Was cold aloe vera applied immediately after? It looks par normal.
She applied witch hazel gel on the treated area, my next appointment is next monday for 45 minutes.
To answer your question about future growth, I woudn’t be very concerned with that. Basically, you will develop some new hairs later on, but it’s not like everything will grow in at once and you will need a full treatment from the start again. You’ll likely just see a hair develop here and there once in a while.
I dont mind going in to see my electrologsit couple times a year after finishing but if i have to go every month thats still too much visits since im getting a lot of areas done…
I have only seen Tina Marie at picnics this year. I have not removed a single hair off of her in the year 2009. Not bad for someone whose total hair count flipped the hair counter on my machine, eh?
Hi, just had another 45 minute treatment done on my sideburns,neck,and chin… she put aloe vera. the skin is looking good just really red from the treatment, and definately less hair, as she spent alot looking for hairs to treat!
I am male that has very dense facial hair on my chin. When i shave i still have the 5 oclock shadow of a goatee. I was wondering with electrolysis hair removal, is it possible for to treat the area so my goatee area becomes thinner? The area i want treated is about 6 to 7 sq inches. Would you have a rough estimate of how long that might take to treat?
Yes,indeed it is possible to treat this area with electrolysis so as to permanently remove selective hairs or permanently remove all hairs. It’s your choice. That’s what electrologists have been doing for over a 140 years. A rough estimate of ‘how long’ depends on a variety of skills and behaviors on your electrologist’s part and your part. You each have a role to play. This question is better left up to the electrologist that can actually see you, but a general guesstimate is 9-18 months. Appointments are longer and closer together in the first few months and then we have the luxury to spread out the appointments to every 4-6weeks and the appointments start to get shorter.
Get as many consultations and short treatment sessions as you can so you can compare speed, healing and sensation issues. Electrologists are all very different with their approach and the tools they use. Comparing all your local talent is an intelligent way to approach this because you will be with this person for about 9-18 months, depending on the area, and you will be spending a little of your hard earned money!
Today I had another 45 minute session on my face . We worked on my sideburns, chin,and neck. The area looks pretty red as of right now. The redness usually goes away with in a day, however it takes atleast two weeks or sometimes longer for my skin to heal 100% and return to it’s normal condition. That’s the only annoying thing about electrolysis, but it’s worth it if it means I will have a hair free face by next year this time around. I won’t post anymore pictures i think i have posted enough, I’m gonna wait till next year to post photos to show my results.
With the newer epilators, special thermolysis modes, good probe choice and skill, one does not have to wait this long to get totally back to normal. Aftercare figures into the equation as well.
See you next year!
Thanks Roma dear!
had another 45 treatment today, doing the whole face ( upper lip added) and I just had my first treatment on the nape of the neck!!! definatley need to do alot more treatments before i get a clearance on that area.!
I should note that im still only halfway through treatemnts I plan to remove all of the hair on the neck area.
Lovely work. Very dramatic visual outcome. Keep the area maintained as you move back to the neck area. Your electrologist is doing a fantastic job and you are so good to share your pictures with us, Roma.
My electrologist is using a setting of 15 (intensity) and 7 seconds for galvanic, and 2 seconds for thermolysis. At times, the intensity of procedure is uncomfortable, but for most part the pulling of hair is the most painful part of the procedure.
Does my electrologist need to increase the time/intensity on galvanic part of the treatment, and increase time on thermolysis to reduce the pain when hair is being pulled out? She is currentl working on my chest area, and hair is moderately thick. Please advise.
A correction to my previous post:
My electrologist is using a setting of 15 (intensity) and 7 seconds for galvanic, and the thermolysis is on for the full 7 seconds. This setting is for my chest.
For the moustache, she is working on a 12 intensity for 10 seconds using blend.
Do these settings seem reasonable?
As long as the hair slides out and the heals pretty well within a week, it’s a good setting.
Sorry. Left the word “skin” out of the sentence.
Thanks. Good to have confirmation on my settings.
today i had another 45 minute treatment, I’m doing my whole face, Im finally liking how my sideburns look they look natural and not i shaved them .
When people’s fears calm about how electrolysis works and they see what is possible with a good practitioner, they expand to other areas. It’s fun to be hopeful and then actually experience successfully moving forward in the right direction. Thanks for the update.