Horrible burns and hypopigmentation after laser hair removal. Help!

Approximately 4 months ago I had my 4th LHR session on my lower legs. I have done LHR many times before and never had a bad reaction. This was my fourth session at this clinic, but first session with this particular provider. I had missed a session in April 2020 due to covid, and postponed until late September because I knew I would be in the sun all summer. After she did the first leg I actually stopped her and asked for some Aloe because my leg was uncomfortable which I had never experienced before. She turned the settings down which she said she had increased from my last session, and then did the front of my second leg. It felt a little better during, but right after I knew something was wrong. I declined turning over to do the back of my legs. They were on FIRE!!! They reassured me that what I was experiencing was normal and the marks that were starting to show would not be permanent. I was honestly so uncomfortable at that point I just wanted to get home. I called a plastic surgeon I had been to for a different issue and she recommended that I sit in cool running water as long as I needed for things to stop burning. It took hours! Sleeping was awful for a few days. The marks eventually darkened to a dark brown, and then began to sort of crumble and flake off leaving white hypopigmented lesions everywhere that the laser had touched. I have seen multiple plastic surgeons and dermatologists and none have offered much hope. The most recent wants me to use Fraxel laser treatments and Latisse application daily. Each laser session is over $1000 and each bottle of the medication is $130 and lasts only days when using all over my legs. Can anyone with experience offer any advice??


time is the best medicine here. There’s another thread here that had a siilar issue if you search for hypopigmentation, I’ll see if I can dig it up for you there are a few suggestions there. I will just say, that if I ere that laser practitioner, I’d be ashamed. That’s terrible.

Look at this thread:



The only thing you can do other than try to recover is file an FDA form 3500. If you do it yourself it would be an FDA form 3500b, I believe. I’m on the list of healthcare professionals and am willing to file for you if you email me all the pertinent details. Make sure you have the name of the esthetician, and if you’re aware of any credentials. You also want to have the times and dates of each of your treatments, and the settings - I know most people don’t probably keep that, but you definitely want to know what dose you’re receiving.

As far as getting in the sun, I wouldn’t recommend that not because I’m a doctor, but because any exposure to any UV in your condition makes you more susceptible to damage. The guy who told you to get Fraxel is out of his mind. This is a medical adverse event, and the only way to stop this from happening is by using the system.


From your pictures your legs were still tanned from the summer. That should have been addressed with safe settings using a 1064 yag laser.
I actually have seen worse burns on a client that came to see me after going laser being done at a plastic surgeons clinic. The clients full arms were blistered and resulted in severe hypopigmentation.
The only solution for this, is time and mild sun exposure to stimulate melanin production.
It will improve, but usually takes a year or more.
A good technician recognizes what is happening to skin.
I am really sorry this has happened to you. It will get better but that doesn’t make these results less serious.

Hi Lori. I offered to help you in November with this. We connected on November 24th. We are now in February. I do have emolients to help you get rid of this issue. I have helped people all over the world with this for over 20 years now. We are in NYC and you can stop by over the weekend, by appointment. If you do nothing, it will take 6-9 months to heal. Do not do any type of Fraxel or any other laser procedure. Within 2-3 months, you can get selective tanning on your legs and heal the area. We do not charge for help.


Hi Romeo,
Yes, I remember reaching out after reading about how you helped someone in a previous thread. Unfortunately, I am two hours from NYC and due to the pandemic have not been traveling at all. My husband also really wanted me to see the cosmetic dermatologist specialist at UCONN and it obviously took quite some time to get an appointment with him. It took 4 months for me to get an appointment with him. I am willing to try the ointment but I don’t know when I will be able to get to New York. I work full time and have three very young children. Could I possibly pay for the ointment and shipping fees and have them mailed to me?

Yes, I remember reaching out after reading about how you helped someone in a previous thread. Unfortunately, I am two hours from NYC and due to the pandemic have not been traveling at all. My husband also really wanted me to see the cosmetic dermatologist specialist at UCONN and it obviously took quite some time to get an appointment with him. It took 4 months for me to get an appointment with him. I am willing to try the ointment but I don’t know when I will be able to get to New York. I work full time and have three very young children. Could I possibly pay for the ointment and shipping fees and have them mailed to me?

Hi Lori. Its not just about the cream. There is a strict protocol to follow in order to get rid of this issue. For that, we have to see you and instruct you. Again, I am only trying to help. We are here everyday. We can help you take care of this issue. We are open every day.

And I am sorry but if you had to wait for months for an appointment only for someone to recommend FRAXEL on your legs, I would never go to see that Doctor again. Joyce’s advise is sound and I concur.


Ugh. Yes. This has been so frustrating with so few answers. I wanted to trust the medical professionals, and I did do one session of the Fraxel treatment. He said it could take 6-10 sessions. It has been about 2 weeks and I am waiting for the dead skin to shed, but it doesn’t seem to have made much of a difference. The sun exposure makes more sense to me than the laser. Can I come see you on Thursday? I am thinking I can probably take a vacation day if I can find a babysitter.

I hope the fraxel treatment did not do more damage. Fraxel is a no no on injured depigmented skin. Yes, Thursday is fine. You have our information. You can email us the time you plan to come in.

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I have no words - omg

This person came to visit us. We gave her a regimen ti follow. After 60 days she is cimpletely healed.

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Hello Watkinla,

How has your hypopigmentation healed since your last update?? How many months has it been? Please update us!!

Hello. Could you tell us what regimen you recommended to her?


Each person is different. First, we need to see pictures. The person in question came in, based on her situation, we gave her in house creams and by following our regimen, she was healed within 60 days.

Hi Romeo,
I had a client with the same issue. I need your help. How do I get your product?

Please update us with pictures! Did this cream of Romeo work out for you?