people, now I am slowly letting them come close to me whilst speaking and i am also trying different hairstyles instead of hiding behind my dull hair. I know it requires money x time, but it will soon be worth it and my skin will be glowing before I know it !!! I cannot praise this profession enough!! I am deeply saddened by some news I heard the other week regarding a young girl in my city who committed suicide after being bullied for her facial hair in school :frowning: They really should raise awareness of electrolysis in schools , makes me upset thinking about what this poor innocent girl had to go through

I’m glad you’re happy with your results but 2 months seems a very short time to notice results… …

I don’t think there are many school children who suffer from unwanted hair growth… I may be wrong but I think excessive hair growth happens when you get to the teenage years and beyond.
Bringing it up in school would only embarres the ‘maybe one’ who is affected… There’s plenty of information online of how to deal with unwanted hair.

I know I was expecting to see a mega difference after about 4 months, to make the job easier as my electrologist says my hair is very sparse and fine in comparison to what she has dealt with she’s fining the areas and Iv been going consistently an hour every week! Prior to this I was hiding behind scarfs and my long hair weighing me down, and I would experience extreme hair growth towards the ends of every month when I was having laser which has stopped since October . I also I had only two very coarse hairs on the neck treated in December during a consultation which haven’t come back hehe! So far things just seem to be getting better well I hope!

i agree with you, but it’s just a situation that’s overlooked at, living in the current society today doesn’t really help. I suppose she may have looked online for a solution but yet again she was 14 constraints such as cost, travel, family circumstances, condition may have made her feel hopeless in treating the problem :frowning: who knows…