Oh if I only found this forum sooner. Like many others on this site, I fell victim to the unscrupulous practices of laser hair removal practitioners. Let me begin by saying I live in New Jersey where you must have a doctor perform laser hair removal on you. In college, I came to a point I could no longer deal with my facial hair problems and turned to laser. I earned every dollar that went to laser, working hours and spent thousands of dollars which I would later find out would go to waste. I trusted my doctor. Her sympathy and understanding sold me. She said I’d get rid of my facial hair with between 4-8 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart. After a the second or third treatment I noticed the hairs were thicker, but I was in denial. I continued to get treatment from her, and she continued to provide it without any guidance nor concern for my condition. Her words, however, were kind and knowledge fair. I trusted her. When I realized that the laser she was providing was not working, I turned elsewhere. A friend had told me about a place in NYC that has an unlimited monthly package. They used a laser different than my doctor back at home. Another $3,000 of my hard earned money as a recent graduate with loans down the whole. The results were temporary on my face and I could not wait until the next month when I could get the next treatment just to be clear for a few weeks. After discontinuing laser at that place because I believed it was no longer worth the expense, the hair came back in full force. Ugh, the anguish I have dealt with over the past year. Thick hair all over my face. I bleached every two days. I was afraid to wax because the hairs came back horribly, thicker, and pimply. I was at a complete loss. I had anxiety and sleepless nights over my thick facial hair.
Thank god for the internet. In my search to find another laser hair removal practitioner to continue treatments on my face, I found this website. I learned that laser hair removal could stimulate growth on the face. Thank god for this. After serious, serious consideration, I decided to begin electrolysis. I wish I took a picture before I began, but the condition was unbearable for me and could not even get myself to take confront it by taking a picture. I began electrolysis with a very skilled electrologyst a little over a month ago. I have completed about eleven hours with a very skilled woman. I have not cleared my face yet, I expect this to take another 5-7 hours. With an extremely busy lifestyle, this is an incredible time commitment. I am thankful to have little regrowth in the areas she has cleared, however I know that I have a long way ahead. In fact after two clearances on the small area that my electrologyst started with, I have had no thick regrowth for the past month. Is this typical?
I am a south asian female with hereditary patterns of heavy hair everywhere. I just want to be able to get past this and be comfortable in my own skin. With almost $6000 down the drain, it is hard to believe anything will work. I won’t say I’m a believer yet, but I am starting to find some hope in electrolysis. I am not sure whether to explain my laser results on this post or not, but if you would like to read what I have to say, I am more than happy to discuss.
Thank you everyone on this website for sharing your stories and hopefully I contribute positively as well.